Fantasy game evolution

Fantasy Game Evolution Chapter 160

"..." Chris' face turned black for an instant, and her fist clenched again...

"Very well, I'm going to throw it out now. Oops!!!"

Without any accident, Ling Yan was knocked to the ground by Chris once again.

"That's enough," Ling Yan looked down at Ling Yan with a twitching expression, and Chris showed an almost completely angry expression: "Now Senior Jiu is about to retire, Tianyi can talk to all the holy relics. Resonance! And you can use the swan song without consumption! If I don't work hard! Wouldn't it be even more difficult to keep up with you?"

"..." Ling Yan was silent for a moment...

Because I don’t know why...Chrissy exploded out a bunch of explosive intelligence in various senses in a natural breath...

Zou is going to retire...?Tianyi can resonate with all the holy relics...?And... it can be used without consumption...!?

——Hey, what is going on?!I was just in a coma for three days!Could it be that the plot has collapsed!?

For a moment, faced with these inexplicable news, Ling Yan felt that his head was not enough!

I'm so sorry today, but I was taken by some bookmates from this stupid school to eat and drink.

Then I remembered that my birthday was coming soon-but I didn't want to-because the next day would be her birthday-

Gee, the smoke is gone again

Ask for collection and ticket~

The fifty-eighth sing I swear never to drink again-that is impossible!(Heavy fog)

After calming down a bit, Ling Yan could guess why Zou chose to retire... Maybe she also knew that she couldn't continue to hold on.I also hope that Yi should leave her sister, spread her wings and fly where she should go...

Although he has changed from two wings to flying solo... But I want to die with the noise even before I die... It must have remained unchanged.

As for why Tianyi can resonate with all the holy relics... if you think of her birth, then it won't feel strange.

After all, people can exist purely for the sake of music. In terms of music, it is definitely no problem for dozens of stupid human beings who have no musical cells in their eyes!

But... why does Tianyi want to touch those things directly?

Obviously so obedient children shouldn't choose to touch those dangerous things, right?!

Could it be--!!!

"Tsk..." Thinking of a possible Ling Yan smashed his tongue, he immediately got out of bed and was not even ready to change his clothes, so he was ready to go to the woman.

You must know that Tianyi chose to touch those things, and he didn't believe that he didn't have anything to do with that woman and killed him!

However, he was directly pulled by Chris: "Wait, your injury is not healed, where are you going?"

"Of course I went to see that silly boy Tianyi!"

"She's all right... Obviously she can't do anything with the swan song..." Looking at Ling Yan's anxious expression, Chris asked with some confusion: "Could it be that Zi's behavior is wrong?"

-Damn, it really is that woman!

After confirming his own thoughts, Ling Yan directly turned around and put his hands on Chris' body, and said seriously: "I don't deny that the holy relics can indeed deal with noise, but I can't deny that these things cannot make you more me. same."

"Listen to Chris, you and Tianyi are both my sisters. If it weren't for thinking that it is impossible for you to lay down your weapons, I would never choose to let you fight, including Tianyi."

"For me, I need to fight and it's enough for me, instead of relying on you..."

"You can treat this as the self-righteousness of an older brother, or a request from a straight man who didn't want to see his younger sister become her own with cancer at the time, so I don’t know why the child continued after she turned that way. Entering the battlefield on our side, of course, you are the same."

"...I, I know!" Listening to Ling Yan's words, Chrissy turned her head in a arrogant way and said: "I promise you to go, you stupid brother..."

Although she was speechless and wanted to refute Ling Yan's over-protection for herself... But when she thought of his experience and identity... As the future little angel and mascot, she directly understood Ling Yan's difficulties... …

Well, except for thinking that her combat effectiveness is very weak and bad thinking...

Therefore, the little angel of the future who had not been completely brainwashed by Fini faced the request of her only relative now, she finally chose to take Ling Yan to Sakuraizi and Tianyi...


However, at this time the little girl was walking happily on the neatly cleaned street, holding a handful of skewers in both hands, and almost ate them bite by bit.

Of course, no matter how slender and slender her fingers are, the number of skewers that can be grasped is limited, so she does not hesitate to use the magician to store hundreds of skewers, and when she is happy, she will pick a bunch of skewers and take a bite. aromatic.

After eating almost the skewers, she directly took out a box of takoyaki, and ate the ping pong ball-sized balls really drizzled with sauce, seaweed, and shredded squid.

Although this era belongs to the era of black technology, the place where I am now is at least Tokyo, which is almost the hometown of Hatsune's sister in the little girl’s memory. The catering industry here is also regarded as an anomaly in this dimension as his economy. It's just a small place, but it gathers the delicacies of various places, with the characteristic craftsmanship from hometown, all gathered in this nationally famous food street next to Lidian.

Of course, the price has always been high.

But for the little girl who is a relative of a state secret officer, plus the bosses of the business organization in this place like this little sister, by the way, because of her own charm, it is free for her to go almost everywhere. What's more, before Ling Yan went to the United States, she specially gave her the bank card that could be exchanged for a motorcycle class a day, and told her to eat until she was satisfied.

Of course, when she thinks of the older brother who is still lying in the hospital, she becomes a little angry, and the speed of stuffing octopus balls is also increasing...

Even with her IQ, she can guess that the brother who always likes to do all kinds of dangerous things alone is definitely going to do dangerous things in that nouveau riche country... But she can't stop it if she wants to stop it. ...

Just as the sister in her body said, she is too low-level now to do things.

However, she discovered before that she seemed to be able to use something called holy relic!

Although it was at the request of the elder sister who didn't want her to come into contact with her, even the green medicine that she had to inject was useless. I didn't expect that all the pieces could be used by themselves!

She is very happy and thinks she can finally help her brother!

As a result, when she just wanted to tell her brother who was going to return, she found out...that he was in the hospital again!

And this time he was in a coma for three days!More serious than those times!

This has led to the fact that the little girl is now depressed and chooses to eat together to vent... Even if she doesn't seem to be angry at all!

Sitting on the bench, the little girl asked her friend: "Xiaotian, do you think your brother likes to come back with a wound like this?"

"Ayan also said that Big Brother Longya often comes like this too."

"Tweet." The fox yelled, then took out a writing board like Ukulewood, and wrote on it: "He's just like that, he can't change it."

"Um..." With a helpless sigh, the little girl suddenly realized that she was a little greasy in her mouth and wanted to find some drinks to buy.

However, this is what made her somewhat familiar voice put a glass of iced drink in front of her and said:

"Here you are, sweet girl, look at the way you really need this."

Well, I swear I will never drink Laobai again!Still drink Jinlongquan!

I'm so sorry for the mistake yesterday!It's all my fault!Don't blame anyone!

Although no one can blame it-turn your head

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