"It's incredible that all this they did has not been discovered for hundreds of years?"

"No, it's not that they haven't been discovered, but that all the discoverers are already dead."

At this moment, a figure came behind them.

Li Taixing and Xiao Ai looked at the person who came. He was an old man. He was dressed in gray robes and his face was covered with dirt. They could no longer see his appearance clearly. They could only tell through his voice that he was a man.

However, this old man only has an upper body, no lower body, and the lower body is an illusory tail.

It is a spirit.

"Who are you?" Xiao Ai asked.

"Everything here is written by me. I am the spirit of the forest of stone tablets." Ling replied.


"Yes, I exist because of the Stone Tablet Spirit. I am responsible for recording the history destroyed by the Dark God Religion. I hope that this world will have a piece of pure land and remember the past world."

They all understood immediately.

The spirit of this stone tablet spirit is actually the same as the weapon spirit of weapons and magic weapons.

However, this spirit does not pose any threat.

"Since you are a spirit, do you have a name?" Xiao Ai asked again.

"What's the name?" Ling was a little confused.

"You wouldn't know?"

"I don't know, I don't have a name." Ling shook his head.

Li Taixing smiled and said, "Then from today on, your name will be Kering."

"Carving spirit? Carving spirit?" Ling asked curiously.

"Hmm..." Li Taixing didn't expect that this spirit was not stupid, but he just said it subconsciously, just joking.

"..." Xiao Ai looked at Li Taixing speechlessly.

"Thank you." Ke Ling seemed to like the name very much and murmured: "Ke Ling, Ke Ling, although it doesn't sound very nice, it has meaning at least. My spirit finally has a name."

Ling looked very happy.

Li Taihang and Xiao Ai looked at each other, feeling like they were bullying an honest person.

"By the way, if you are here, is there no problem?" Xiao Ai asked again.

"What's the problem?" Ke Ling looked at Xiao Ai with some confusion.

"Then the Dark God Religion allows you to exist?"

"They need to show off, so they naturally allow me to exist. Moreover, I am their record. Whichever world they go to, they will definitely take me with them."

Li Taixing and Xiao Ai finally understood, this dark god sect is really brave!

"However, we want to go to the main hall of the Dark God Religion, will you stop us?"

"No, I am only responsible for engraving historical information. I will not participate in all battles."

What's more, Ke Ling has no fighting power.

His ability is only to record history.

"That's it." Xiao Ai said again: "Then can you tell us how to get to the Dark Temple?"

"Going to the end from here is the main hall." Kering stretched out his hand, pointed in a direction, and said.

"Thank you." Xiao Ai said gratefully.

"You're welcome, I can repay you for giving me a name." After Kering finished speaking, he floated away.

After he left, Li Taihang and Xiao Ai continued walking along the forest of stone tablets.

But they didn't notice that Carving Ling carved a paragraph of text on a blank stone tablet.

"Today, two strangers came to the Stone Stele Forest. They are very strong. I feel the changes in history. I feel that the Dark God's Religion is going to be finished. At least, their Dark God's Religion in this plane will disappear completely. "

After writing this paragraph, Ke Ling sank into a stone tablet and disappeared.

After Li Taihang and Xiao Ai left the Forest of Stone Steles, they saw the distance.

Deep in the earth, there is a mysterious and eerie dark castle.

This castle seems to be an existence forgotten by the world, shrouded in endless darkness.

It is the main palace of the Dark God Religion - Castle of the Underworld.

"Fort of the Underworld Emperor? The word "Underworld Emperor" is so domineering, but it's a pity that the word "Fort" comes with it!" Xiao Ai said disdainfully.

If she dared to show off in front of them, she wanted to explode it with one finger.

The two jumped up, flew towards the castle, and landed in front of the castle.

Looking up, the walls of the castle were very tall and towering in front of them. They were made of huge and cold black stones, exuding a frightening aura.

The erosion of time has left mottled marks on the stone walls, like mysterious spells and countless painful memories.

The gate of the castle was closed, and the heavy black iron door was rusty, as if it had not been opened for a long time.

A dim oil lamp hung above the door. The weak flame flickered in the darkness, barely illuminating a small area in front of the door, but it highlighted the deep darkness around it.

The two of them walked to the gate of the castle, but they didn't find any guards, and they couldn't help but have strange looks on their faces.

"Are there no guards here?"

"I don't know. Let's go in and take a look."

The two pushed open the door of the castle. Unexpectedly, the door opened easily. When they walked into the castle, a smell of decay hit their nostrils.

They walked into the long castle gate passage, which seemed to be the mouth of a wild beast, swallowing everything.

When we came to the end, we saw an empty hall.

Several huge stone pillars supported the high dome. The stone pillars were engraved with strange patterns, looming in the shadows, as if there were countless pairs of eyes peering at them in the darkness, which was extremely strange.

The floor of the hall is paved with ancient stone slabs, and with every step you take, you can hear footsteps echoing in the open space.

There were footprints on the ground, as if to show that no one had been here for a long time.

Walking along the winding corridor, the rooms on both sides were closed, and the door handles were covered with dust and cobwebs.

Occasionally, a cold wind blew from nowhere, bringing a gloomy chill that made people's backs cold.

"Brother, are we in the wrong place?"

After seeing the desolation here, Xiao Ai even had doubts several times.

Li Taihang thought for a while and said, "Let's look for it."


The two continued to walk around the castle.

In the depths of the castle, there was a faint sound of dripping water, which was particularly clear in the silent darkness.

And in the dark corner, it seemed that something was quietly creeping, which made people feel a chill and a faint chill on their backs.

"There is something."

Li Taihang looked at the end of the corridor in front of him.





A strange and terrifying laugh, coming from far away, instantly filled the minds of the two people, leaving only these two sounds in their world. However, when the sound broke in, a painful hissing sound was heard.


The strange and terrifying sound suddenly stopped, as if it had never appeared.

"Is it gone?"

"It should have been the guards in the castle just now?"

"That's too weak."

Both of them were a little skeptical. Is this really the main hall of the Dark God Cult? Can it be fake?

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