Fantasy: Give opportunities and double the rewards!

Chapter 778 Gods can get hurt and bleed

The visitor was a middle-aged man, wearing a dazzling golden armor, with an extremely mysterious aura, giving people a very sacred feeling.

The man's face was the same as that of a human, except that his body was a circle larger. There was a pattern similar to flames between his eyebrows.

Jiang Chen knew that it was not a heavenly pattern, but it was just such a ball of flames, but it gave people a palpitation.

As Jiang Chen glanced, the other party's information immediately came into view.

[Name: Kula:]

[Identity: God's Envoy of Fiery City:]

[Realm: Level 8 God's Pattern:]

[God's Pattern: Fallen God:]

[Bloodline: Fallen God's Bloodline:]

As soon as Jiang Chen saw this information about the other party, he was sure that he was a god, but a Houyi of a fallen god.


Seeing so many people gathered together, Kula's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression seemed a little surprised.

After coming to his senses.

Kula immediately cast his eyes on Xuanming.

He said in a cold voice: "Why are you all gathered here? Have you forgotten the rules of the Gods? Are you planning to rebel?"

When he said this.

A terrifying aura gushed out from Kula, his face was full of arrogance, and he didn't take Xuanming and others seriously at all, looking at them as if they were ants.

However, what Kula didn't expect was that these ants who were usually submissive now didn't show any fear when they heard his words, but instead sneered.

Just when Kula was confused.

Xuanming slowly said: "There are two ways to become a God Marker. One is to get the blessing of the Gods, and the other is to hunt a real God..."

When he said this.

Xuanming looked at Kula with a fiery face, not hiding his greed at all, and a terrifying killing intent gushed out.

"How dare you!"

"You lowly ants, you actually set your sights on this divine envoy. It seems that there is no need for you to exist any longer."

Kula shouted, and a strong murderous aura permeated, and his cold eyes stared at everyone.

At this time, Ye Shitian was also observing Kula. Sensing the familiar aura on the other party, his expression slightly condensed.

Immediately asked the Dark Night God and Demon in his heart: "What stage does this kind of god belong to among the gods?"


The Dark Night God and Demon sneered.

He said: "This is at most a false god, but a fifth-grade divine vein, and has no status at all."

"Oh, what grade is it there?"

Hearing the disdainful words of the Dark Night God and Demon, Ye Shitian became interested in his divine vein and asked a question.

"This god has a ninth-grade divine vein, which is one in a million among the gods. This fifth-grade divine vein is like an ant in my eyes and has no value."

"Aren't you all gods? Can you..."

Before Ye Shitian could express his thoughts,

Dark Night God and Demon interrupted him and said, "You are too naive. The gods are similar to humans. There are constant fights between them. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many fallen gods."

"These are the ones who chose to betray the gods and fall into darkness in exchange for more powerful power. If they sense my existence, the first thought is to devour me."

"Therefore, for your safety, don't use your blood easily. You have my blood in your blood, which has a fatal attraction to them."

As soon as the Dark Night God and Demon said this, Ye Shitian's face changed drastically. He didn't expect the relationship between the gods to be so complicated that they actually relied on devouring those with higher blood to improve their own blood.

But at this moment.

Ye Shitian captured a key piece of information, that is, he could also use the same method to improve his divine vein.

According to the Dark Night God and Demon, he is now a sixth-grade divine vein. If he can devour a higher-level god, his level can be raised again.

While Ye Shitian was thinking.

Kula didn't want to delay any longer. If he couldn't suppress these people, the majesty of the gods would be gone.

"Ants, die."

As soon as the voice fell, Kula had no scruples and immediately launched an attack on Xuanming. A huge phantom appeared behind him, which was Kula's divine pattern.

This divine pattern was very strange. There were three pairs of huge wings behind him, and the color was very strange. His hands were directly stuck together.


The huge Xu Xin in front of him had no head. His neck was very smooth, as if it was cut off by a knife.

"You are all going to die."

"Ten thousand handprints!"

As Kula's voice fell, countless huge handprints appeared in the void, and the terrifying aura swept the whole scene.

"Divine skills? Then let me see how powerful the God Clan is."

Xuan Ming was not afraid at all, but took the initiative to rush towards Kula. His Heavenly Mark was a knife, and it was a broken knife.

But such a seemingly broken Heavenly Mark exuded an extremely terrifying aura, giving people an irresistible feeling, and the skin would even ache.

In addition.

Xuan Ming's aura was also rising wildly, and soon he reached the peak of the eighth-grade Heavenly Mark Master, and the trend of refreshing has not stopped, and it is still rising rapidly.

Seeing this scene.

Kula's face finally changed, as if he thought of something, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

"You...your strength..."

Before Kula finished speaking, Xuan Ming directly became a ninth-grade Heavenly Mark Master, and the aura comparable to that of a quasi-emperor gushed out.

Kula's strength is only in the immortal realm. Facing a quasi-emperor level powerhouse, even if he possesses magical skills, he cannot be Xuan Ming's opponent. After all, they are not on the same level.


After a violent roar, Kula's attack was blocked. A huge reaction force instantly acted on his body, and a trace of golden blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Without giving Kula any time to react, Xuan Ming's sky-marked broken knife gradually solidified and was caught in his hand.



Under Xuan Ming's sword, a hideous wound appeared on Kula's chest, and blood continued to spurt out.

"It turns out that gods can also be injured, and gods can bleed."

"It seems that we have always looked up to the gods. You are just a little stronger than us. As long as you are strong enough, the gods can kill them with their swords."

Xuan Ming was in high spirits at this time. He had never felt so happy. After all, he had always been suppressed by the gods. Today, all his emotions were finally released.

"Ah, I want you to die."

Kula looked extremely ferocious. He felt insulted by being looked down upon by an ant.

However, no matter how much Kura resisted, with his strength he could not do anything to Xuan Ming, and he did not even have a chance to ask for help.

"You will pay for your actions."

Korra said fiercely.


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