Chapter 996 The cultivation technique suppresses it, it’s too awkward!

Chu Xiao looked at Bai Ze on the opposite side, and he knew that this time there was nothing to do.

Moreover, the following battle cannot be avoided by any means.

Anyway, they are all going to fight, so of course he can’t persuade him at this time.

Things like this have been completely considered.

So what will happen in the end? Now I don’t have to think about it so much.

At this time, of course, there are no other ideas.

What should be done next, but he is still not sure.

But he knew that he must make a move next.

After all, there is no way to solve the matter here.

And he couldn’t figure out how to deal with that Bai Ze.

This matter is more difficult to accept.

The situation at this time, in his opinion, is still relatively bad.

And there is no way to solve it so quickly.

In this way, this matter is not a good thing.

It may become very dangerous next.

What will happen next, then there is no need to think about it so much now.

Anyway, this time has come, I still have to be more serious.

But nothing. After all, I also know that this kind of thing is inevitable.

And only if he solves this guy, he may be able to deal with the trouble here.

Otherwise, it may not be possible to solve these things.

Now that I think of this, I’m tightly facing Shirasawa on the opposite side.

For him, that guy is very strong.

Then be careful yourself, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

After thinking about this now, his face is also showing solemnity.

However, knowing the angle of the other party, of course you must be careful at this time.

This is of course ready.

Otherwise, it would not be like this.

Like the other person, he still looks very strong.

How to solve it is still not clear.

It’s just that, next I have to see if I can find a way to deal with it.

And he can’t present any danger in it.

Once that happens, several other people will also be threatened.

Of course, I don’t want to have such a thing.

Moreover, I have already thought about it, and now of course it is necessary to be more careful. He also has more defenses.

This development of the matter seemed acceptable to him.

So what is going on next, I don’t want to entangle so much now.

If you entangle so much, it will become a little bad after a while.

So of course it is impossible to think like this, there cannot be such a situation.

He has completely thought about the current situation.

So what will happen in the end, now I don’t want to worry about it anymore.

If you think about it too much, you may feel a little uncomfortable.

And I feel a little nervous in my heart.

The strength of that guy will definitely be terrifying.

Of course, I have to be more careful here than before.

Otherwise, it would be resolved all at once, which would be really shameful.

He didn’t want to have such a situation, nor did he want such a thing to happen.

According to this situation, there can be nothing else.

Thinking of this, the expression on his face also became serious.

In his heart, he didn’t think about anything else.

Because he knew that Bai Ze was looking at him.

At the same time, the color of greed in his eyes is even more intense.

However, after hearing what I said, it seemed that I was a little dissatisfied.

Then at this moment there was a roar, staring into his own eyes, there was a very strong murderous intent!

But it can’t hide that greed!

When Chu Xiao saw this scene, he also smiled.

Regarding this matter, he has completely adapted to it, and has no other thoughts.

Now I won’t think about that much anymore.

Because he also knows that if you think about it too much, it’s useless at all.

Then, it’s better not to think about it anymore.

This matter, I can only accept it.

Apart from this, there is really no other way.

In this situation, the other party seems to be about to do something to himself.

In Bai Ze’s eyes, there was also more intense greed.

After seeing this scene, he knew what would happen next.

It looks like it will definitely be a big battle!

For this, he can also be completely determined.

The other party wanted to eat himself, but he couldn’t give Bai Ze this opportunity.

Even if he can’t resist, he will still be eaten, and he won’t let the other party so easily.

I have already thought about it before.

So at this time, I definitely won’t hesitate so much here.

This idea has been completely determined.

After that, even if there are any problems, then they have to find a way to solve them.

If you can’t solve it, then find a way to make the other party lose a layer of skin.

He has completely thought about these things.

So what will happen in the future? There is no need to think about that much now.

The way things are, it is indeed put aside.

“.. Why haven’t you moved yet? What the hell are you doing,”?”

But after waiting for a while, Chu Xiao didn’t know why the other party hadn’t done anything yet.

In this way, it became a little strange.

As for what the situation is, he really doesn’t know.

If you can be clear, you don’t need to be confused at this time.

So when I thought of this, I didn’t think about it too much.

No matter what, just see when the other party will act.

I have already made preparations here, there is no other idea at all.

And I already have my own plan in my heart.

So next, I must wait for Bai Ze to do it.

In this way, there really won’t be any other thoughts.

According to this situation, it is indeed useless to think too much.

(Li Zhao’s) There is really no good solution here.

He hasn’t figured out how the other party is going to solve it.

It seems that we still have to look at the situation next.

Otherwise, you might be at a loss here.

If you don’t know how to solve it by then, if it is solved, that is really too aggrieved.

At this time, I don’t think so much about the situation now.

Things are already like this, you don’t have to think about it yourself, you can put it aside.

But at this moment, Bai Ze rushed towards him!

high speed!

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiao narrowed his eyes, he also knew it, it started!

Then, of course he wouldn’t have any hesitation, and he rushed out in an instant!

At this moment, he also knew that there should be no accidents this time, because it is about their life and death, so this battle is very important!

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