Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 257: Black Elf Queen

The dungeons of the Dark City—

In the musty underground space, the imprisoned queen sat lazily.

so quiet.

In this dark and cramped environment, in fact, it was not much different from the scene she had seen in the past, it was all the same lonely and dark.

Earlier, the noise of the drunken mercenaries who captured the "Dark City" could be heard, but now this movement has disappeared, and the dungeon is completely dominated by silence.

The queen's dark golden pupils stared at the shadowed wall, her eyes drifted away, only a little tired, and no anger or humiliation could be read on her face

...Sitting quietly like this is no different from when she was sitting on the throne on the top of the castle for Meditation. The black queen who brought disaster to "Eos" for hundreds of years, in fact, what she did It just exists all the time.

When she sits quietly on the throne of the Black Tower like a sculpture, she exudes terrifying magic power, which changes the ecology around the "Dark City", turns the sky into a bloody color, and makes the power of the naturally gathered monsters be overwhelmed. Greatly enhanced—it was she who so brought fear to the Seventh Alliance, but the Black Queen never cared.

Because it's just ants.

Whether it's humans or monsters, everything is meaningless like floating dust. This view has not changed even if the Black Queen is now a prisoner—even after she arrives, she still has to conform to her status as a queen.

Tap, tap, tap, tap—

The sound of footsteps finally came from the gloomy dungeon.

"My Lady Queen!"

Croyer's joyful voice echoed in the dungeon.

what happened?

The eyes of the Black Queen had a rare wave, and then she saw her only subject running to this cell, and couldn't wait to use the key to unlock it.

Olga stood up.

After the cell was opened, the first person to walk in was a young figure.

He has an extremely strong sense of presence.

With a young beauty beyond human intelligence, even Star will be eclipsed in front of him. It seems that because of his arrival, the gloomy atmosphere in the dungeon has been dispelled.

"As expected..."

Fang Mingjing carefully observed Olga's appearance.

He thought of the evil god in the Sacred Land.

Whether it's appearance or demeanor, the two seem to be a little too similar.

However, there are some subtle differences, at least for Fang Mingjing it is easy to distinguish.

"Unknown powerful existence, what do you hope to get from me?"

The Dark Elf Queen looked at him and said, her voice was weak but full of the charm of a mature woman, despite being a prisoner and captive. But there was no sign of frustration or fear on her face.

Unlike Croyer, who is mixed with some human blood, Olga is a pure-blooded dark elf, so her pair of pointed ears are longer than Croyer's, and she also wears several earrings. Her beautiful, smooth black hair falls on her calf. The legs are extremely slender without losing their sensuality, and the brown waist exudes a crazy charm.

The figure of the abyss succubus is no more than this.

"I do not know."

Fang Mingjing showed a bright smile that made her feel stunned, "Because of your appearance, I naturally don't want those guys outside to get it...... But since it's rare for me to be your savior, let me give it to you." Something."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to Olga's belly.

Croyer wanted to stop her from the side, but before she stopped in front of Olga, she was imprisoned in place by the invisible Spiritual Qi.

Young white tender fingers landed on the brown belly of the Black Queen.

The next moment, after savoring the burning pain from the abdomen, Olga's faint expression changed for the first time... Not long after, I saw the bewitching pink-purple mark that soon formed on Own's lower abdomen , Olga's eyes flickered.

She recognized what it was.

However, the Black Queen chose to remain silent.

She stroked the mark on her abdomen with her slender fingers, looking at Fang Mingjing who seemed very satisfied with her masterpiece, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Master God, what did you do—!"

Croyer was beside him with a nervous expression on his face.

"It's nothing, it's just my private memory.

Having said that, Fang Mingjing had no intention of staying in the dungeon any longer, and he walked out first.

After Olga paused silently, she chose to follow, and Croyer followed Her Lady Queen as a matter of course.

After leaving the dungeon, fierce howls and scorching roars of monsters could be heard everywhere in the dark city... The scum and mercenaries who celebrated together with these monsters not long ago had to cry Under the chase of monsters, he desperately struggled and fled.

Maybe this is Samsara...

"Princess of the First Fortress, you'd better get out of my way right away.

"Evil heretics, don't even think about escaping from here! Drink!"

A certain hoarse and obscure male voice confronted Alicia from 330 ahead.

Alicia jumped up and turned around with a coquettish cry, her golden sand-colored long hair fluttering and flying, she raised her knight sword and slashed at a strange man covered in black robes and with a bandage on his face holding bug Gu.

The weirdo snorted coldly, and the worm in his hand immediately flew out of a strange-shaped black shadow, turning into wriggling sticky lumps of meat and flying towards Alicia.

It's just that those ugly pieces of meat couldn't get close, and they were cut off by Alicia three times and five times. However, when Ji Knight wanted to chase after him, the strange man's eyes under the bandage showed the intention of success... ...I saw that a large amount of poisonous miasma was released from the severed pieces of meat, covering the entire corridor, making Alicia's struggle to hold the sword a little unmoved.

Shenmu Haza snorted coldly.

If it is normal, the girl in front of him is a suitable seedbed for him to hatch aliens. The dark city is already full of dangers, and he doesn't want to be caught and tortured by those frantic orcs... So I can only abandon her and escape as soon as possible.


"Oh, I didn't expect there to be fish that slipped through the net."

Under Shenmu Haza's astonished gaze, several figures suddenly appeared in front of the long corridor. .

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