Fengyang City.

There is an inn.

After Du Ying and Qinghe left, they planned to wait for Qinghe and Du Ying to return here. However, after waiting for a day, they still did not see them return, which made the eight members of the Dark Hall worried.

The eight people of the Dark Hall simply went to Guishou's room, gathered together, and discussed together.

"Ghost Hand, you say, it's been almost a day, why haven't ancestors Qinghe and Du Ying come back yet?"

When the last person arrived, Ghost Hand closed the door, came to the table and sat down.

He was a little worried, poured himself another glass of water, drank a sip, and tried to use the cold water to calm himself down.

Ghost Hand also sat at the table. Seeing that everyone was present, he shook his head and said, "I don't know either. According to the instructions of the two ancestors, they should have returned by now."

At this time, standing by the window, looking at the fallen red outside, he seemed to be looking for the figures of the two ancestors. After hearing their conversation, he walked to the table and said, "Then what should we do? The two ancestors haven't returned from outside."


Ghost Hand held his chin and pondered. He was also thinking about how to deal with the situation in front of him.

Yin Xiao leaned against the wall, looked up at Ghost Hand and said, "I think, why don't we go and look for them?"

"Ghost Hand, what do you think?"

Fei Jiao looked at Ghost Hand. After Qinghe and Du Ying left, Ghost Hand was the main person in charge of the Dark Hall.

So, everyone's eyes fell on Ghost Body after Fei Jiao asked.

After feeling the pressure from all sides, Ghost Hand seemed to have figured out what to do. He gritted his teeth and said, "Let's do this! Feijiao, you go back and report the current situation to the sect to see if you can get some support from the sect. The rest of us will disperse and search for clues about the two ancestors, but you must be careful not to act without authorization if you find any abnormalities."

"You should know that even the two ancestors are missing, let alone us!" Ghost Hand did not forget to remind them to pay attention to safety.

Ghost Hand even wondered in his heart what caused the two ancestors to disappear.


Seeing that Ghost Hand had made arrangements, the other seven people immediately followed his arrangements and dispersed.

A few days later.

Heavenly Demon Sect.

After Feijiao returned to the sect, he went directly to find Ye Qingxia.

Ye Qingxia learned that Feijiao had returned alone, thinking that some news had come, so she immediately summoned Feijiao in the Demon Transformation Hall.

"Greetings to the Sect Master."

"Well, Feijiao, you are here. Is there any progress on the Dark God Cult?" Ye Qingxia asked expectantly.

However, Feijiao was a little embarrassed and said, "Sorry, Master, no."

Ye Qingxia frowned and asked, "Then why did you come back?"

Feijiao quickly told Ye Qingxia about the disappearance of the two ancestors.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Ye Qingxia thought she had heard wrongly. After all, whether it was Qinghe or Duying, they were already the top existences in the world.

Even the two of them disappeared?

This made people feel too outrageous.

"Yes, Master, I dare not lie to you!"

Since the Dark Hall was brainwashed by Xiaoai, it became the Dark Hall of the Demon Sect. The loyalty of these people to the Demon Sect is naturally beyond doubt.

However, when Ye Qingxia learned from Feijiao that the two ancestors had lost contact, she still did not react.

She thought, could it be that the two ancestors betrayed the sect?

But, she felt it was impossible. If they did so, wouldn't they be afraid of Li Taihang's revenge?

Therefore, it is very likely that the situation is just as Feijiao and the others thought. I am afraid that the two ancestors are in danger now.

Thinking of this, she became more and more worried and hurriedly said, "Come here."

"Greetings, Sect Master."

Soon, a disciple of the Demon Sect who was guarding outside the Demon Transformation Hall entered the Demon Transformation Hall and saluted Ye Qingxia respectfully.

"Tell the duty of the Hall of Heroes to come and see me."

"Yes, Sect Master."

The guarding disciple hurriedly left the Demon Transformation Hall to find someone in the Hall of Heroes.

"What are you doing now?"

"Ghost Hand asked me to report the situation, and the others are in Fengyang City, and look for the place where the two ancestors disappeared."

"Well, is there any contact between you?"

"Not yet."

Ye Qingxia was thinking about something in her heart.

At this time, a voice was heard from outside: "Disciple on duty at the Hall of Heroes, meeting the Sect Master."

"Come in!"

"Meeting the Sect Master."

"No need to be polite."

"Thank you, Sect Master."

"Is there any soul tablet in the Hall of Heroes broken?"


The person on duty reported to Ye Qingxia that everything was normal.

Ye Qingxia breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If there is a soul tablet broken, remember to notify me immediately."

"Yes, Sect Master."

"Well, go down!" Ye Qingxia waved her hand, and the person on duty at the Hall of Heroes took his leave.

"The soul tablets of the two ancestors are not broken, which means they are not dead yet." Ye Qingxia thought.

"But I don't have any good solution. It seems that I have to go find the ancestors."

Ye Qingxia knew very well that even the two ancestors Qinghe and Duying couldn't handle the problem, so she couldn't solve it.

So, she asked Feijiao to rest first, and she flew to Wulong Peak to meet Li Taihang.

Wulong Peak.

Ye Qingxia's expression was shaken by the abundant spiritual energy, and she was even more shocked inside. She did not expect that the spiritual energy of Wulong Peak had actually increased a lot. If she could practice here, she would be so happy.

She was very envious when she thought that Wang Yanru was practicing here.

However, thinking that there was still business to do, Ye Qingxia had no time to continue to feel the aura of heaven and earth.

She hurriedly came outside the courtyard where Li Taihang lived, saluted towards the door: "Ye Qingxia asks to see the ancestor, is the ancestor here?"

"come in."

"Yes, ancestor."


As Li Taixing's voice fell, the door quietly opened. But he didn't see anyone else until he entered the yard and saw Li Taixing sitting under the big tree in the yard.

You seem to be reading a book?

But Ye Qingxia didn't think much about it. She walked into the courtyard and saluted Li Taixing: "Hello, ancestor."

"Well, what's the matter?"

Ye Qingxia told Li Taixing what Feijiao had reported.

When Li Taixing learned the reason for her coming, he asked, "How long have you been here?"

"Probably about eight days or so."

Li Taixing made some calculations and said, "They were caught."

"Ah? Ancestor, are they really caught??" Ye Qingxia felt extremely miraculous when she saw Li Taihang's ingenious plan.


"How could this happen? After all, they are both in the Tribulation Realm. Logically speaking, they would not be captured so easily."

"They fell into coma because they mistakenly entered the formation arranged by the other party." Li Taixing explained, "However, strictly speaking, only Qinghe was arrested, and Poison Shadow was actually arrested on purpose. of."

"Ancestor, why is this?"

"I guess Poison Shadow has his plan!"

"Ancestor, what do we need to do?"

Li Taixing glanced at the sky and said, "Let me go there. No matter how many people you send there, there will only be a dead end."

"Ancestor, is the Dark Cult really that powerful?"

"Yes, although the outer hall is not very good, their members are almost all over the continent, and there are branches of their outer hall in many places." Li Taixing continued: "As for the inner hall, it is too powerful. Even the entire Heavenly Demon Sect is no match for me, of course, not including me.”

Even so, Ye Qingxia also showed a look of surprise. After all, they still had two land immortals, Li Chang and Zhao Hengling, here.

Since even they are no match for each other, then this Dark God's Religion is indeed a bit too strong.

"If you say so, then there is really nothing we can do about this dark sect?"

"You can't do it, but I can." Li Taixing said helplessly: "This is why I said I would go in person."

Ye Qingxia suddenly felt very guilty.

"Okay, that's it, you go down first." Li Taixing didn't want to waste too much time and drove Ye Qingxia away.

"Yes, Ancestor." Ye Qingxia could only leave.

After she left, Xiao Ai also appeared next to Li Taihang and said: "Brother, this dark sect is quite powerful. It is more powerful than any sect in the world. Moreover, I found that, They don't belong to this world at all."

"Well, they came from another world." Li Taixing naturally noticed this.

Xiao Ai thought, "But, I wonder what their conspiracy is?"

In fact, with their abilities, they could easily know all this, but she felt that it would be pointless.

And Li Taixing didn't want to know everything just like this, and planned to find out more when needed.

"We'll find out if we go and take a look. Let's go."

"Okay." Xiao Ai looked excited, finally able to go out and relax.

Afterwards, Li Taihang took Xiao Ai and disappeared into Wulong Peak.

Feijiao also returned to Fengyang City with Ye Qingxia's order.

After returning to Fengyang City, no one else found Qinghe and Duying. When they saw Feijiao coming back, they quickly asked about the situation.

"This time it is our Taihang Ancestor who takes action."

When they heard that Li Taixing had taken action, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's no problem."

"Well, we just need to wait in the city."


They all heard that Li Taixing came forward in person, and they were all very happy, and they could finally rest at ease.

At this time, Li Taihang and Xiao Ai also came to the depths of a primeval forest, where an outer temple branch of the Dark Cult was hidden.

At this time, Duying and Qinghe were trapped in a formation. They did not need to prepare any cells at all. The formation they drew was a cell, which tightly bound those who tried to escape. in.

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