Fantasy: Give opportunities and double the rewards!

Chapter 600 The legacy of a ruthless person

For a while.

Countless disciples of Xuanqing Sect rushed to the periphery quickly, and the people of Jun Family were not idle either, and chose to step forward to help.

Although the others were also jealous of these resources, they were also very self-aware and knew that they could not get involved. Now that they could keep a life, it was already very good.

After retracting their thoughts.

The leaders of various forces immediately began to think. Now that the demons that endangered Qiankun Domain were eliminated, it was undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for them, and it could even be said to be a chance.

This time the demons suddenly invaded Qiankun Domain, and most of the forces were wiped out by the other side. The survivors could be said to be only one in ten, which also led to a large number of territories becoming ownerless.

Territory represents various resources. If more territories can be obtained, their strength will become stronger and stronger.

But everyone also knew very well that they could not make any moves before Xuanqing Sect and Jun Family made a statement.

In addition.

The attitudes of Jiang Wenkang and the other three were also very important. After all, the danger of Qiankun Domain's destruction was solved by them.


Before Jiang Wenkang and his two friends made their attitude clear, the leaders of the forces did not dare to have any thoughts.

In the hall.

Jiang Wenkang and his two friends had no airs at all, and they talked happily with the leaders of Xuanqing Sect, as if they had not seen each other for many years.

For a while.

The relationship between the people was also closer, and Jun Zhantian and others were not so restrained, and there were laughter from time to time.

After a period of conversation, Bai Wenbin also decided to go to the upper realm with Jiang Wenkang and others. After repeated decisions, the leaders of Xuanqing Sect also decided to send some people to go.

After all, no matter what, the three brothers Jiang Chen are the young masters of Xuanqing Sect, and their wedding must be present.


Guo Hong and others have also reached a critical point in their strength. If they want to continue to impact the highest realm, they must leave the Qiankun Domain.

Instead of wandering all the way to ascend, it is better to leave with Jiang Wenkang and his two friends, which can also save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

After experiencing this incident, Jun Zhantian also knew the importance of strong strength, so he was willing to leave together.


Before leaving, we have to make arrangements. It is impossible to bring the entire Jun family up. Although Jiang Wenkang said that it can be arranged, Jun Zhantian did not choose to say so.

Jun Zhantian knew very well that strength is very important no matter where you are. The strength of the Jun family is too weak. Even with the help of the Jun family, it is difficult for them to survive in the upper realm.

Therefore, leaving the clan members in the Qiankun domain is undoubtedly the best choice. When they are strong enough, they can be taken up.


If Jun Zhantian knew the status of the Jiang family in the Zhenwu heaven, he would not have so many concerns.

After making a decision.

Jiang Wenkang and the other two stayed in Xuanqing Sect, waiting for Guo Hong and others to arrange the follow-up matters.

In addition.

The Jun family also conveyed a message, that is, all territories compete freely, and everything depends on strength.

Of course.

The Jun family and Xuanqing Sect did not participate in it.

As soon as this news came out, the top leaders of the major forces were so happy that they said goodbye and rushed to their original territories.

Now they must seize the opportunity and take the time to recover their vitality, so that they can gain more advantages.

Xuanqing Sect and Jun Family not participating in it undoubtedly have a huge piece of cake, which makes the survivors full of expectations.

But the leaders of the forces also understand that with the relationship of the Jiang Family, the status of Xuanqing Sect and Jun Family is unshakable.


At the same time.

During the time when Jun Zhantian and others were arranging matters, Jiang Wenkang and the other two were not idle. In order to find out how the demons came to Qiankun Domain, they entered the secret realm at the beginning.

As soon as he entered it, Jiang Wenkang sensed an extremely strong demonic aura, and this area also had a tendency to be assimilated.

Hmm? ? ?

"No wonder there are so many demon spirits. It turns out that the passage has been opened. It seems that the other party did not come here by accident."

Looking at the huge void crack in front of him, Jiang Wenkang murmured a few words, and his eyes kept scanning the surroundings.

There is a reason for saying this. Countless demonic energy poured out from the void channel, and this channel is extremely stable. It is not something that can be completed overnight.

To be able to reach this level, it is obvious that the other party has already had this plan, and has paid a considerable price for it.

If the entrance in front of him is not sealed, as more and more demonic energy pours in, the entire Qiankun domain will be completely assimilated and become a brand new demon domain.

Seeing this scene in front of him.

Jiang Wenqing frowned slightly: "It seems that there are still many people thinking about this place. The temptation of that rumor is really great."

: "Hehe~"

: "There was indeed a ruthless person in Qiankun domain. In order to get his inheritance, those guys also took great pains. Unfortunately, after so many years, nothing has been gained."

Jiang Wenyuan teased.

He spoke again: "What should we do next? Should we go over to see the situation? Maybe there will be some unexpected gains."

While speaking.

Jiang Wenyuan stared at the crack in the void in front of him, with a look of expectation in his eyes.


Jiang Wenkang shook his head: "It's just a low-level demon realm. Even if you go there, you won't gain anything, and you may not be able to come back here again."

: "There is no need to waste time, just go ahead and seal the passage. The Qiankun Domain is not as simple as it seems."

The words fell.

When he glanced at Jiang Wenkang, his expression became a little more solemn.

: "Okay, then just do as big brother says."

After making the decision, the auras of the three people rose crazily, and then they attacked the crack in the void in front of them together.

Jiang Wenkang and the other three kept sliding their fingers in the void. Countless golden runes quickly emerged and rushed towards the cracks in the void at an extremely fast speed. The gushing demonic energy was immediately suppressed.

In addition, as the golden runes became more and more numerous, the huge cracks gradually merged together, and finally disappeared completely.

As the passage was completely closed, the surrounding demonic energy decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the oppressive atmosphere also disappeared.

Judging from the current state, it will take at most three months for this eroded area to return to normal.

: "Okay, with these seals like ours, it will be more difficult for the other party to open the channel between the two realms again. In this way, it can be regarded as solving the worries of the Qiankun Domain."

As soon as Jiang Wenkang finished speaking, the terrifying souls immediately spewed out in all directions, quickly covering the entire secret realm.

After scanning around and finding nothing unusual, Jiang Wenkang nodded with satisfaction.

He looked at Jiang Wenyuan and the two men aside: "Let's go, it's almost time."

: "Hmm~"

Jiang Wenyuan and the other two nodded in response, and then the three of them left the secret realm together and went straight to Xuanqing Sect.


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