Chapter 242 The three gods fought violently, fleeing desperately

Everyone was quiet, and looked at the old man eagerly. I saw the old man glance at the person asking the question, and finally sighed:

“That’s life span!”

“Life, isn’t our god immortal? How can life be hindered?” Someone asked curiously.

Many people at the bottom of the upper realm don’t understand why their physical vitality has not changed, but their appearance is getting older day by day. In the end, their souls and souls die out and become a living corpse.

“Hey, the body is immortal, but the soul does not have Immortal!” The old man’s expression was full of frustration and frustration, and sighed faintly.

“That purple light ball can slow down the decay speed of the soul?” someone asked.

“Yes!” the old man replied affirmatively.

“That…” Someone wanted to ask, but the old man waved his hand and didn’t want to answer again. He disappeared all of a sudden.

Seeing the disappearing figure of Sen Elder, everyone was thoughtful, and everyone did not have the desire to continue to communicate. They chose a cultivation room and sat cross-cultivation.

“Click!” A familiar feeling came. Yan Wuxie knew that Feizhou was setting off. It was different from when he came from the lower realm. Yan Wuxie could see the scenery outside at this time. He admired the scenery of the yellow mist star. About to leave here, the first stop of this Shangjing.

The flying boat passed through the star guard and came to the vast and boundless Universe. When flying out of the Universe, the flying boat gradually Ascension, the speed gradually increases, and it flies a great distance in the blink of an eye.

Yan Wuxie calculated it silently, and found that this flying boat was ten times faster than when he was running at full strength. This speed strengthened his mind to buy a flying boat.

“Shoo!” Feizhou dashed across the void, and dots of starlight kept flashing in the line of sight. These starlights were red, blue, and yellow, in various colors, some flickering, and some exuding an extremely dazzling light. .

“It’s so beautiful!” Yan Wuxie sighed.

At this moment, Yan Wuxie suddenly felt a fatal danger descending on him. He didn’t care about hiding it. He fully released the own Realm and broke out the own evil magic. He didn’t know what the danger was, but it didn’t. Prevent him from getting ready.

“Kill!” With a loud shout above his head, Yan Wuxie immediately knew that this was the voice of the old lizard man Lixi.

“Dead!” This is the voice of the white-robed man.

“Hee! You can’t hit me!” This was the voice of the black-robed man from the Heavenly Sacred Sect.

It’s been more than a month, are these three true gods still fighting? Yan Wuxie was shocked.

“Boom!” There was a roar in the infinitely far side of Yan Wuxie, and a aftermath impacted on the flying boat. Yan Wuxie felt a little unsteady for a while.

“Damn you!” Li Xi said loudly, but after he said this, Yan Wuxie never heard any more voices. Just when Yan Wuxie thought they were leaving, the old man Sen Elder’s voice spread throughout. Flying boat:

“Everyone is ready, it depends on this time if you can survive!”At this time, the old man’s voice was already with a trace of despair, a trace of helplessness, a trace of bitterness, and it contained endless misfortune.

He didn’t expect that he would return to Sect casually, and he would encounter three true gods in battle. These three true gods all made a real fire. It was really unlucky.

“Boom!” A loud noise suddenly sounded in the infinite silence, and the entire Universe was void, and the entire Spiritual Qi ocean was instantly exploded into a pot of porridge. Yan Wuxie almost felt like she was shattered into a pile of powder at this moment.

“Roar!” Just when Yan Wuxie could hardly resist the aftermath of the battle, and was about to feel that he was killed, he suddenly heard a roar. He quickly stretched out his head to see that it was a dragon that did not know how old or how old it was. Holding the flying boat, use its own physical body to block this aftermath.

“Kill!” The three true gods fought fiercely, shouting killing, completely ignoring that there was a poor flying boat floating beside them.

“Roar!” The dragon let out a whine, its body became transparent a little bit, seeing that it was about to shatter, at this moment, a voice sounded, echoing in the Universe void:

“If you three bastards dare to fight here, be careful that I come to the door one by one!”

This voice was not made by the three true gods, and Yan Wuxie could clearly perceive that this voice was from the giant dragon.

“Boom!” The three people who were fighting did not answer. Instead, they launched a more powerful attack, and an unprecedented aftermath rushed toward the slender flying boat.

“Roar!” The dragon whined and exploded into countless fragments, blocking the aftermath.

“Damn bastard!” the voice on the dragon yelled again, but his voice did not appear again after this time.

Universe calmed down again, all traces of the battle seemed to be smoothed by an invisible force, all anomalies had disappeared, and only the broken flying boat was still proving how terrifying the battle just now was.

Yan Wuxie waited quietly for a while, he did not feel the aftermath of the battle of the three true gods, nor did he perceive the feeling of danger in his own inspiration. Everything was the same as before. The three true gods should have been far away from here.

“Huh!” Yan Wuxie sensed that the flying boat set off again. He found that the speed of the flying boat was twice the original speed. At the extreme speed, the flying boat would destroy more places.

Yan Wuxie even saw an iron plate next to him slowly emerge, and finally flew out with a snap, and was left far behind.

After the iron plate was thrown out, Yan Wuxie could directly see the scenery outside through the hole.

“Heh!” Yan Wuxie smiled bitterly while looking at the tattered Feizhou.

After running for a day and a half in self-harm, the speed of the flying boat finally slowed down. At this time, the flying boat was already broken and broken, and the abandoned flying boat that had wandered in the interstellar for many years was not as broken as this flying boat!

Yan Wuxie opened the door that had been released for most of it, and came to the main cabin of Feizhou. The others also came out, and everyone was silent.

When he left Huang Wuxing before, Yan Wuxie had heard many people talking. Since falling into the battlefield of the true god battle, he has never heard of a conversation.

Silently resisted the aftermath and escaped silently. Under such a blow, everything was blank.

“How many people died?” The old man Sen Elder was helpless lying on a big sofa, panting like an old dog. Everyone wanted to laugh a little when they saw this scene, but they didn’t dare to laugh. dead!

“Two!” Someone swept around and said the number of people who were not present.

“Very good! Very good!” The old man exhaled a long breath. It can be seen that he is really happy. After all, under such a disaster, only two died, which is a great blessing in misfortune.

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