Fantasy game evolution

Fantasy Game Evolution Chapter 206

It listened to the singing and looked down at this wasteland from above the sky, everywhere, but it seemed to want to convey something.

"I'm still in a rainy and mildew place where no one cares

With Yuyin~Singing songs with no audience~

The crowd is still scattered towards the destination aimlessly

Busy...doing nothing...continue..."

"Waiting for someone to tap my heart lightly

Even you~ just stopped for a moment and left...

Thinking maybe~ Who will meet me at the next intersection...

Even if it's only... a moment... a miracle..."

It is eager, hopeful, expectant, and helpless... It doesn't know what the existence of singing is, or what it is, but it can feel... that is like a pure soul like colored glaze!

"I'm still in a rainy and mildew place where no one cares~

With Yuyin~Singing songs that cannot be sold~

Floating people are also struggling and clinging to exist

Chasing... dreaming... continue~"

The lyrics began to change, and everyone who heard it felt a flame reignited in their hearts at this time. It was a new flame of hope for life!

"Please don't let me crawl alone in the rain of the end of the world~

Sing the song that witnessed the end with Yuyin~

People finally~find the end and stand still~

Weeping...begging...a miracle~"

At this moment, it finally found the singer, and it chose to start talking with the little girl.

"With these hands~ dial out the mutilated and stained string sound~

All concealed in the dripping rain curtain silently~

At the end of the song~ Will you respond to my heart sound~

Pick up your trembling hands~

Welcome everyone's ending~"

After the song was finished, the little princess-like girl began to respond [it] who always wanted to talk to her.

It is like a huge life consisting of the human consciousness of the entire world. The will of the ant colony sublimated from the ant nest cannot be observed, but it is real and unnecessary.

It is ubiquitous, chaotic and inexplicable, and the intertwined ideas of countless people constitute its existence.

Summing up this world's primate consciousness to achieve oneself, but also sleeping in the chaos because of the countless chaotic wills that make up oneself.

And now, under the stimulus of the disaster, it finally awakened, coming from all directions, above the sky, overlooking the last hope.

It's a pity that it's still a little bit close after all. It can't have a separate will like a cohesive creation god, because the creatures that make up it are as many as six billion.

The signs of disaster can only awaken it from ignorance, but cannot allow it to have a true "self" to interfere in this world that is gradually falling apart.

Therefore, it sighed sadly.

Until now, I met [the same kind] who can make it communicate, the last hope of this world!

That is a miracle created by all human beings, the subconscious sea of ​​all beings, some people call it...Alaya!

Although the little girl still didn't understand what it was, she only knew that she could help herself when she heard her own singing. For her, all this was enough.

Human beings are unwilling to perish, a subconscious collection of awakening from ignorance: Alaya.

After summing up the will of all mankind, the giant formed is a god created by the gathering of human hearts!

It grieves for the destruction it is about to usher in, although it has awakened from the chaos, although it already knows that the end for the destruction of mankind is coming.

But the human spirit has not yet produced itself, and can't even interfere in the world. It can do nothing about the coming apocalypse, and can only silently stare at the last place of hope for mankind.

For their own destruction, but also for the end of human civilization.

For its own sake and for the continuation of mankind, it keeps calling in vain, hoping that someone can listen to its voice and save the human beings who are welcoming the end, but in vain after all.

But now, it wandered blankly on this land, but it could only wait for its destruction.

So sigh, so expect.

But now, someone could finally hear its voice, and it responded with joy!

However, in response to this response, the little girl asked seriously: "Can you help me?"

There seemed to be an explosion in the void, and the young girl's soul wavelength rushed out of the body, turned into a sweeping wave, and spread unrestrictedly toward the sky until it merged with the entire soul sea.

It was as if a ditch combined the dry pond with the rough sea. In an instant, the sea of ​​souls gathered in the blue sky found a channel of communication, extended a torrent, and swept toward the little girl's body.

At that moment, there seemed to be countless people shouting in unison. The voices of old people, young people, men, and women gathered together and whispered in his ear:

Of course you can, but can you help me again?

At this time, pure and mighty firmness suddenly appeared in the little girl's weak body, and a firm response resounded from the void:

"of course!"

"Then, please."

In an instant, a miracle happened.

As if the sky was breaking and the seas bursting, the mighty torrent of souls gathered incredible power, rushing through the sky, and finally rushed into the little girl's body.

At that moment, she felt the warmth of returning to the time she was born, and closed her eyes and sang the song of hope again!

The girl named'Luo Tianyi' was insulated from the phenomenon of'destroy' from the beginning, and could not reach the true peak.

But... her real talent is not here.

What she has is the singing voice of the [collective] that is praised and worshipped in the infinite world, and the voice of prayer played by the pure white spirit.

Only with the whispering sound, it can reach the heavens and let the human will respond.

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