After seeing it, Ye Lan'er swept towards the ground, and the flying rocks on the ground flew towards them.

"Bang bang bang."



The officers and soldiers who rushed over flew out one by one and fell to the ground. They were in so much pain that they could no longer stand up.


Li Taihang ignored these half-dead officers and soldiers, and took Ye Lan'er with him to continue chasing in the direction where the men in black were escaping.

This time, because they didn't have to lead the way, these men in black ran very fast.

But no matter what, it is still difficult to escape Li Taihang's surveillance.

Soon, Li Taixing followed them and found the camp hidden in the forest.

"Brother, it seems they are all hiding here." The two of them were standing on a big tree in the forest, observing the camp not far away, and could clearly see the situation in the entire camp.

"Well, let's go."

As Li Taixing spoke, he took Ye Lan'er and teleported to the camp. The destination was the largest camp where the men in black went.

The guards just saw the two of them and were knocked down by them before they could react.

At this time, in Lord Zhao's camp, several men in black reported their situation to Lord Zhao.


When Mr. Zhao heard about the target he wanted to assassinate, how powerful was he?

Moreover, I was a little shocked that a little girl of seven or eight years old could actually lift a strong man weighing more than 180 kilograms.

"Are you lying to me?"

"Sir, we don't dare lie to you at all."

"Yes, sir, we don't have the courage either."

"Hmph." Mr. Zhao thought about it carefully and felt that it was the same. If they dared to lie to him, they would be looking for death.

What's more, these people are still his personal guards.

"Then how did you escape back?"

Since the other party is so powerful, there is no reason to let them escape.

These people quickly explained.

"Sir, they asked us to lead the way, so we took them to the place where our officers and soldiers were guarding, and then let the officers and soldiers deal with them, and we took the opportunity to escape back." A man in black quickly explained.

After listening to their stories, Mr. Zhao had a vague feeling of uneasiness.

"Okay, I understand, you go down first."

"Yes, sir."

As they were walking out, they saw Li Taihang and Ye Laner.

"It's you."

The people in black were shocked and were about to scream, but this time Ye Lan'er showed no mercy. With a wave of his hand, several ice needles were shot out.

"Puff puff."


Suddenly, several men in black fell down. They couldn't believe it until they died. They were just gone?

Li Taixing glanced at the men in black who were still staring, then looked into the tent, and said: "It seems that Mr. Zhao is here, let's go and meet him for a while."

"Okay, brother."

Ye Laner responded, and then followed Li Taixing into the camp.

At this time, a sword light suddenly flashed through the tent, stabbing Li Taihang who opened the door curtain. However, when Ye Laner found out, he immediately threw out an ice needle.

"call out."


Suddenly, the sword edge moved to one side, and the man holding the sword staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Taking a closer look, it was Mr. Zhao they were looking for.

It turned out that after Master Zhao noticed something strange outside, he immediately drew his sword and prepared to sneak attack Li Taihang who entered the camp.

As a result, I didn't expect that Ye Lan'er even counterattacked without a sneak attack.

Ye Lan'er hit the sword in his hand, and another ice needle shot out, hitting his wrist.


Suddenly, Mr. Zhao's shrill screams rang out, attracting the attention of the entire camp, and a large number of officers and soldiers quickly came here.

"There are assassins."

"Master Zhao is in danger."

"Protect your lord quickly."

Suddenly, a large number of officers and soldiers rushed towards this side. In addition to these officers and soldiers, there were also masters who had been studying the plague.

The master also heard the noise and quickly came over to take a look at the situation.

"what happened?"

"Master, the enemy is attacking and there are assassins."

"Quickly, go protect Mr. Zhao."


When the master heard this, he became a little anxious, and hurriedly headed towards Mr. Zhao with the officers and soldiers.

After a large number of officers and soldiers arrived, they surrounded the place, but found that an invisible barrier actually appeared outside the camp. When they rushed over, they without exception bumped into the transparent barrier.



As the screams of these officers and soldiers rang out, the officers and soldiers who followed also knew that there was something here and did not dare to rush over at will.

However, they couldn't get in, let alone save Mr. Zhao, so they could only worry outside.

Ye Lan'er, on the other hand, easily captured Master Zhao, and then restricted his ability to move according to Li Taihang's order.

Master Zhao's hands and feet were all frozen, making it impossible to escape. Master Zhao was so cold that he trembled all over.

"Do you know who I am?"

"You dare to attack people from the government. Are you trying to become traitors?"

"Let me go quickly. I don't have to worry about you. Otherwise, you won't be able to escape. My men are outside and they will kill you."

At this time, Lord Zhao also knew that he was no match for them, so he could only appeal to their emotions and reason, hoping that the other party would not be impulsive.

Li Taihang did not listen to his words, but asked calmly: "Do you know about the plague in Jackdaw Town?"

"Yes, we were ordered to come here and isolate this place, how could we not know?"

"Very good, tell me honestly, is this plague caused by you?"

"Brother, don't talk nonsense if you don't have evidence."

"Haha, I don't have evidence? Since you think it's not, why did you send people to assassinate us?"

"Because we suspect you are the spreader of the plague, that's why we did this." Lord Zhao's face was full of righteousness and invincibility.

However, Li Taihang laughed when he saw Lord Zhao talking nonsense.

"It seems that it is better to use some tricks directly than to interrogate you."

"You, what do you want to do?" Lord Zhao was a little panicked and said, "I am an official. If you attack me, you will be wanted by the government. You'd better think it over carefully?"

"Hehe, I'm so scared." Li Taihang directly activated his telekinesis.

Suddenly, Lord Zhao seemed to have lost his soul, and then Li Taihang began to interrogate him.

This time, Lord Zhao answered every question.

Soon, Li Taihang had found out all the clues he wanted.

"It's really you who did it."

"I didn't expect that in order to win the war, you would actually do such a dangerous experiment."

Li Taihang learned about Pingyuan City's amazing plan through interrogating Lord Zhao.

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