Li Meimei's eyes widened, looking at the bloody eyes around her, her heart beating violently.

The blood-red light looked particularly terrifying in the dim environment, as if it was the devil's eye from hell.

"What is that?"

Her voice trembled slightly, and she looked at Chao Bing.

Han Bing's face also became solemn, staring at those blood-red eyes, and soon recognized these monsters.

"Another monster, it's the Shadow Demon Wolf." He replied in a low voice.

"My God, why do we encounter these monsters today? Is the demon clan dead?" Zhao Huzi couldn't help complaining.

In fact, since the wind and sand formation was broken, the demon clan has been gathered by a demon clan master.

Therefore, now in the demon domain, basically these monsters are the main ones.

These shadow demon wolves are ferocious by nature and there are a large number of them. Once they encounter, it will be a fierce battle.

Wang Yanru looked around and said, "You all hide in the cave over there, I'll stop them."

"Okay, Director Wang." Han Bing and others were not hypocritical. They followed Wang Yanru's orders and quickly ran towards the cave entrance.

Wang Yanru was directly exposed to these shadow demon wolves, without any fear.


The shadow demon wolves roared, and the sound echoed in the valley, which was frightening.

Those shadow demon wolves rushed directly towards Wang Yanru, like a group of hungry beasts seeing delicious prey.

There were also a small number of them rushing towards the cave, trying to attack Han Bing and others.

The cave was shallow, but it was enough for several of them to hide.

"Let's not cause trouble for Director Wang, take turns guarding the cave entrance." Chao Bing said loudly.


The others responded in unison. They quickly entered the combat state, using the narrow space of the cave to guard each other alternately, which was not a problem.

At this time, the shadow demon wolves had already pounced.

They bared their teeth and claws, revealing sharp teeth and claws, as if they were going to tear everything into pieces.

Han Bing and others also rushed to resist.

They waved their swords, releasing sword energy, and started a fierce battle with the Shadow Wolf.

And Wang Yanru was also surrounded by those Shadow Wolfs. She did not attack at the first time, but waited for them to rush up.

She knew that only when the enemy was most concentrated could she exert the greatest attack power.

The guardian necklace emitted a protective light, which was like an invisible shield, protecting Wang Yanru tightly in the middle and helping her to resist the impact of these Shadow Wolfs.

Wang Yanru suddenly attacked when she saw that there were Shadow Wolfs all around.

"Unparalleled Sword Dance!"

In an instant, a burst of sword sounds rang out,

The sword energy crisscrossed, like a gorgeous sword rain, enveloping the Shadow Wolf, ruthlessly tearing their bodies into pieces.

The shadow wolves attacked in groups, but were harvested by Wang Yanru in large numbers.

Instantly, there were heavy casualties, blood dyed the ground red, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

After killing these shadow wolves, she stopped again, letting the shadow wolves recover, and then continued to attack her.


The shadow wolves were extremely angry when they saw so many of their own kind being killed, and they killed Wang Yanru.

As a result, when she was surrounded by these monsters, Wang Yanru once again released the unparalleled sword dance.

She cleared the shadow wolves around her in an instant, leaving a large number of shadow wolf corpses on the ground, which were densely packed and very shocking.

With the large number of casualties of the shadow wolves, the shadow wolves also knew the terribleness of Wang Yanru and began to retreat.

Their eyes were full of fear and anxiety, and they no longer had the fierceness and arrogance before.

Seeing that they did not dare to kill them again, Wang Yanru took action herself. She rushed over and whispered, "Sword-drawing technique."

A sharp sword energy swept across, instantly killing the phantom wolves that were shrinking in front of her but still in a pile.


The phantom wolves saw how terrifying it was, wailed, turned around and ran away.

They were like dogs that had lost their homes, running around, no longer as majestic as before.

The phantom wolves that had originally attacked Han Bing and others also quickly retreated. Seeing the army running away, they also joined the ranks of escape.

Seeing this, Wang Yanru said coldly, "Come if you want, run if you want?"

But she saw her figure suddenly disappear from the spot, and appeared again, already in front of the phantom wolves.

The phantom wolves stopped in fear when they saw Wang Yanru.

"Sword-drawing technique."


"Puff puff puff."

Suddenly, a chilling sword energy penetrated the phantom wolves again.


The shadow wolf fell to the ground with a howl and died.

In the back, Han Bing and others came out of the cave and saw that Wang Yanru had killed people everywhere. The shadow wolves were trembling with fear and their morale was boosted.

"Kill them all." Han Bing shouted loudly.


Their voices were full of fighting spirit and determination, as if they wanted to wipe out all the shadow wolves.

Although their sword energy was not as strong as Wang Yanru's, their strength was far superior to that of the shadow wolves.

If Wang Yanru hadn't been afraid that something would happen to them, they wouldn't have wanted to hide.


The shadow wolves were not afraid of the few people who suddenly appeared.

They were still baring their teeth and claws, ready to fight to the death with Han Bing and others.

However, when the two sides collided, these shadow demon wolves were harvested in large areas. They were not as terrible as Wang Yanru, but the five people killed a lot of shadow demon wolves together.

In this way, one in front and one behind, they blocked them all in the valley, and in a short while, they were all eliminated.

"Huh." Han Bing and his men felt a little tired, because there were too many shadow demon wolves, which consumed a lot of their mana and physical strength.

They were panting, with tired looks on their faces.

Wang Yanru, on the other hand, was like nothing happened. She was upright and her breath was steady, as if this battle was just a piece of cake for her.

She glanced around, suddenly jumped up, and came to the top of the valley.

But she saw several shadow demon wolves staring at her, one of which was nearly twice as big as the other shadow demon wolves.

After Wang Yanru saw it, she knew it was the king of those shadow demon wolves.

"I was wondering why those shadow demon wolves would retreat? It turns out there is a shadow demon wolf king here."

At this time, Han Bing and several others also flew up. After seeing the shadow demon wolf in front of them, they sneered.

The shadow demon wolf king has now hit a wall. Facing Wang Yanru's strength, it is not their opponent at all.

"Woo woo."

The shadow demon wolf king grinned, revealing his sinister teeth, and looked at them with unwilling and fearful eyes.

"Ah." Several guarding shadow demon wolves around them immediately pounced on them.

They wanted to protect the wolf king and fight to the death with the enemy.

"Humph, evil beast, you are looking for death." Han Bing swung his sword and chopped it out. His swordsmanship was sharp and merciless. In an instant, he killed the shadow demon wolves that pounced on him in a pool of blood.

But the shadow demon wolf king took the opportunity to turn around and run away.

It knew that it was no match for these people, so it could only run away first and then look for a chance to take revenge.

Seeing this, Li Meimei jumped up and landed in front of the Shadow Wolf King.

Jiang Yan, Luo Chengzhong and Zhao Huzi also rushed over, and each of them stood in a position, just to surround the Shadow Wolf King. Although the Shadow Wolf King was unwilling, he had no way out now.

Seeing this, the Shadow Wolf King began to burn his own blood.


I saw a strange red light flowing on its body, and the blood in its eyes became even bigger, even overflowing from the eye sockets, as if blood and tears were flowing out.

"This evil beast is burning its blood and wants to fight with us."

Li Meimei was in front of the Shadow Wolf King, and she saw this scene clearly.

She knew that the Shadow Wolf King burning its blood would definitely become more powerful.

"Kill it, don't let it succeed."

Luo Chengzhong roared, waved the sword in his hand, and stabbed it first.

His swordsmanship was fierce and full of power.

The Shadow Wolf King dodged quickly and barely avoided the fatal blow, but was also stabbed by Luo Chengzhong, leaving a bloody mark.

A deep wound appeared on its body, and blood was flowing.

A large area of ​​red light burst out from the Shadow Wolf King's body, and it turned into a more powerful Blood Shadow Wolf.


It howled wildly and rushed to Jiang Yan at a very fast speed.

It saw that Jiang Yan was small and had the lowest cultivation, so it thought she was the easiest to bully.

But Jiang Yan was not panicked when she saw it flying over.

"Sword Qi Comes from the East."

Her voice was crisp and loud, and flying swords suddenly appeared all around and pierced the Blood Shadow Wolf.

The flying Blood Shadow Wolf instantly became a living target, and was pierced through the body by flying swords.


The Blood Shadow Demon Wolf fell to the ground, and blood began to flow from the wounds on its body. The Blood Shadow Demon Wolf was also in a state of weakness, and it was breathing out more than breathing in.

At this time, Zhao Huzi also rushed over and chopped off the head of the Blood Shadow Demon Wolf.




The head of the Blood Shadow Demon Wolf fell and died instantly. Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but smile.

"These guys are also vulnerable." Zhao Huzi looked at the head of the Blood Shadow Demon Wolf on the ground and said happily.

"Okay, if it weren't for Director Wang, we would have been injured if we didn't die when facing these things."

Han Bing walked up, looked at the dead Blood Shadow Demon Wolf, and looked up at a few people.

"Well..." They all looked at Wang Yanru.

Wang Yanru said: "Since the danger has been eliminated, search around."

"Yes." Han Bing and others responded.

At the same time, they immediately took action and began to look for the whereabouts of Deputy Director Liu Changhong.

In Wang Yanru's opinion, this battle with the Shadow Wolves was just an appetizer. Even if Zheng Changhong couldn't defeat them, they would never be able to trap Zheng Changhong. Therefore, there must be other problems here.

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