Sunset Villa.

Li Taihang came to a big tree outside the villa, observing the situation inside, and began to sense the situation inside.

He unexpectedly discovered that there was a formation in Sunset Villa, although it was not a defensive formation, but a concealing formation that could prevent outsiders from peeping at Sunset Villa.

Li Taihang's mind moved: "Break it for me."

Suddenly, the concealing formation was destroyed, and everything inside appeared in Li Taihang's perception without any cover.

There was a chaos in Sunset Villa at this time.

Because they found that someone broke their concealing formation.

"Check everyone to see who is coveting our Sunset Villa."


A team of guards was searching around, and some guards even came to patrol outside the villa.

However, they could not see Li Taihang hiding in the tree.

Li Taihang's figure flashed, and he had left the big tree and appeared in a dungeon in Sunset Villa.

There are more than a hundred people imprisoned here, including men and women, old and young. The mental states of these people are also different. Some keep shouting to let me go, some are begging for mercy, and some are shouting for help.

In short, the whole dungeon is very chaotic.

The guards in the dungeon seem to be deaf to all this.

"Come on, drink."

The guards sat at a round table with some roast chicken, side dishes, and some fine wine. They ate and drank while occasionally shouting.

"By the way, the people here are really noisy."

"Hey, it's good to get used to it. Everything comes and changes. Every time it makes a lot of noise, we are too lazy to pay attention to these noisy people now. On the contrary, their voices can't be heard."


They didn't think about it anymore and continued to eat and drink.

Not long after, Li Taihang came to the dungeon. The guards here saw Li Taihang and were slightly stunned.

"Who are you?"

They saw that Li Taihang was very strange, but he suddenly appeared, and they didn't see anyone else, so they all stood up.

"What's wrong?"

"Someone broke into the dungeon."


The other guards also found Li Taihang.

"Catch him."


The guards rushed towards Li Taihang, trying to take him down.

Li Taihang glanced at the stone on the ground, raised his hand, and the stone floated up.

Just as the guards looked at Li Taihang, Li Taihang pointed his hand and said, "Infinite amplification."

Suddenly, a small stone turned into countless pieces, densely arranged in front of Li Taihang, scaring the guards.


Li Taihang wrapped his divine power around these small stones, making them suddenly shoot out like bullets.

"Swish, swish, swish."

"Puff, puff, puff."


A large number of screams rang out, and all the guards who were hit were instantly shot and fell to the ground.

The remaining flying stones flew towards the prison doors, either smashing the prison doors or breaking the shackles or ropes that were locked on people.

Instantly, these prisoners regained their freedom.

"We... are saved?"

"Hahaha, I'm finally free, damn Sunset Villa, I'm going to fight you."

"Woo, I finally don't have to be tied up."

"Rescued, I don't have to die, that's great, woo."

The people in the dungeon, who were rescued one by one, all walked out happily, some with gloomy faces, and came outside, and saw Li Taihang who rescued them.

Li Taihang glanced at these people, some of whom were ordinary people, but some were immortal cultivators.

He looked at them and said, "You are free now, but the defense of Sunset Villa is very tight now. If you walk out of the dungeon, you will be discovered and caught."

"Sir, you saved us. What do you think we should do?"

"I will destroy the entire Sunset Villa. After we have settled this, you can leave."

Li Taihang's words shocked them all.

"Young Master, can you really do it?"

"Of course."

"Young Master, what's your name?"

"I come from the Heavenly Demon Sect."

As soon as Li Taihang finished speaking, the faces of many people here changed. Li Taihang naturally knew that this would happen, so he said calmly: "Don't worry, the current Heavenly Demon Sect is no longer the Heavenly Demon Sect of the past."

"I don't know what you mean, young master?"

"Those who committed heinous crimes are basically dead, including all the elders, all dead. The new elders of the current Heavenly Demon Sect are all supported. The Heavenly Demon Sect will no longer harm the world like in the past."

"Young Master, how can we believe you?"

"Believe it or not, if it weren't for the consideration of ruining the reputation of our Heavenly Demon Sect, I wouldn't come to save you."

Li Taihang was too lazy to say too much to these people. After he finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Because he had said everything he should say, and the rest was up to them.

These people obviously half-believed and half-doubted Li Taihang's words.

However, some people still chose to believe, while others did not believe Li Taihang's words at all, but he saved everyone, so they did not say it directly.

At this time, seeing that Li Taihang had left the dungeon, these people seemed to know the power of Sunset Villa and did not leave here without permission.

But he was also secretly observing the situation outside.

After rescuing the trapped people here, Li Taihang didn't pay any more attention, but when he appeared outside, he was discovered at the first time.

"There is an intruder."

"Come quickly, there is an intruder here."

The guards of Sunset Villa immediately surrounded Li Taihang.

"Don't let him run away, trap him for me."


In order to prevent Li Taihang from escaping, some guards even began to form a formation, ready to deal with the escaping Li Taihang at any time.

But they were wrong. Li Taihang appeared in front of them just to attract them all and then eliminate them all in one wave.

"Who are you? Why did you trespass into my Sunset Villa?"

At this time, a captain of the guard team stared at Li Taihang with cold eyes.

Li Taihang didn't even look at him, but waited for more people to arrive.

"You're looking for death. Since you won't tell me, then go and die."

The captain of the guard team rushed towards Li Taihang. Li Taihang saw the big knife slashing towards him and slightly turned his body to avoid the attack.


After the captain's attack missed, he was slightly surprised and looked at Li Taihang.

Li Taihang raised his hand and hit it.



The captain flew backwards and hit a big tree in front of him, dying on the spot.

"He killed our people, go!"

"Kill him."


The guards around him rushed towards Li Taihang with swords in their hands.

Li Taihang said: "Swords come."

Suddenly, these swords suddenly struggled and flew from the hands of their original owners to Li Taihang.

This scene confused the guards.

They raised their heads and looked at Li Taihang, and then they found that the swords in their hands all appeared above Li Taihang, and those swords also began to rotate.

"My, my sword!"

"Damn it, give me back my sword!"

When they saw that their weapons were controlled by Li Taihang, they were immediately terrified and began to be afraid of Li Taihang.

"Give it back to you? Sure."

With a smile on his face, Li Taihang suddenly jumped up and floated in the air.

"Kill them!"

As Li Taihang pointed his finger downward, the suspended flying swords shot towards the guards below like arrows.

"Not good!"

"Be careful, dodge."



"Puff puff puff."


The falling swords were extremely fast. When these guards wanted to dodge, they had already killed them. Before they could react, they directly penetrated and killed them.

But those swords seemed to have life. These swords penetrated, chopped, or attacked the guards' weaknesses, and instantly harvested many lives. The ground was full of corpses.

Those who sneaked out of the dungeon were all shocked to see Li Taihang showing his might.

"Oh my god, too strong."

All the guards in the scene died under their own weapons, but these weapons were controlled by Li Taihang.

Seeing those flying swords, those who escaped were even a little scared, afraid that they would suddenly attack them without any reason.

Li Taihang glanced at those who escaped, and ignored them, but flew to the back of Sunset Villa.

Although there are many guards here, most of them are ordinary cultivators.

And the movement here also alarmed the real strong in Sunset Villa.

"Who are you? Why are you slaughtering the people of Sunset Villa?"

A fat man from Sunset Villa flew in the air, blocking Li Taihang's way, and just stared at Li Taihang with a gloomy face.

Li Taihang laughed: "The Heavenly Demon Sect does not allow you evil followers to exist, so you must be destroyed!"


The fat man was a little puzzled when he heard Li Taihang's words.

"You said you are from the Heavenly Demon Sect?"

"That's right."

"We have always cooperated with you, do you want to betray us?"

"No, the Heavenly Demon Sect that cooperated with you was the past Heavenly Demon Sect, and the current Heavenly Demon Sect is not worthy of you."

"Damn, arrogant!"

Seeing Li Taihang say this, the fat man was also a clay Buddha, and he was also a little rustic, and attacked Li Taihang.

"Demon Palm."

A black palm print slapped Li Taihang in front of him, which was the hand of the fat man.

Li Taihang did not dodge, allowing it to hit himself, and finally submerged Li Taihang.

"Hmph, arrogant boy, you didn't dodge? You are really looking for death." The fat man said contemptuously.

However, just as he finished speaking, Li Taihang's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Demon Palm."

Li Taihang used the Devil Palm to beat the fat man into pieces of flesh. He died before he could even scream.

After killing him, Li Taihang set his sights on a certain place in Sunset Villa, where the real owner of Sunset Villa was hiding.

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