Fantasy game evolution

Fantasy Game Evolution Chapter 243

"Ahhh, let's work hard with each other." Facing this kind of social rhetoric, Keim shook hands with her symbolically, thinking about how to get along with this rigid woman. ?

However, Ling Yan found out that he seemed to be ignored?

But for him, that's fine-he doesn't have much love for his purpose anyway-don't worry.

It was at this time that Fiona suddenly asked a question that made Jike a little helpless: "Let me make sure that the three members are really not the members of the golden lock?"

"According to what I know, with the exception of Your Excellency Keim, which is related to the non-loss gold lock, the other two are nothing more than a non-loss gold lock transaction."

"Are they really members who don't lose the golden lock?"

"Hmm." Facing this question, no one else looked at Jike, thinking about how to answer it.

However, when faced with this kind of problem, Jike quickly replied: "No, Ms. Fiona, Keim and the other two are indeed not our members of the Golden Lock, but they are ours. The representative of the edge will never change."

However, from Fiona’s perspective, this answer is not a good answer: "The representative of the non-corruption of the golden lock is an irrelevant person who does not lose the golden lock?"

"In other words, your side has no plans to cooperate with us seriously, can I understand that?"

"No, no, I am here to help you wholeheartedly." Faced with this unexpected situation, Jike said with a smile: "You must know these three, but they are very special."

"very special?"

"Yes, it's very special." Jike suddenly started a serious and serious nonsense: "First of all, Keim is outside the organization, but he can order the members of the organization."

"Also, whenever there is trouble in prison, Keim is indeed the most trustworthy person."

"Furthermore, Keim knows the topography of the prison well, and he won't interfere with trivial things. When a fight is needed, he can even take the lives of others without hesitation."

"If you insist, it's the duty of a guerrilla captain. It's a great trust~"

"Then there are Mr. Ling Yan and Miss Himihu. The strength of the two of them can be known from the rumors. They are very strong-so strong that even if a few Keim play together, they are not their opponents."

"Thanks to them, the prison has been much quieter recently."

"Besides, did you see the scene yesterday? Miss Himihu has a unique ability--"

"In order to prove the sincerity of our side, I paid a lot of money to invite them over to help out-is it because I am not sincere?"

"Hmm." The female captain was silent for a while, and after a glance at the three people who didn't respond, she made a self-questioning and self-answering look: "That is to say, I don't plan to form a team with officials and officials. —Is it that way?" Then, she said in a somewhat domineering tone: "Although it is very similar to the practice in particularly disaster-affected areas, I am not incapable of understanding your position."

After thinking for a while, she stared at the three people who are about to cooperate with a serious expression: "Although it is understandable, we also need to estimate the face."

"So I hope that you can spare no effort to provide us with personnel support."

"Of course." Jike still unexpectedly said cheerfully: "Everyone is a good person."

However, in the face of this enthusiasm, Fiona remained stiff and did not move at all: "I also received instructions from Lucius, who is the director of the Epidemic Prevention Bureau, [to build a friendly cooperative relationship]."

"So, I hope we can become a relationship that can exchange information frankly."

Facing Fiona, Jick nodded with a sympathetic expression: "Ah, I think so too."

Then the conversation changed, and he smiled again and said: "Then, as to the specific search, it seems that I will leave it to the four professionals to discuss and make a decision."

"--Are you sure you don't care about something?" Ling Yan subconsciously said in the face of his unprepared attitude.

"A true gentleman who watches chess without speaking, the first generation taught me this way."

——No, you just don't want to touch these troublesome things at all.

"Then, the next thing is up to you~" He said in a pleasant tone to drive people away.

For Jike, it doesn't matter whether Kuroba was dissected or killed directly. Anyway, the guy didn't kill him, so why did he care?

In addition, now that Ling Yan and Meihu are here, he is not sure that he will not lose any of his subordinates, and the capture speed will definitely be much faster, and Fengqi is now convinced, he is almost idle now.

As for why rush people?Because he doesn't want his prostitution to interfere with business because of the appearance of Yukari~

It’s been hot this morning, and I almost had a heatstroke when I was hot-so I won’t go to the gym today, just make up~

Ask for collection and ticket~

Chapter 35: Fighting Between Women

"I didn't expect that meeting with the two would be on such an occasion."

After leaving Liliium, Fiona said to Himiko and Ling Yan: "I was planning to visit the two today, but I didn't expect to meet in advance.

"--" Faced with this situation, Ling Yan finally knew what the reason Hemihu said that Ling Yan was very similar to Keim... That was that he was not good at dealing with such stubborn guys, and he was still Stubborn guy in every sense!

However, seeing that Ling Yan did not react at all, Fiona asked some stern questions: "Although it is a period of cooperation, I still want to know, why on earth did you call my two subordinates like that?"

Speaking of this, there is already a certain amount of anger in her tone: "Because of your Excellency, they must now leave their positions and become ordinary people."

"Do you know what kind of harm this is to them?"

Regarding her two subordinates who have left the Epidemic Prevention Bureau due to their disability and returned home, Fiona can't say much about the first images of Ling Yan and Himiko. After all, although she knows her subordinate—it's definitely a bit bad The problem, even she is working hard to change...but it won't make them look like that!?

Although it is the period of cooperation, as the captain, she must seek justice for her subordinates!

——Why don’t you say what your subordinates are?

Faced with this kind of thing, even Keim silently vomited in his heart when he heard it. After all, he felt that the captain was too optimistic about her subordinates, or a little too short of protection.

After all, if he insisted on choosing one to believe in Ling Yan and Yusari twice, he would rather believe in Ling Yan than to believe in Yusari who was not well-known in prison.

After all, Ling Yan may seem scary, but he is the kind of person who can talk very well: the direct point is that as long as you don't stimulate him, he will never do it casually.

As for how to stimulate him?Are you going to ask if the golden lock is lost?They are the most experienced people-even though they are still lying in the hospital after paying the tuition.

However, Yukari's words are boring to say too much. After all, what kind of bird was like before, and it hasn't changed much now, even with a good new captain.

As for why they were beaten?It must be a reason like Bernard, and then stimulated a certain monster.

Therefore, Keim felt a bit too much for Fiona’s behavior, but he was not good at it: after all, compared to the nobles who are currently inadequate, Ling Yan has clearly stated that he is on the side of not eroding the golden lock and For people who know a lot of [things], he is not easy to offend no matter which side-after all, the leader who does not lose the golden lock trusts Ling Yan more, but he does not completely believe it.

Although the aristocracy is not as good as Lingyan, it is not the kind of relationship that you can give up if you give up. After all, although it is related to the upper-class aristocracy, it is now called Lu The Kius guys are more cooperative, aren't they?

Therefore, in terms of this, Kayim is very afraid that Ling Yan will turn Fione into the same fate as those two men!

However, with the words of Meihu holding him so hard, he should not be able to do it-although this woman is more difficult to handle than Ling Yan!

However, the plot in Keim’s mind hasn’t appeared yet. Facing Fiona’s question, Himiko responded directly: "Excuse me, Captain Himiko, your team members came to our house that day to visit us instead of you, yes. ?"

"That's right, right?" Although she was a little disgusted with the identity of Himiho, she nodded out of courtesy.

"So, after your subordinates went back, they told you that they must have said: They faced us very politely, and then they were beaten back there?"

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