After a while.

The three people came to Mo Ruo, and the two sides confronted each other instantly, and the atmosphere became a little weird for a while.

And the three people who came at this time.

It was Jiang Wenkang and his three brothers.

The Taoist Yunye on the armor also opened his eyes and kept scanning Jiang Wenkang and the other two, but he didn't recognize their identities after looking for a long time.

He immediately said in a deep voice: "Sir, I basically know all the strong people in this area, and I don't have any information about these three people."

Oh? ? ?

As Taoist Yunye said this, Mo Ruo's solemn expression immediately retreated, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again.

Since Taoist Yunye said so, it proves that the strength of these three guys is not strong, after all, they look too young.


There is no strong person above Daohe in this world.

After understanding this point.

Mo Ruo slowly said: "It seems that you must have some treasure on you, otherwise you can't resist the pressure of this king. I really want to see what it is."

Faced with Mo Ruo's attitude of thinking that he sees through everything, Jiang Wenkang and the other two were speechless and worried about his IQ.

: "Go, take down these three guys."

Before Jiang Wenkang and the other two could reply, Mo Ruo gave an order to a demon general beside him.

: "Yes, sir."

After answering, one of the demon generals rushed forward with a mace in his hand, and the breath of the half-step reincarnation realm gushed out, and the surrounding demonic energy became more intense.

: "Puchi~"


The next scene made everyone drop their jaws. The aggressive demon general just came close to Jiang Wenkang, and he was pierced through the neck by a sword.

It looked like he approached himself.

: "Ah~"

After a moment of hesitation, a shrill scream suddenly came out of the demon general's mouth, and then his body began to twist rapidly.

A large amount of black blood gushed out from the wound, and the life force of the demon general became weaker and weaker, and then he lost his life force directly.

It took only a few breaths from the beginning to the end, and everyone had no time to react, looking at this scene in disbelief.

: "How... how is this possible?"

Mo Ruo was dumbfounded.

You know.

The key factor of the demon race is the demon heart. As long as the demon heart is still there, it can be revived continuously, which can be said to be extremely difficult to kill.

But now the opponent just used a simple sword to make his demon general fall, and he didn't see how the opponent made a move. This is too weird.

: "So... so strong, who are they?"

Seeing this scene.

Jun Zhantian and his party were also shocked. They kept looking at Jiang Wenkang and the other two, thinking constantly in their minds, trying to find some information about the other party.

At this time.

One of the elders of Xuanqing Sect suddenly muttered.

: "Sect Master, why do I feel that they are somewhat similar to the three young masters? Do you think they are..."

Young Master? ? ?

Guo Hong reacted quickly and immediately thought of Jiang Chen and the other two. When they looked at each other, they found something wrong.

: "You know what, they look alike. Could they be the tribesmen of the three little guys?"

Jun Zhantian nodded: "It should be correct, otherwise no one in the Qiankun Domain would have such strength."


While everyone was talking, Mo Ruo stared at Jiang Wenkang and the other two, his expression became extremely solemn.

At this time.

Taoist Yun Ye was also frightened by the scene, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he began to worry in his heart.

Not to mention the remaining demon generals, they subconsciously took two steps back and quickly distanced themselves from Jiang Wenkang and the other two.

: "Damn... Damn human, you dare to kill my demon general in front of me, you are looking for death."

: "Kill him for me."

The roar came from Mo Ruo's mouth, and he gave orders to the demon generals. Countless low-level demon spirits around him also began to riot, staring at Jiang Wenkang and the other two with scarlet eyes.

Although the demons were frightened, now that Mo Ruo had given the order, they could only rush forward. After all, they had the advantage in numbers and there was nothing to be afraid of.


Mo Ruo had the peak strength of the Samsara Realm. Although he was suppressed to a certain extent, he was still invincible in the Qiankun Realm.

At this time.

Even Mo Ruo took action together, and the demons instantly felt a surge of confidence, with endless greed in their eyes.

The flesh and blood of the human race had a fatal attraction to them, especially the stronger the cultivation of humans, the greater the value of their flesh and blood.

"We will help too."

Seeing the demons besieging Jiang Wenkang and the other two, Jun Zhantian rushed out first, intending to help them fight the enemy together.

The other strong men were also unwilling to fall behind. At this time, joining forces was undoubtedly the best choice, at least they could win a glimmer of hope.


Looking at the demons getting closer and closer.

Jiang Wenyuan took a step forward: "Let me deal with these guys, you go deal with the rest of the demon creatures."

Besides Mo Ruo and several demon generals, there are tens of thousands of demons on the ground. If they are not completely eliminated, it will cause irreparable damage to the Qiankun Domain.

As soon as the voice fell.

Jiang Wenyuan rushed out immediately, and in an instant he collided with the demon generals.

: "Ahhh~"

In an instant.

The shrill screams continued to be heard, and Jun Zhantian and others stopped their steps, their faces full of disbelief.

: "This... This is too strong, right?"

Guo Hong swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

I thought it would be a battle of equal strength, but it turned out to be a one-sided massacre by Jiang Wenyuan. Those powerful demons had no power to fight back, and more and more of them fell.

Seeing this scene.

Mo Ruo's heart was also fierce, and he retreated to the back at a very fast speed.

He roared: "Damn it, you are not from this world."

Although Jiang Wenyuan's strength was suppressed by the talisman, as soon as he made a move, Mo Ruo soon noticed the problem.

The other party had a frightening aura, and his original strength was absolutely terrifying. He could not be his enemy at all.

At this time.

Jiang Wenkang and Jiang Wenqing also made a move. The two raised their hands and slapped downwards, and countless demons were directly wiped out in an instant.

After killing all the demon generals, Jiang Wenyuan locked his eyes directly on Mo Ruo and chased after him at a high speed.

: "Yun Ye, what's going on? Didn't you say that this world is suppressed by the law, and it is impossible for strong people above the Samsara Realm to appear? Why can they appear here?"

While running away.

Mo Ruo kept roaring at Taoist Yun Ye on his chest.

: "Sir, I... I don't know either..."

: "Waste. Waste!"

After hearing Taoist Yun Ye's answer, Mo Ruo kept cursing, and his eyes were full of fear.

The breath exuded by Jiang Wenyuan was so terrifying that Mo Ruo felt an extreme threat of death.


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