The 30,000 troops sent from Pingyuan City were none other than the Tiefeng Army.

Led by General Zhao Chong, Deputy General Zhuo Zilin, and Supervisor Luo Duozi, they arrived at the foot of Tulong Ridge and stopped.

"General, we have arrived at Tulong Ridge. The entire Tulong Ridge is a forest, and our secret camp is located in the southwest. Jackdaw Town is above Tulong Ridge. There is only one mountain road available."

"However, the strange thing is that our spies did not find the officers and soldiers here. They all seem to be missing."

Zhuo Zilin rode a war horse to Zhao Chong, who was also riding a war horse, and reported the current situation to him.

"Where have they all gone?"

At this time, Zhao Chong had not yet spoken, but the supervisor Luo Duozi, who was riding next to Zhao Chong, spoke first. His voice was a little feminine, a little like a sissy.

"It's still unclear. Our spies have already headed towards the secret camp. I believe there will be news soon."


"If these officers and soldiers escape, we will not be able to complete the mission." Luo Duozi was a little worried and looked at Zhao Chong.

"I remember the city lord said that a plague broke out in Jackdaw Town. Our people stopped here and were also infected."

"The purpose of our coming here this time is to prevent the people, officers and soldiers from escaping and spreading the plague to other people."

"If anyone is dissatisfied or resists, they can be killed directly."

Zhao Chong glanced at the two of them and asked, "Am I right?"

"Yes." Luo Duozi responded.

"That's strange. Logically speaking, they shouldn't know the news, but why are there no officers and soldiers now?"

"Could he be infected, so he was afraid of death and ran away?" Luo Duozi looked around with some fear, as if he was afraid that the infected would suddenly appear.

Zhuo Zilin thought for a while and said, "General, how about we go to the secret camp first and have a look."

"Yeah, but Tulong Ridge needs to send people to surround this place to prevent the officers, soldiers or people inside from running out."

"Yes, General, my subordinates will make arrangements right away."

Zhuo Zilin arranged for soldiers to guard key points. In fact, he only occupied the positions originally occupied by officers and soldiers.

After arranging all this, they happened to receive the spy's reward.

"Report, general, everyone in the secret camp has disappeared, including Mr. Zhao and the master, they are no longer in the camp."

The spies' news surprised everyone.

"What? How is this possible?" Luo Duozi was very surprised.

"Did you find anything?" Zhao Chong frowned and asked.

"Yes, there was a battle in Mr. Zhao's camp, and there were several corpses outside."

"The camp on the master's side was also destroyed. There was only one burnt corpse there, but none of these corpses belonged to Master Zhao or the master."

"Because the body shape does not match the two of them." The spy reported the situation in the camp to them one by one.

"What about other situations?" Luo Duozi also asked.

The spy thought for a while and said: "There is nothing else in the camp. It seems to have been evacuated. According to our reconnaissance findings, after they left, they probably headed towards Jackdaw Town."

"Jackdaw Town?"

Both of them looked puzzled after hearing this.

After all, Jackdaw Town is the source of the infection. If you go there, won't you die?


"Okay, is there any other information? Please report it together." Luo Duozi said.


The spies reported the information they detected to Zhao Chong and the others.

"Okay, we all know, you can go down." Zhao Chong waved his hand.


The spies bowed and left.

After Zhao Chong watched the spies leave, he judged based on the information the spies brought and said, "It seems that they may have really gone to Jackdaw Town."

"Really? Why are you so sure?" Luo Duozi looked at him with some confusion.

"It's very simple. If they go towards Pingyuan City, they will definitely meet us. If they leave Tulong Ridge and leave with supplies, we will definitely find clues when we come, but we can't find anything. not found."

"These traces were only found in the direction leading to Jackdaw Town. Therefore, if they really withdrew, they would have withdrawn to Jackdaw Town."

"Ah, are they really looking for death?" Luo Duozi was a little surprised.

Zhao Chong did not answer because he was also confused.

"Actually, if they are really infected, it doesn't matter if they go to Jackdaw Town. Everyone is already infected anyway. If they find a solution to the infection in Jackdaw Town, it will be impossible." Luo Duozi said again. Speaking authentically.

"It's just strange. So what happened in this secret camp?"

Supervisor Luo Duozi was a little confused and looked at Zhao Chong.

Zhao Chong shook his head.

At this time, Zhuo Zilin, who had arranged everything, had returned and reported to Zhao Chong: "General, we have controlled all key points in Longling and sent out teams to patrol."

"Okay." Zhao Chong saw Zhuo Zilin coming back and was about to invite him to go to the secret camp together, so he said: "You leave a general to guard here, and we will go to the secret camp."


Zhao Chong did not go directly to Jackdaw Town to take a look, because the entire Longling was controlled by them, and he was not in a hurry now.

He needed to go to the secret camp to see the situation and understand some things, so he was not in a hurry to go to Jackdaw Town.

Then, the army walked up along the mountain road and finally arrived at the secret camp.

Zhao Chong ordered Zhuo Zilin to take some soldiers to search the entire camp.

Zhao Chong walked in the camp with the military supervisor Luo Duozi, observing the situation in the camp.

"This camp can accommodate a few hundred people at most. Looking at the mess in this camp, it doesn't look like someone attacked here, but more like they are preparing to evacuate here."

"Then General Zhao, do you think it was done by Lord Zhao and the master?"

"It's not clear now, but it's very likely."

In a casual way, they found the bodies mentioned by the spies in Lord Zhao's tent.

After their people identified, these bodies were left by Lord Zhao's guards.

However, they died because of sharp objects piercing their bodies, and they died almost at the same time.

What puzzled him here was that the death of these guards made him feel weird.

Because they didn't seem to be killed by Lord Zhao.

It seemed like he killed them.

"Are there any masters in Lord Zhao's camp?" Zhao Chong looked at Luo Duozi.

"No." Luo Duozi shook his head.

"It seems that a master attacked here. Let's go to the master's side to see."

After hearing this, Zhao Chong made a judgment.


They came to the master's side again and saw Ergou, who was used as a guinea pig for the experiment, but he was dead now.

Moreover, when Li Taihang dealt with him, he also burned him, so now all we see is a burnt corpse.

"It stinks, everything here is destroyed." Luo Duozi waved his sleeves and pinched his nose, afraid of inhaling too much stench.

"What's the situation with this corpse?" Zhao Chong looked at the military doctor on the side.

The military doctor immediately replied: "General, according to our inspection, this corpse was burned, but before that, this corpse was actually dead."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Chong was slightly stunned and said, "You mean, this corpse was already dead and then burned?"


"Okay, I know."

Then, Zhao Chong and them checked the situation in the master's tent.

"Many things have been destroyed. Judging from the degree of destruction, it doesn't seem to be the work of the master. After all, these are all his hard work." Zhao Chong observed for a while and said.

Luo Duozi said with some disgust: "It's too smelly here. I can't stand it. I'll go first and you continue to investigate."


Luo Duozi finally breathed a sigh of relief after leaving the original master's tent and coming to a place with better air.

"Great, the air is still fresh outside." Luo Duozi regretted going to the master and didn't want to go back now.

At this time, Zhao Chong, after observing everything, gave an order and said: "Let's go. There is nothing to see here. Let's go to Jackdaw Town."

At this time, Luo Duozi hurried to Zhao Chong and asked: "General Zhao, have you seen everything?"


"Did you find anything?"

"Based on the judgment of the scene, something must have happened, causing all these officers and soldiers to disappear, even including Lord Zhao and the master."

"Isn't this nonsense?" Luo Duozi slandered in his heart and felt that Zhao Chong was just like that.

He didn't understand why the city lord asked him to keep an eye on this man.

"General Zhao, didn't you find anything else?" Luo Duozi couldn't help asking again.

"Yes, there are three points in summary."

"First, a cultivator may have broken into the secret camp, and the evidence is the death of those guards."

"Second, the disappearance of all the people in the camp this time should not be led by Lord Zhao and the master. The evidence is in the master's things. The master is very precious to these things and will definitely not do such a thing, so it is obviously destroyed by others."

"Third, there must be some reason that caused these officers and soldiers, as well as Lord Zhao and the master to disappear together. As for the evidence, you will know it by looking at the empty camp in front of you."

"What is the reason?"

"It may be the plague that the city lord said."

Luo Duozi shuddered immediately, afraid that he would be infected too, and that would be the end.

"General Zhao, do you think we will also be infected with the plague?"

"It's hard to say."

"Ah!" Luo Duozi saw this and became more uneasy.

It was Zhao Chong. Instead, he looked in the direction of Jackdaw Town with some worry.

"General, the troops have been assembled and can set off." At this time, Zhuo Zilin returned to report the situation.

Zhao Chong responded and said, "Okay, let's go."

Then, he issued an order to go to Jackdaw Town.

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