According to the data detected by the system, for hundreds of years, the Dark Legion has collected human corpses in various ways and slaughtered a large number of humans in secret, and secretly built this corpse refining ground here in the dark river.

From the beginning to now, hundreds of years have passed.

The actual number of corpses observed by Xiao Ai is far more than hundreds of thousands, because the corpses observed by Xiao Ai are not completely decomposed.

And these corpses have undergone different changes due to different ages, but all of this is happening quietly and no one knows.

In the deepest part of the corpse refining ground, there is a corpse refining furnace, which was placed by the Dark God Cult. Through it, soldiers of different levels of the Dark Legion can be refined, and the materials are the corpses in the entire corpse refining ground.

When Li Taihang learned the truth of all this, he was still a little surprised.

"This Dark God Cult is really terrible."

On the one hand, they are secretly planning, and they have split into a large number of branch halls, trying to distract human attention, and even deliberately attract humans to find the so-called inner hall.

On the other hand, they built their own base camp in the Death Forbidden Zone. In order to prevent humans from entering, they also set up multiple lines of defense, each of which is more terrifying than the other.

When they have accumulated enough strength, they will appear.

"This Dark God Cult is really terrible." Xiao Ai sighed after understanding it.

After all, they have persisted for hundreds of years and have been constantly refining human corpses. This kind of time is not something that everyone can wait for, but they did it.

"Well, when they launch an invasion, the whole world will be full of soldiers of the Dark Legion, endless, and it is simply a nightmare for humans."

The corpses accumulated over hundreds of years can be refined into soldiers, at least hundreds of millions.

"Fortunately, this is a world of immortal cultivation, otherwise, they don't need hundreds of years at all, just a few decades, and they may be able to destroy a world."


Because it is a world of immortal cultivation, the human strength in this world is much stronger, and these soldiers of the Dark Legion are all dark attributes. When they encounter immortal cultivators, it is simply a one-sided massacre.

Immortal cultivators can easily kill hundreds of thousands of dark army soldiers, and the effect of this massacre is more powerful than the massacre of humans.

Therefore, the Dark God Cult's army plan lasted for hundreds of years.

"Now, their plan has come to an end, right?" Li Taihang asked.

"In fact, they have completed it, but they want to train more powerful dark army soldiers, so they have not activated the summoning ceremony." Xiao Ai said through the system.


Xiao Ai also told Li Taihang about other situations detected by the system. It turned out that they had more than 100 million troops as early as two hundred years ago.

At that time, if the dark army appeared in this world, it would not destroy the whole world, but at least make the whole world disappear by half.

Now, after another two hundred years, it has become even stronger.

But the dark army has greater ambitions, not only to occupy this world, but also to counterattack other worlds. Therefore, the dark army soldiers they train will only be more terrifying and powerful.

Over the years, with the addition of some corpses of immortal cultivators, the combat power of the soldiers of this dark army has increased by unknown times.

When the time comes, once it is released, it will definitely be an invincible army.

As for the immortal cultivators, they also refined a dark army composed of immortal cultivators. At that time, mortal soldiers can be used to deal with mortals, and immortal cultivators can be used to deal with immortal cultivators.

It can be said that if it were not for the arrival of Li Taihang and others, I am afraid that the secrets here would never be known to outsiders.

"Brother, what should we do?"

"Don't worry about the things here first." Li Taihang didn't care about these things at all. If he wanted, he could erase them with a thought.

"Okay." Xiao Ai thought about it and felt that it was nothing.

They continued to move forward.

Unexpectedly, there was no problem under the dark river because of their appearance.

But in fact, they have been discovered.

In the underground city, in an abandoned loess palace, a strange man sat on the throne. He was wearing armor and his hands were on the hilt of the heavy sword. His eyes were sunken, his face was withered, and his body was like a dead tree, without the slightest blood color, a complete dried corpse.

However, he was alive.

Below him was an old man holding a wooden stick, wearing a black robe, and his face was unclear. At this time, the old man in the black robe said: "Master, they have already arrived at the corpse refining ground. Should we eliminate them?"

As early as when Li Taihang and Xiao Ai appeared in the Death Forest, they had been targeted, but at the beginning, they didn't take it seriously.

Now, the two not only passed through the Death Forest, but also appeared in the Ten Thousand Demons Abyss, and even through the Ten Thousand Demons Abyss, they came to the Dark River.

This series of changes really caught the master off guard.

The master thought about it, and the fact that Li Taihang and Xiao Ai could pass through the Ten Thousand Demons Abyss and come to the Dark River proved that they were both extraordinary.

He did not intend to deal with them on the dark river to avoid any accidents.

After all, this was related to the foundation of the Dark God Cult for hundreds of years. If there was any accident, he, the lord, would definitely die.

After thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "No."


The old man in black robe was puzzled. After all, that was one of their most important places.

"Let them pass through the dark river. The corpse refining ground has reached a critical moment and must not be lost." The master said in a cold tone.

"But, in this case, they will enter the underground city..."

"It doesn't matter. You can set a trap in the underground city."

"Yes, master."

Seeing this, the old man in black robe didn't say anything more. He leaned on the wooden stick and turned away.

Li Taihang and Xiao Ai, who still knew nothing about all this, passed the dark river smoothly. In front of them, another open space suddenly appeared.

It was like coming to another world.

A loess-like city appeared in the sight of the two.

"This is the underground city!" Xiao Ai looked at the city in front and said.


"It's strange. We didn't have any danger along the way." Xiao Ai was a little puzzled, thinking that we still had to fight.

"It's ahead." Li Taihang said with a smile.

In the dungeon ahead, there are many killers hiding, waiting for them to enter the city.

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