Chapter 999 Weaknesses are exposed, and there is a fierce attack!

Chu Xiao at this moment has a solemn expression on his face.

In this collision, he also felt a little strenuous in his hands.

Regarding such a thing, it is really not clear what should be said.

With such a situation, it is indeed still somewhat unacceptable.

But there is no way, this time the opponent is really difficult to solve.

Now that it has happened, there must be nothing to say.

It’s already this time, so there really is no need to think about other things.

Thinking of this, the expression on his face was a little relaxed.

Knowing that this kind of thing is inevitable.

I have been mentally prepared before.

However, in this collision, he also felt that the opponent’s strength was really strong, and it was too strong!

But there is no way, this kind of thing can’t be entangled too much.

No matter what, there is no need to think about other things in “Five Seven Three” now.

It is already this time, and there is nothing else to think about.

This development of the matter is really difficult to resolve.

No matter what, now it is necessary to be more careful than before.

Because it is very clear that if you are not careful, you may be resolved by yourself.

Then he definitely didn’t want to have such a situation.

So now that I think of this, it is completely thought of.

What will happen afterwards, now I don’t want to worry about it anymore.

Today, he also knows that the attack on his hand cannot be stopped!

This guy, he doesn’t want to take it lightly, he doesn’t want to get hurt here.

Because in that case, this matter will get worse.

Even if you want to get hurt, it’s not this time!

After thinking of this, I have completely thought about it, and then I will make another shot!

I don’t want to think about what will happen afterwards.

This is already here. As long as you are more serious, there will be no other problems.

Now that you think of this, you don’t have to think about other things.

No matter what will happen later, there is no need to worry about it now.

Because this guy is very strong.

In the following words, I must be more serious.

In any case, he can’t be taken lightly at this time, and he can’t be too careless.

The opponent is too strong.

In the previous collision, I made myself feel this.

So what will happen in the end? I don’t want to think about it too much now.

Anyway, if you encounter such a thing, you can only admit your fate.

What will happen to this guy, and whether he can solve it, is really unclear now.

But there is no way, this matter must be resolved by itself.

If it can’t be solved, then it will be solved by itself, and so will everyone else.

He doesn’t want to be so aggrieved, so, in any case, he will try it next!

And it is necessary to be more serious and find a way to deal with the other party.

Otherwise, he is too passive here, and it is very difficult.

In this way, there is nothing else to think about.

This is already the case, and there is no way to solve it so quickly.

This is the situation today, there is nothing to say.

In this case, there can be no other ideas.

He also felt acceptable to what the matter would develop into.

Anyway, the current situation is like this, it is still relatively bad.

So after thinking of this, I stopped thinking about other issues.

Because this is already the case, there will be no good way.

Even if there is a way, it cannot be done so quickly.

So at this time he still thinks very clearly.

So what will happen next, now I don’t have to think about it so much.

This is already the case, it’s useless to think so much.

No matter what, this kind of thing, I can only accept it frankly.

Otherwise, there would be no other good way.

After thinking of this, I won’t worry too much.

That’s the situation. If that’s the case, you really can only see what happens later, and whether there is any way to deal with it.

If there is, it must be the best.

If it doesn’t, then something might happen to yourself, and the same goes for other people.

Maybe they will all die here.

Chu Xiao did not deny this, because he also knew that this matter was also very possible.

So of course he can’t think so much, and he won’t have any other ideas.

This is also the case, and that is to be more careful.

No matter what, there shouldn’t be any big problems with this matter.

And he must not have an accident here.

If something happens to him, then other people will follow.

He wouldn’t think he was injured, and he could deal with this Bai Ze.

Therefore, he is now more careful than ever.

The battle at this time was still going on, and their collision, one after another, was completely undecided.

But in this collision, Chu Xiao could feel that he should still be able to deal with it, but it was not easy to deal with.

In this way, I think this kind of thing is still acceptable.

At least the other party is not able to suppress himself now, and there is nothing he can do if he doesn’t let himself.

That way, he can of course accept it, and then he can think of ways to solve it.

After having such an idea, there is no need to think about other things.

I already have such thoughts, and knowing such things, of course I feel pretty good.

And there won’t be any big problems.

In this case, this is acceptable, and there will be no other problems.

It seems that I still have to find a way.

And you can also see what kind of weakness the other party has.

These are to be discovered by yourself.

But in a short time, he knew that he might not have discovered it so quickly.

You won’t be able to get 1.8 cash out so quickly.

It will not be solved so quickly.

So he is also very clear that this kind of thing can not be distracted.

Now I don’t think about it so much, it’s already like this, and I don’t have to think about other things.

After thinking about it, there is nothing else to think about.

No matter what, there is no need to entangle this kind of thing.

After all, this kind of thing must be accepted.

Then at this time, it’s better to be more calm, and don’t have to worry too much.

If you think about it so much, it will make you feel a little bad.

In this way, it will become a little unacceptable.

Then he didn’t want to have such a situation, he didn’t want to have such a bad mood.

Because this will also distract yourself and may also cause major problems.

Now, it is true that there can be no such situation, no such thing can happen!

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