When Du Li saw these fishmen, he took out the water-repellent beads. He would not foolishly fight with them. His main target was the one-eyed fishman.

The one-eyed fishman hid in the sea and commanded the fishmen to spray water bullets at Du Li.

The fishmen in the sea can use water bullets to attack the enemy.

But after Du Li took out the water-repellent beads, a layer of light blue light shield was formed, covering his entire body.

Then, he jumped into the water and fell into the sea.

The water-repellent beads can not only avoid water, but also have a certain degree of water immunity. The water bullet attacks of those fishmen on him can't hurt Du Li at all.

In addition, it can also form a layer of protection.

When the one-eyed fishman saw Du Li enter the sea, he was also surprised.

"What's the matter? How dare he come into the water?"

The one-eyed fishman thought that Du Li only dared to attack him at sea, so he planned to use the fishmen to consume Du Li.

As a result, he didn't expect Du Li to enter the sea.

"Is it because of the light shield on his body?"

The one-eyed fishman also noticed the light shield, especially the light shield also resisted the water bomb attacks of the fishmen.

Du Li, who entered the sea, also looked for the position of the one-eyed fishman as soon as possible.

Fortunately, this guy's body shape and features are relatively obvious, and he quickly found the one-eyed fishman.

"Found you."

The one-eyed fishman's heart skipped a beat, and suddenly he had a bad premonition.

Especially when he saw Du Li's eyes looking at him, he felt that he was shrouded in danger.

"Kill him for me."

The one-eyed fishman thought about it and commanded the fishmen to besiege Du Li.

Du Li looked at the fishmen swimming towards him from all directions, and he was not afraid. Instead, he waved his sword and set off a whirlwind formed by black sword energy, tearing all the fishmen who approached directly.


"Puff puff puff."

The fishmen were like entering a meat grinder and were completely crushed.

After tearing through their encirclement, Du Li flew directly to the one-eyed fishman with his sword.

Because of the water-repellent beads, he can fly in the air as well as in the water.

The water-repellent beads also separate all the water, so that Du Li is not affected by the water resistance.

The one-eyed fishman was shocked to see how powerful he was, and he immediately swam towards the coral reef below.

When Du Li caught up with him, he had already dived into the coral reef.

Du Li frowned immediately, looking at the huge coral reef in front of him, and didn't know where to find the one-eyed fishman for a moment.

"Well, since we don't know where he is, just force an attack."

Du Li waved his sword to destroy the coral reefs.

Under his attack, the coral reefs also began to collapse and break.

A large number of fish, or fishmen, escaped from inside, and Du Li was also looking for the whereabouts of the one-eyed fishman.

"He shouldn't be able to escape far, I have to look for him carefully."

Du Li simply entered the coral reef because he found nothing after destroying it outside.

However, when he entered, he was attacked by the fishman.

Unfortunately, these fishmen were not a threat to Du Li, who had the water-repellent beads, and were killed by Du Li all the way.

He soon discovered that there was a crack under the coral reef, and the one-eyed fishman was hiding there.

Du Li's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness, and he quickly rushed towards the crack.

The one-eyed fishman was more and more frightened when he saw that Du Li had discovered his hiding place, but he still tried to make a final struggle.

It rushed out of the crack, spewing a stream of black venom from its mouth, heading straight for Du Li.

Du Li reacted very quickly, dodged sideways, and avoided the attack of the venom.

The venom fell on the surrounding reefs, making a "sizzling" sound, and the reefs were instantly corroded into large pits.

"You evil beast, today is your death!"

Du Li shouted angrily, and waved the sword in his hand again, and the black sword energy on the sword became more and more intense, as if it was going to swallow up the surrounding sea water.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the one-eyed fishman turned around and tried to escape again, but Du Li would never give him this opportunity. He flashed and blocked the one-eyed fishman in an instant.


Du Li shouted, and the sword in his hand stabbed straight into the one-eyed fishman's one eye.

The one-eyed fishman quickly raised his claws to resist, but Du Li's attack was so powerful that with a "click", the one-eyed fishman's claws were cut off.


The one-eyed fishman screamed, and blood spread in the sea water.

Du Li took advantage of the victory and swung another sword, directly across the one-eyed fishman's neck.

The one-eyed fishman's head was instantly separated from the body and slowly floated to the bottom of the sea.

Du Li breathed a sigh of relief after solving the one-eyed fishman.

He looked around, and the remaining fishmen saw that their leader was dead and fled in all directions.

Du Li didn't want to chase those small fish and shrimps. He put away his sword and prepared to leave the sea.

Just as he turned around, he found a strange light flickering in the coral reef he had destroyed.

Du Li was curious and walked towards the light.

When he got closer, he saw a gem emitting blue light embedded in a huge reef.

Du Li reached out and took the gem off and looked at it carefully. The gem was crystal clear and seemed to contain powerful power.

"Is this a treasure?" Du Li guessed secretly in his heart.

At this moment, the gem suddenly shone brightly, and a powerful force wrapped Du Li tightly.

Du Li felt his eyes blurred for a while, and when he saw the surroundings again, he found that he was in a strange place.

This is a huge underwater cave, and the walls around are inlaid with various exotic gems, emitting colorful light.

Du Li vigilantly observed the surrounding environment and walked forward carefully.

Suddenly, a low roar came from the front.

Du Li clenched the sword in his hand and quickened his pace.

A huge sea beast appeared in front of him.

This sea beast looked like a dragon, but its body was covered with sharp thorns, and its eyes were like burning flames.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass into my territory!" The sea beast spoke in human language, and the voice was deafening.

Du Li's heart trembled, but he did not retreat, "I just came here by chance, and I have no intention of offending you."

"Huh, by chance? Then where did the gem in your hand come from?" The sea beast glared at the blue gem in Du Li's hand.

Du Li then realized that it was this gem that brought him here.

"I found this gem in the coral reef." Du Li said truthfully.

"That's mine, return it quickly!" The sea beast opened its bloody mouth and pounced on Du Li.

Du Li quickly dodged sideways and swung his sword at the sea beast.

The sea beast's body was extremely hard, and Du Li's sword only left a shallow mark on it.

"This guy is so powerful!" Du Li was secretly shocked.

Seeing that Du Li couldn't hurt it, the sea beast attacked more recklessly.

Du Li dodged left and right, and gradually felt a little powerless.

Just when he was in trouble, the blue gem in his hand suddenly shone again.

A blue light shot out from the gem and hit the sea beast's eyes directly.


The sea beast was hit by this light and roared in pain.

Du Li took the opportunity to attack. He injected all his strength into the sword and stabbed at the sea beast's weakness.

This sword finally pierced the sea beast's vital point.

The huge body of the sea beast slowly fell down and turned into a pile of bones.

"It was a close call. I almost died. Fortunately, I had it."

Du Li breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the blue gem in his hand again, and his heart was full of doubts.

What is the origin of this gem, and why does it have such a powerful power?

Just as Du Li was thinking, the gem suddenly broke free from his hand and flew towards the depths of the cave.


Du Li hurriedly chased after it.

In the depths of the cave, Du Li found an ancient palace.

The door of the palace was closed, but the gem flew directly into the door.

Du Li hesitated for a moment, and finally pushed the door open.

Inside the door was a huge palace hall, surrounded by various precious treasures.

In the center of the hall, there was a huge throne, and a figure sat on the throne.

Du Li walked closer and found that it was a strong man who had died long ago.

Next to the strong man, there was a yellowed ancient book.

Du Li picked up the ancient book and opened it. The front recorded the secrets of the blue gem, and the back recorded the cultivation method of the strong.

It turned out that this gem was called "The Incomplete Heart of the Sea God". If you have a complete heart of the sea god, you will have the power to control the ocean.

"So powerful."

Du Li was very surprised.

And this dead strong man was one of the former pursuers of the sea god.

Du Li was shocked. He didn't expect that he would get such a precious treasure, but it was a pity that it was only incomplete.



At this moment, the palace suddenly began to shake violently, as if it was about to collapse.

"No, I have to leave here quickly."

Du Li didn't dare to stay for long. He took the "Incomplete Heart of the Sea God" and the ancient book and quickly left the palace.

When he walked out of the cave, he found that he had returned to the previous sea area, and the palace behind him sank to the bottom of the sea.

He looked back and didn't expect that he would have such an unexpected gain on this trip. He felt like he was dreaming.

"By the way, this 'Heart of the Sea God' is so precious, I must tell the ancestor about it."

Du Li flew away from the sea and flew towards the sky.

He went back to the village first and told the village chief and villagers that he had eliminated the one-eyed fish man.

"Thank you, Master Du. If it weren't for your help, how could we survive?"

The village chief led a group of villagers to kneel on the ground.

At the same time, the village chief also presented a treasure map.

"This is what we accidentally got when we went out to sea. Anyway, we can't go to such a dangerous place to search for treasures. Why not give it to the master, hoping to help the master." The village chief raised his hands, very sincerely.

"This is not good." Du Li didn't like worldly things, not to mention that he had already obtained the 'incomplete heart of the sea god'.

"You must accept it, otherwise we will feel guilty."

"Okay." In the end, Du Li still accepted the treasure map and left here with the villagers' farewell.

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