When Wang Yanru woke up, she was actually in the military camp. She got up and went outside.

There was someone guarding the door. When they saw Wang Yanru coming out, they immediately became respectful.

You know, it was Wang Yanru who saved the entire demon domain and destroyed the demon army.

Otherwise, where would they be now?

Especially the doomsday hurricane. Now anyone who thinks of it has a lingering fear.

"Miss Wang, you are awake." The guard said respectfully.

"Where is this?" Wang Yanru asked a little confused.

"This is the main camp of the Great Wall Legion."

"How did I get here?" Wang Yanru was a little puzzled. She remembered that she fought with the demon clan and finally fainted because of exhaustion.

"Miss Wang, our general wants to see you. You will know after you go to see him."

Wang Yanru thought about it, nodded, and said, "Okay."

"Please come this way." The guard immediately led the way in front.

Wang Yanru followed him and walked towards the tent of the legion commander. Inside the tent, Chen Zhanyun, the legion commander of the Great Wall Legion, was listening to the scout's report.

"General, we have already scouted and found that there are not many demons left. We can attack and completely eliminate them."

"Are you sure?" Chen Zhanyun, the legion commander of the Great Wall Legion, asked again to confirm.

The scout nodded happily: "Yes, without the influence of the wind and sand weather, our reconnaissance difficulties will not be affected."


At this moment, the voice of the guard came from outside the tent.

"General, Miss Wang is awake."

Hearing this, Chen Zhanyun immediately put down the things in his hands, waved his hand, and said: "Go find the deputy general and tell him to take charge of it."

"Yes, general." The scout turned around and left quickly.

When he came out, he saw Wang Yanru, looked at her with envy and gratitude, and hurried away.

After he left, Wang Yanru saw the curtain of the tent was lifted again, and a general in his forties or fifties walked out from it. He was very happy when he saw Wang Yanru.

"Hahaha, Miss Wang, you finally woke up." Chen Zhanyun was still in awe of Wang Yanru.

After all, this was a ruthless man who challenged the demon army alone.

He couldn't do that.

"Yes, why am I here?"

"Come, let's talk inside first."

"Okay." Wang Yanru also felt that it was not suitable to chat outside, so she nodded and agreed.

When they came to the tent, they talked about some things.

When they came to the tent, they talked about some things.

Chen Zhanyun said with emotion: "Miss Wang, you have made an unparalleled contribution this time! If you hadn't stood up at the critical moment and fought to the death with the demon army, our Great Wall defense line would have been breached long ago. The power of the doomsday hurricane still amazes everyone."

Wang Yanru was a little embarrassed and said: "General Chen, you are too kind. I just did my best."

Chen Zhanyun shook his head and said seriously: "Miss Wang, don't be modest. Your contribution is obvious to all. I have decided to report to the court and ask for credit for you. In addition, I have also prepared some small gifts as a personal thank you to you."

As he said, Chen Zhanyun asked someone to bring an exquisite box and handed it to Wang Yanru.

Wang Yanru wanted to refuse, but seeing Chen Zhanyun's firm attitude, she had to accept it.

At this moment, a noisy sound suddenly came from outside the tent. After a while, a soldier came in and reported: "General, the people from the Demon Slayer Division are here."

Chen Zhanyun was slightly stunned, then showed a happy expression and said: "Please come in."

Soon, several people from the Demon Slayer Division wearing special clothes walked into the tent.

The leader saw Wang Yanru, and his eyes showed admiration. He said: "This must be Miss Wang Yanru? We have heard about your deeds. This time, I came here to commend you on behalf of the Demon Slayer Division."

Wang Yanru was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the people from the Demon Slayer Division would come so quickly.

It seems that her deeds have spread.

But Wang Yanru didn't actually covet these false names, because she also followed the orders of the ancestors to go down the mountain.

She stood up and said respectfully, "Thank you, everyone in the Demon Slayer Division."

The head of the Demon Slayer Division took out a token and a secret book, handed them to Wang Yanru, and said, "This token is the honorary token of the Demon Slayer Division. With this token, you will be respected and assisted by the Demon Slayer Division everywhere. This secret book is a special skill of our Demon Slayer Division. I hope it will be helpful to you."

Wang Yanru took the token and secret book.

"Thank you."

"No, you deserve it."

She knew that these rewards were not only a recognition of her personally, but also an affirmation of her efforts to protect mankind.

Although Wang Yanru had no intention of this, her heart was quite touched at this moment. This was something she had never experienced in the small world.

Chen Zhanyun watched from the side and was also happy for Wang Yanru.

He said, "Miss Wang, I don't know where your master came from."


The people of the Demon Slayer Division were also very curious.

It was embarrassing to say that when Wang Yanru joined the Demon Slayer Division, they did not register in detail.

In the past, these were definitely inevitable procedures.

But now, the Demon Slayer Division is about to be wiped out, and it’s good enough that someone can come. Who would want to investigate so clearly?

Besides, after joining, you might die soon. Who would care about a dead person?

"I come from the Heavenly Demon Sect."

"The Heavenly Demon Sect?"

They had all heard of this sect and were very surprised.

In fact, the senior demon slayers had also told them, but they still had to confirm with Wang Yanru.

"Well, speaking of which, I came here this time under the order of the ancestor to come here for training."

They were even more stunned after hearing this.

"Come here for training?"

Listen, how infuriating.

She came here alone to train and resolved the great terror in the demon domain. How could she come here for training? She came here to suppress everything, right?

After this time, I'm afraid that the entire Heavenly Demon Sect will become famous again.

"Miss Wang, no matter what, I really have to thank you this time." Chen Zhanyun understood that no matter what the other party's purpose was, they should thank Wang Yanru.

If it weren't for her, the Demon Slayer Division might be gone, and the Great Wall of the Demon Domain would inevitably be breached in the face of this doomsday hurricane.

The Great Wall Legion would also be destroyed.

Once the Great Wall of the Demon Realm, the Great Wall Corps and the Demon Slayer Division are lost, the Breaking Realm City will not be able to be defended and will be destroyed.

Then, the demon race will march straight in, which will be a disaster for the human race.

"Then I wonder what Miss Wang's plan is next?"

"The ancestor has no follow-up orders. I think I'd better stay here."

Wang Yanru felt that she might have to do the task here.


The people of the Demon Slayer Division were very happy, because if she stayed, she could help the Demon Slayer Division.

And Chen Zhanyun was the same.

"Miss Wang, as long as you are here, just tell us what you want. We can cooperate with you and will definitely cooperate with you."

"Miss Wang, I am the same here. You are now the honorary deputy director of our Demon Slayer Division." The people of the Demon Slayer Division suddenly spoke again.

Chen Zhanyun was slightly stunned and looked at the person who was speaking. He was Wang Tong, the special demon slayer of the Demon Slayer Division, and the great elder of the entire Demon Slayer Division.

If Wang Yanru is the honorary deputy director, then her status is nominally higher than Wang Tong.

Wang Tong also gave it to Wang Yanru only after he was sure that she would stay.

Because he knew that Wang Yanru was a member of the Demon Sect, and the changes in the Demon Sect made him unsure of Wang Yanru's character, so he didn't dare to give her this kind of reward.

Now that it has been confirmed, he naturally can't be stingy.

Wang Yanru didn't like the honorary deputy director, but she was still a little surprised when she got the position.

Because she knew how much power she would have after getting this position?

However, Wang Yanru really looked down on everything here, and naturally would not abuse the resources of the Demon Slayer Department.

"Miss Wang, although we can't give you any real power here in the Great Wall Corps, I believe that after the court knows about it, they will definitely pay great attention to you."

"Thank you." Wang Yanru smiled slightly.

At this moment, a soldier came in and reported to Chen Zhanyun: "General, the banquet is ready."

"Haha, good."

Many things were ready long before Wang Yanru woke up. Now that Wang Yanru woke up, the kitchen was also in full swing. Everyone worked together to prepare a rich welcoming banquet for Wang Yanru.

"Come on, Miss Wang, we have prepared a welcoming banquet for you, you must attend." Chen Zhanyun smiled.

"Yes, yes." Wang Tong also smiled.

This time's welcoming banquet naturally also includes the Demon Slayer Division, and it is all agreed by both parties. This shows that this welcoming banquet must be extraordinary.

Wang Yanru did not refuse. After thinking about it, she nodded and said, "Okay, thank you."

She just wanted to take a good rest, so she attended this welcoming banquet.

When she came to the banquet, Wang Yanru was shocked by the banquet in front of her.


The dining table, which was more than ten meters long, was filled with all kinds of delicious food. In addition to these, there were also various kinds of wine and drinks, and all the things served were extraordinary.

After eating these things, they were of great help to their cultivation.

It can be said that they spent a lot of effort and paid a huge price to set up this banquet.

"This is too expensive." Wang Yanru said a little embarrassedly. She was once a member of the royal family, so she naturally saw its value.

"No, it's worth it to entertain you." Chen Zhanyun laughed.

Wang Tong also smiled and said, "Okay, let's take the table."


Wang Yanru had no choice but to follow the host's wishes.

However, this meal was a good supplement for Wang Yanru, and Wang Yanru was embarrassed to waste them.

And other people, even those senior demon slayers, got such benefits because of Wang Yanru at this time, and they admired Wang Yanru even more in their hearts.

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