Seeing that his soldiers were all pressed up, the seventh patriarch left directly with his son.

"Father, it's not okay for us to leave like this now, as a commander, don't stare here, and when the city is broken, we will have to take responsibility, the same as deserters." The second son said excitedly.

"Can you really take Bell City when those guys, I think the whole army will be destroyed, so it is the best choice for us to leave now, and if we leave now, they will definitely think that we are dead, so that we can do something that we couldn't do originally."

"It's just that you have to find a way to let your eldest brother know that we are still alive, but you can't let others know, now our best way is to hibernate, if you go back because of the defeat, I'm afraid those guys will have to make trouble on our family, and dying in battle is different, so the best way now is to fake death, wait until the situation is clear, let's appear again."

The second son listened to his father's words, and no longer questioned it, because he understood his father's temper, as far as his own father, he would definitely not change his mind, and now this idea is indeed very good, in case the army is defeated, they have nothing to do.

And the person who commanded the general attack at this time was a stand-in for the seven patriarchs, a person who looked exactly the same as the seven patriarchs, and the attacking troops did not find that their commander had disappeared, and even if they were victorious, this fake one did not prevent the seven patriarchs from leading the attack.

It can be said that all this is beneficial and harmless, the seven patriarchs here do not say, just look at Lin Feng on the city wall is very excited, he now looks at the dense people below, and feels that this is simply ants migrating, from his point of view, people are too small.

Lin Feng looked at all this and said to Zhuge Liang beside him: "You can handle this kind of war alone, I haven't led troops for so long, this time I will leave it to you, I hope you can arrange all this properly, I will go to rest first." Lin

Feng said and Shi Shiran left, everything here has long been arranged, anyway, he doesn't need to do it, it's better to go back and rest, waiting for the end to appear.

The army of the Mars was methodically attacking the city, the ladder ramming had already been obtained, and the dwarf musketeers and the artillery on the city had not stopped at all, but this time the enemy was facing some warriors who were not low in cultivation, and they withstood these attacks well.

Soon the city gate was hit hard, and the attacking troops went up the ladder, which would take the dwarves down, replaced by a group of jackals, this group of jackals looked different from other jackals, their eyes were blood-red, they held sledgehammers in their hands, and the muscles on their bodies bulged, looking very different.

These are actually jackals whose potential has been greatly exploited, and now these jackals actually have more than ten years left in their lifespan, which is not much, but they have exchanged their life potential for a strength bonus.

This is the price of unearned gain, even if they can break through the realm in the next days, their lifespan will not increase anymore, because their life source has been destroyed, which is something that cannot be repaired.

The origin of life of every living being is the most peculiar thing, and once destroyed, there is no possibility of getting better.

As soon as these jackals appeared, they directly smashed down some of the Mar soldiers who first ascended the city, and then scared the city wall along the cloud ladder, they were not afraid of the thousands of troops on the opposite side, and only bloodthirsty remained in their eyes.

As soon as these killing machines entered the battlefield, they caused an uproar, after all, their strength is very strong, even if they are injured, they are still fearless to attack, unless they are completely cut off from life, these jackals have become the most terrible enemies.

Zhuge Liang looked at all this and shook his head, but he didn't feel sorry for these jackals, after all, if it is not my race, its heart will be different, this is a sentence that China has agreed with for thousands of years, not to mention that these jackals are essentially some good and evil people.

The enemy formation was only chaotic for a few minutes, and soon stabilized, because some masters began to deal with these red-eyed jackals, directly targeted attacks, and soon killed many such jackals.

The pace of the coalition's attack is still constantly advancing, and soon it came under the city wall, this time it was not a golden retreat, but began to attack, a piece of spiritual energy shield on the front, whether it is artillery or arrows have been completely useless.

The real Seven Patriarchs did not go far, but watched all this in a very secret place.

The second son said at this time: "Father, now that the city gate has been breached, the early attack has not lost much troops, I think this battle is likely to be won by us, I think we better go back, right?"

"This is where to go, you are still too young, not at all calm, you often feel that the things that have been stabilized, to a large extent, are not stable, don't use your subjective consciousness to judge a thing, the final result still needs us to wait, so let's wait here, the final result is coming out soon."

After the seven patriarchs finished speaking, they stopped paying attention to their son, but focused their eyes on the distant battlefield.

The Mar army soon entered the city gate, and the army of the Mar people finally appeared, seeing these people like themselves, these soldiers of the Mar Empire were very happy, since they saw the same as themselves, it must be Mai Lang's army.

Mai Lang's army appeared, which means that victory was not far away, and these soldiers suddenly became confident and directly began a violent impact.

Mai Lang's troops were constantly retreating under the impact, which made these allied soldiers who came to attack more confident.

"Everyone work hard, the enemy is already the end of the strong crossbow, as long as we work harder, eliminate these rebels, cut down the banner of Mai Lang, and when we go back, it will definitely be prosperous and rich." With this encouragement, the soldiers fought harder one by one.

It's just that they didn't notice that an army quietly appeared in their rear, this army is all jackals, many jackals are war horses under their crotches, but a small number are riding wolves, which is the most elite wolf cavalry of jackals, and only high-level troops appear in large tribes.

As soon as these jackals appeared, when they reached the right distance, they directly launched a charge, and the allied forces of the Mar Empire completely became turtles in the urn!

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