Chapter 987 The figure is moving, the trap ahead!

Chu Xiao had already thought very clearly in his heart at this time, and calmed down.

Now I don’t think so much anymore.

He just looked there, wanting to see what was inside.

Then we have to look at how we should deal with it here.

Apart from this, there will be no other ideas.

Because he knew that he really had no other way.

This has already happened, and it’s really hard to tell.

What will happen next, he is not sure.

He didn’t know if he could handle it.

These things, for him, they all need to be considered.

I don’t know how the opponent’s true strength is.

Then of course he wouldn’t think so much at this time.

If you think so much, you may also have a lot of trouble.

Obviously knowing that that guy is very strong, and thinking about it so much, it’s a bit bad.

For such a thing, now I don’t think about anything else.

So he calmed down.

After calming down, I also felt that this matter was a bit scary.

I also know how terrible that guy is.

In this way, it is still very dangerous for myself, and I am also 570-person.

Then no one can help himself.

All of this depends on oneself.

Then all the pressure is on him.

This matter is not easy!

Thinking of this, I also feel that this matter is very bad.

So with such an idea, I must be more careful than ever.

But there is really no way, I can only wait.

Standing in place, looking at the figure slowly emerging from the eye of the storm, I didn’t know what kind of guy it was.

He can only know that it is a big guy.

But if you look at it this way, you should be able to come out soon.

Then you will know what it is.

After thinking of this, I didn’t think about it so much.

What would happen to the rest of the matter, he didn’t worry about it anymore.

Knowing that this situation is still relatively bad.

But he can’t think too much.

So at this time, you must be more careful than anyone else.

Apart from this, there is really no good way.

This is the situation today, and I can no longer think about other things.

Because I think (bbbi) so much, maybe it’s a bit bad.

He already knew very well, so he didn’t think about the next thing.

After thinking of this, there is nothing else.

The whole development of the matter, I still feel a bit bad.

But although it’s bad, no one can help himself.

In this case, this matter really does not know how to solve it.

At this time, there is really no good way.

If it really can’t be solved, it seems that it can only be done like this.

Thinking of this, there is no other idea.

Knowing that this matter is terrible, and knowing that this situation is unacceptable.

But there is no way, it is still necessary.

Looking at it, I felt a little uncomfortable as a whole.

After Chu Xiao thought about it for a while, he also felt that it was really torturous.

Especially the guy inside also kept roaring.

Except for this, the ground will shake every time it falls.

That’s what it looks like, and it also puts pressure on myself invisibly.

After all, he knew the guy inside was very strong.

In that case, this matter is still pretty bad.

If it can’t be solved, it is really difficult.

And he is also very dangerous, he is quite clear.

But there is no way, this kind of thing still has to be accepted.

In that case, there is really no good way for him.

After thinking of this, I don’t know how to say it.

This development far exceeded my expectations.

In today’s situation, I don’t know what to say.

The matter is already like this, and there is no good way to solve it.

So we have already arrived here, so we can only be more careful.

Apart from this, there is no good way.

At this point, it really can only wait.

In any case, this matter can only be solved by oneself.

But he also knows that this is still more difficult.

And that guy also put a lot of pressure on himself, and it is still invisible!

Such a thing is the worst.

After thinking about this, there is really no good way.

It’s just that I’m more curious in my heart, I don’t know what this guardian beast is.

I can’t see it clearly now, so I know that things are still quite bad.

That way, just waiting here, the pressure is also great.

In my heart, I also feel that this kind of thing is really too uncomfortable.

But there is no way, now I still have to wait!

“What the hell is it?! There is such a power!’

There is also a secret sentence in Chu Xiao’s heart.

He already felt that this matter was very dangerous, and for himself, it was also a big challenge!

If you really can’t make it through, you may also die here.

He definitely didn’t want this kind of thing to happen.

So now that I think about it, I don’t think about it that much anymore.

Knowing this thing still has to stick to it.

No matter what, I have to deal with it.

No matter whether it can be accepted or not, I still have to try it when the time comes!

If you don’t try it, then this one will definitely not work.

After thinking of this, Chu Xiao has completely thought about it.

Knowing that this matter is not so easy to solve, and it will not be so simple.

Then, let’s see for yourself, what kind of guy it is.

If it can be solved, then he will definitely do his best!

Maybe, as long as this guy is solved, the trouble here will also be solved.

After thinking of this, I didn’t think about anything else.

He has completely thought about it, he must face this matter himself.

And he can’t do without here, he has tried it before.

So now he knows that he is in a canoe, and there is no way out!

Now he has no other way.

In this way, of course I know that no matter what, I have to face such a thing, and I have to solve it on my own!

If it can, of course it is best.

If it doesn’t work, it’s really dangerous, and he might die here.

This other person will do the same, and will be the same as himself!

The prerequisite is that there is a problem here, so this situation will happen.

So Chu Xiao, it must be because I don’t want this to happen!.

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