"Forget it, we will stop the enemy with soldiers and cover the water with earth."

Li Taihang didn't mind pushing this world to the end of the world in advance.

Moreover, there are now five martial gods and many powerful people.

Even if there is really an end of the world, with their strength and a large number of martial kings, martial masters, and martial masters, those foreign invaders may not be their opponents.

Therefore, entering the end of the world in advance may be a good thing.

Moreover, it is because of Li Taihang's arrival that this can be done. Otherwise, how could they do this with their own strength?

For this point, the heavenly way of this side is also very clear.

Therefore, after meeting Li Taihang, it was up to Li Taihang's decision.

Moreover, the heavenly way did not dare to stop Li Taihang.

Because Li Taihang's background was too amazing.

After a while, the eldest sister and the second sister completed their awakening one after another.

Officially became martial gods.

The eldest sister has the Baoyi mirror and is named Baoyi martial god.

The second sister has the Wanlun tower and is named Wanlun martial god.

According to the original trajectory, one of these two martial gods was female and the other was male.

But now, they are both his sisters.

Even the martial god of life will be his younger sister.


Both of them came to Li Taihang.

Because they were promoted to martial gods, their temperaments also changed dramatically.

"Big sister, second sister, and little sister, you must have your own official names in the future."

The little sister's original name was Li Xiaoling, and this name was given by Li Taihang at the time.

And the big sister and the second sister are also Li Damei and Li Ermei.

"Brother, then you can give us names."


"Big sister, you will be called Li Xiaoyan in the future, second sister, you will be called Li Xiaohong, and little sister, you will be called Li Xiaoling. Just change your original names to nicknames, and I will still call you by your nicknames in the future."

Li Taihang directly wrote out the names of the three people, and the three of them liked their new names very much.

"Okay, brother!"

"Thank you, brother."

From now on, Li Taihang will be their only brother.

In the past, Li Xiaoyan would call her the second brother because she always had the position of the eldest brother in her mind.

Because the eldest brother had always made many sacrifices to protect them, and finally died on the road.

So, Li Taihang will always be her second brother.

But now she has let go of her obsession, whether it is the eldest brother or the second brother, they are all her good brothers.

Seeing that she let go of her obsession, Li Taihang also smiled and said: "Okay, they are all good sisters of brother."

"Now, let's help the younger sister break through."


"Big sister, second sister, it's up to you." Li Taihang said with a smile.

Li Xiaoyan and Li Xiaohong immediately understood.

"Yeah, brother, it's up to us."

Li Xiaoyan took out the Baoyi mirror and began to communicate with the Baoyi mirror with her mind.

Because after being promoted to the God of War, with her Baoyi mirror, she can also sense the location of the object of creation.

What's more, this object of creation has long been found by Li Taihang.

Now it's just for her to display her ability.

"Found it, in the Holy Mountain!"

Li Taihang smiled: "That's right."

Then he looked at his second sister Li Xiaohong.

"Brother, look at me."

Li Xiaohong smiled knowingly, took out the Wanlun Tower, and opened a space door.

With the Wanlun Tower, she can open a space door similar to a teleportation portal and come to any place on this continent.

Soon, the space door leading to the Holy Mountain appeared in front of them.

And it went straight to the top of the Holy Mountain.

"Wow, did you find it so quickly?" Li Xiaoling was very expectant: "Great, it's finally my turn."

Li Xiaoling was envious of her eldest sister and second sister who had become so powerful.

"Yes." Li Xiaohong said: "Brother, it has been opened successfully, let's go over."

"Well, let's go."

Li Taihang nodded, looked at somewhere outside again, ignored it, let the three of them enter, and then he entered.

After they went in, the space door disappeared.


In the cave, a sigh came out, and this sound seemed extremely old.

Holy Mountain.

The mountain god was guarding the pool where the iceberg holy lotus was, sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, a space door appeared nearby, waking it up.

It raised its head and shuddered when it saw the space door, and its whole body began to be alert.

When he saw Li Xiaoyan coming out, he was shocked.

Because Li Xiaoyan exuded a breath of destruction, as if a thought could turn it into ashes.

However, its trembling was not over yet.

Li Xiaoyan dispelled the surrounding coldness, glanced at the surrounding ice and snow, and made way.

He also ignored the frightened mountain god.

When she made way, another martial god walked out.

When the mountain god saw the second martial god, he was so scared that his eyes widened and he fainted on the spot, and his whole body was stiff.

When he fainted, Li Xiaoling also came over.

When she saw the snow and ice on the holy mountain, she was surprised: "It's so beautiful!"

At this time, Li Taihang also came out.

He saw the dead mountain god lying there at a glance and was a little speechless.


He coughed lightly, but the sound was penetrating and directly awakened the mountain god.

The mountain god was confused. He felt that he saw two gods of war today?

It subconsciously thought that it was just dreaming.

But when it raised its head and saw Li Xiaoyan and Li Xiaohong, it couldn't help but kick its legs and was about to faint again.

Li Taixing rolled his eyes at it and said, "Okay, don't faint, I'm here."

The mountain god heard a familiar voice and took a glance. When it saw Li Taihang standing in front of the two Martial Gods, and a Martial King beside him, with a very respectful attitude, it was immediately shocked.

The mountain god cannot speak.

Otherwise, he might say it out loud.

It has never seen before that even the Martial God and Martial King can only serve behind the master it recognizes.

"Ice Mountain Holy Lotus is very good. You guarded it well." Li Taihang was very satisfied.

"Step aside first."

The mountain god nodded and quickly stepped aside like a pug, showing his cute big eyes and looking at them fawningly.

"Wow, brother, this big cat is so cute." Li Xiaoling's eyes lit up when she saw the mountain god.

, very fond of it.

"Ahem, let's do something first." Li Taixing coughed lightly and pulled back Li Xiaoling who wanted to run to find the mountain god.

Li Xiaoling suddenly remembered what she had to do and nodded quickly.

"Okay, brother, I'm here."

Then, they came to the holy pool together and looked at the iceberg holy lotus in the center.

"That's it, little sister, you are responsible for refining it." Li Taixing pointed to the iceberg holy lotus in the center of the pool and said.

"But, it's so far away." Li Xiaoling was a little at a loss.

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