About a quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chen successfully arrived at the battle area. The void turned dark red, and there was a huge crack in the sky, as if it was about to split the entire sky into two.

And in the middle of the huge crack, there was a crazily rushing river, from which a large amount of curse power overflowed, spreading in all directions.

Shrill roars continued to be heard, and several strange creatures appeared, but half of their bodies were trapped in the river of time, and they could not break free no matter how hard they struggled.

And at the top of the river of time, there are several figures fighting at this time. Three people are being besieged, one of them is the morning that they just met not long ago.

As for the other two people, they were a man and a woman. Their faces were very old, their bodies were stooped, and they couldn't feel a trace of life in their whole bodies.

If it weren't for the sparkle in the other person's eyes, Jiang Chen might have thought that these were just two corpses.

A quick glance.

This information about a man and a woman came into view.

It turned out that these two people were a couple, and they also had a relatively famous name in ancient times. They were called the Hunyuan Twin Saints by the world, and their combined attack was even more terrifying.

The people who besieged them in the early morning were the ancestors of the gods and demons. After locking the position of the early morning, they immediately started a mad pursuit.

But in the early morning, his vitality was too strong, and with the help of a girl with heavy pupils, he was in danger several times.

But the gods and demons never gave up. They were almost ready to succeed, but the Hunyuan Saints suddenly appeared again.

Fortunately, the opponent's strength has not recovered much. Although this change came a bit suddenly and disrupted the plans of the gods and demons, they were more happy.

After all, today's opponents are all in a weak state. If we can seize this opportunity to kill them, we can avoid a lot of unnecessary losses.

Heaven and earth wail.

The battle among the people became more and more intense. There were a total of six people from the two tribes of gods and demons, and now they were in full strength. It could be said that they fought without any scruples.

However, Hunyuan Shuangsheng and Ling Chen were relatively passive. They were basically injured, and the long battle produced huge consumption, which was somewhat unbearable.

The most important point is that the longer the river of time exists, the greater the impact they will receive, and now their bodies are wrapped in the power of the curse.

To know.

Logically speaking, people like them who have survived from ancient times are not tolerated by heaven and earth. Even if they are born, they must isolate their own aura to avoid being noticed by heaven.

Now exposed to the long river of time, they are no different than fireflies in the darkness. The power of the curse rushes towards their location as if it has found an outlet.

Other than that.

The thunder and calamity of heaven and earth also began to gather, and the dull sound of thunder kept echoing in the ears. The suppressed breath made it difficult to breathe, and the eyebrows of the Hunyuan twin saints were full of solemnity.

Their longevity is not much, and their current cultivation level has also dropped seriously. If they face the thunder disaster at this time, the tens of thousands of years of dormancy will be in vain.

Just then.

In the early morning, he suddenly looked at the Hunyuan Shuangsheng.

He opened his mouth and said, "Thank you both for your help, but the situation is critical now. You'd better leave as soon as possible. If we delay any longer, we will all die here."

"Hahaha, Brother Ling is joking. If you hadn't helped me, my husband and I wouldn't be alive now. How could I abandon you now?"

The old man's words were very firm. Although the risk of falling if he stayed was very high, he had no intention of backing down.

"Yes, we will definitely advance and retreat together with you. Even the gods can't kill us. These guys are just their hybrid descendants. There is nothing to be afraid of."

The old woman also expressed her attitude.

However, as soon as the old woman said these words, the ancestors of the gods and demons felt that their lungs were about to burst with anger. They had always been proud of their blood, but they did not expect to be called miscellaneous blood today.

This was a huge shame to both the gods and demons, and the murderous intention in their hearts rose to the extreme. Their attacks became more and more fierce, and their eyes became cold.

"A few ants dare to talk nonsense about God. Just stay here forever today. This is the best destination for you."

The ancestor of the Vulcan clan roared, then raised his hand and shook it into the void. The dark sky suddenly became extremely bright, and then nine suns appeared out of thin air.

Nine giant suns were suspended in the void, and then began to burn wildly. The scorching temperature rushed towards the face, and the ground began to melt under the high temperature.

"Nine Glory Burning Heaven."

The nine giant suns were connected together, and then began to spin crazily. A giant tornado immediately appeared, instantly wrapping the three people in the morning.

Trapped in the tornado, in addition to having to withstand the attack of the fire blade, they also had to withstand the terrifying heat. The three of them were instantly passive.

Ling Chen knew that he could not sit still and wait for death, so he immediately communicated with the female double pupil to find a way to break the situation.


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