Fantasy: Give opportunities and double the rewards!

Chapter 387 Seven Forbidden Ancient Sacred Bodies

After hearing the sound of water flowing in front of them, the two of them quickened their pace.

After a while.

A pool of water came into view.

There was a rock wall behind the pool, and there was a hole in the middle of the rock wall. Spring water kept gushing out of it and quickly flowed into the pool below.

The area of ​​the pool was about twenty feet. Although the water in the pool was extremely clear, the bottom of the pool could not be seen, and the temperature around was terribly low.

From time to time, mist overflowed from the pool.

After observing for a long time, Jiang Chen did not find any breath of ferocious beasts.

Logically speaking, in places with treasures, there should be ferocious beasts guarding them, but here, let alone ferocious beasts, there was not even a fish in the pool.

It was like a dead place.

Just as Jiang Chen was puzzled, a few leaves slowly drifted with the wind, and then fell into the pool in front of him.

Hmm? ? ?

Jiang Chen's eyes froze instantly, because the leaves sank directly as soon as they touched the water, and then began to freeze at a speed visible to the naked eye.

: "What a strange pool of water."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Hao couldn't help but say something, his expression was very solemn.

Jiang Chen quickly scanned the surroundings, but did not find any opportunities, and cast his eyes on the pool in front of him again.

[System, what's going on with this pool of water? ]

In order to ensure that everything is foolproof, Jiang Chen must have enough information, otherwise he may capsize in the ditch.


〈Host, this is Xuanyin cold water. In addition to being piercingly cold, this water cannot generate buoyancy.〉

Cannot generate buoyancy? ?

The system's explanation made Jiang Chen frown. After all, the opportunity was in the pool. If he could not overcome the predicament in front of him, he could only choose to leave.

At the same time.

Jiang Chen finally understood why there were no fierce beasts guarding here, mainly because this place was not suitable for survival.

Facing such a strange pool of water, even if there is an opportunity, there is nothing you can do, and there is no point in staying.

After a glance.

Jiang Chen took a few steps closer to the pool, and the coldness around him became stronger and stronger, even a layer of frost appeared on his sleeves, and his whole body was constantly eroded by the cold air.

[System, do you have any solution? ]

It was not easy to get here, and Jiang Chen didn't want to make a wasted trip.

〈To overcome the problem of the lack of buoyancy in the Xuanyin cold water, you only need a water-repellent bead to solve it, but the cold air inside is very terrifying, and you can only overcome it by yourself. 〉

Water-repellent bead? ? ?

Jiang Chen looked happy.

He originally just wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect that the system actually had a way, which was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise.

After searching in the opportunity store, Jiang Chen spent 100,000 opportunity points to buy a water-repellent bead.

In order to ensure that everything is foolproof, Jiang Chen also prepared a teleportation talisman to deal with emergencies.

After everything is ready.

Jiang Chen turned to look at Chen Hao and said, "Wait here, I'll go down and take a look."

"Cousin, isn't this too risky?"

Although Chen Hao was very confident in Jiang Chen's strength, this pool was too strange. Not only was there a terrifying cold air, but the depth of the water was unpredictable, and there were too many variables.

Jiang Chen waved his hand: "Don't worry, even if there is any danger in it, I can get out of it safely."

After talking with Chen Hao for a while, Jiang Chen took out the water-repellent beads, and his whole body was immediately wrapped in a blue light shield.

"Hua La~"

Without any hesitation.

Jiang Chen jumped into the pool and began to try. After confirming that the water-repellent beads were effective, he rushed to the bottom of the pool at a very fast speed, but the pool was abnormally deep.

Jiang Chen dived for half an incense stick of time, but still did not see any trace of the bottom of the pool. Instead, the light became darker and darker, and the temperature around him dropped to an extreme.

As time went by, Jiang Chen's body was quickly wrapped by a large number of ice crystals, and his flesh would feel a stinging pain from time to time. It can be imagined how terrifying this cold air is.

"Dong Dong ~"

Now the only thing Jiang Chen could hear was his own dull heartbeat, and he was surrounded by endless darkness.

After walking forward for another quarter of an hour, there was no light in the pool, and Jiang Chen directly used his double pupils.

As the black light continued to surge in his eyes, the surrounding scenery gradually became clear, and Jiang Chen successfully came to the bottom of the pool.

At first glance, the bottom of the pool was covered with countless corpses, some of which were human and some were fierce beasts.


The opportunity here was coveted by many cultivators, but in the end they failed and ended up dead.

"Kacha Ka ~"

Hmm? ? ?

Just then.

A sound pulled Jiang Chen's thoughts back, and he found that there was a crack in the water-repellent bead, and the crack was still expanding.

After realizing this, Jiang Chen immediately withdrew his thoughts and scanned the surrounding environment, intending to find something and leave as quickly as possible.

As cracks appeared in the water-repellent beads, the cold air that flowed into Jiang Chen's body instantly doubled.

He felt that his own actions were affected.


In order to fight against this cold air, the blood in Jiang Chen's body boiled wildly, isolating most of the cold air from the body.

Under the continuous scanning of the double pupils.

Jiang Chen soon discovered something.

At this moment.

A strange corpse caught Jiang Chen's attention. There was no damage to the corpse. It still sat cross-legged, with faint golden light flashing around it from time to time.

It gives people a very strong sense of oppression.

With a glance.

The system immediately detected a piece of information.

〖The ancient name of the corpse: Seven Forbidden Ancient Holy Body Corpse 〈The body contains the origin of the ancient holy body〉〗

Jiang Chen learned from the systematic explanation that the so-called Seven Forbidden Ancient Holy Body was to break the seven shackles of the ancient Holy Body.

The ancient holy body has ten shackles at the same time, and it becomes more and more difficult to break the further back. The seven shackles are already very terrifying.

After withdrawing his thoughts.

Jiang Chen collected the bones as quickly as possible, and then scanned the surroundings again. After making sure that nothing was missing, he immediately rushed upwards as quickly as possible.

The main reason is that Bi Shuizhu is almost reaching his limit, and he must seize the time to leave. He cannot drag it on any longer.

The whole process went very smoothly. Jiang Chen rushed out of the pool in a short while. After seeing him return intact, Chen Hao couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Let's go, get out of here first."

at this time.

Jiang Chen noticed a problem as he collected the bones.

There seemed to be some changes happening around me.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Jiang Chen planned to leave here first.


[Please help me to remind you to update]

_(:з ∠)_Don’t worry

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