After looking at the silver inside, the shopkeeper was also shocked.

"Sir, it's enough, enough for 2 million."

"Let me see." Zhao Lin didn't believe it.

She snatched the ring, not that she would snatch it and run away, but she wanted to confirm the silver inside.

As a result, when she saw the amount inside, she was also shocked.

She looked at Li Taihang in disbelief.

It felt that Li Taihang should be about the same age as her, but why was he richer than her?

This made her a little depressed.

"Humph, forget it, give it to you."

Then, he returned the ring to Li Taihang, but he didn't force it to sell.

This made Li Taihang's impression of Zhao Lin much better, and he also understood that she was not deliberately looking for trouble.

In the end, the shopkeeper saw that the matter was resolved, and still sold the half bundle of Tiancan silk for 20,000 taels.

The moment Li Taihang got the Tiancan silk, he got a prompt from the system: [Ding! Trigger the amplification effect selection:

1. Amplification quantity, get half a bundle of Tiancan silk * 10 billion.

2. Increase the quality and obtain the magic-level silkworm silk. It can have different effects depending on the crafting. 】

Li Taihang looked at the two choices and thought: "There will be more silkworm silk in the future. It is meaningless to increase it by 10 billion times. It is better to choose the increase quality."

Li Taihang did not know whether the next time he got the silkworm silk, he would trigger the same choice.

However, quality is important now.

[Ding! Obtain the magic-level silkworm silk. Items made of silkworm silk will have special effects. The current effect is unknown. 】

After getting this thing, it is enough for Li Taihang to make diapers.

"By the way, what do you use it for?" At this time, Zhao Lin asked curiously.

Although she could not get it, she heard the shopkeeper say that there would be more in a few days and it was reserved for her. In addition, she was willing to accept the loss, so she did not dislike Li Taihang.

It was just a little curious.

"Make diapers."


This was the first time Zhao Lin heard of this kind of thing, but when she heard about diapers, she instantly had an idea and asked, "Is it for diapers only?"

"Yes, for children, especially babies."

After Li Taihang finished speaking, he ignored Zhao Lin and left Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce.

But Zhao Lin seemed to be interested in Li Taihang, mainly because Li Taihang was very unfamiliar. She had never seen Li Taihang, but Li Taihang was quite rich.

However, there was another man who was eyeing Li Taihang like her.

He left after they all went out.

After Li Taihang got the Tiancan silk, he planned to find a women's shop or a clothing store to help him make a diaper.

However, just as he was about to find it, he found that Zhao Lin had actually followed him.

She came behind Li Taihang and gently patted Li Taihang on the shoulder.

Li Taihang looked back at her and said, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, what are you going to do?"

"It seems to have nothing to do with you."

"Well, it doesn't matter. I have nothing to do now. I am very curious about this diaper made of Tiancan silk. Are you going to find someone to help you make it? Or do you make it yourself?"

"I want to find someone to help you make it."

"Then I have a way. I know a master. It will definitely be okay if you let him do it."

When Li Taihang heard that the other party was a master, he did not believe it immediately. Instead, he asked, "Are you sure that the other party is a master?"


Zhao Lin said very proudly, "That's my family, I... Anyway, you can believe me. Let's go, I'll take you there."

Li Taihang glanced at Zhao Lin's message and found that she was not hostile to him, but really wanted to help him, so he said, "Okay, let's go."

In fact, Li Taihang also felt that it would be better for a master to make it. If he just found a women's shop or a clothing store, he might not be able to create the effect he wanted.

On the contrary, it is likely to waste materials.

You know, this time Li Taihang increased the quality, not the quantity, so it must not be wasted.

Zhao Lin was very happy to see Li Taihang agreed, so he introduced himself.

"My name is Liu Wanglin, what about you?"

"Li Taihang."

"Well, Brother Li, I'll call you Brother Li."


Then, Zhao Lin took Li Taihang and walked towards the other side of the street.

At this time, a figure appeared behind them, looked at the direction they were going, and disappeared.

Not long after, Li Taihang came to the outside of a mansion.

"Isn't this someone else's home? It doesn't look like a shop?" Li Taihang looked at Zhao Lin strangely.

Zhao Lin smiled and said, "He is resting today and is at home. Let's go find him."

After that, Zhao Lin went forward and knocked on the door.

After the people inside heard the knock on the door, a woman's voice came out.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Mr. Liu."

"Oh?" After hearing this voice, the woman instantly knew who the other party was.

She whispered to the man next to her, "The lady is here. She probably wants to make clothes for you."

"Well, okay." The man responded.

The conversation between them was very quiet, and it was impossible for outsiders to hear it, but Li Taihang used his spiritual sense to monitor everything inside, so he naturally heard the voice inside.

"It seems that this master is indeed from Zhao Lin's family, but they also seem to know Zhao Lin's habits." Li Taihang glanced at Zhao Lin.

Zhao Lin had a smile on her face. Seeing Li Taihang looking at her, she couldn't help but ask curiously: "What's wrong? Is there anything on my face?"


"Okay, let's wait a while, they will come to open the door soon."

As soon as the voice fell, the door was opened. It was a woman who opened the door.

"Mr. Zhao...Mr. Liu, please come in." The woman thought that only Zhao Lin was there, but she didn't expect that there was a young man outside, so she changed her words.

"Well. Let's go."


The two entered the yard.

The master inside had already made preparations. He knew that Zhao Lin would come to him today.

So, he had already made preparations.

However, when he saw Li Taihang, he was a little surprised, but he still bowed and said, "Welcome to my humble home, I am sorry for not welcoming you from afar."

"Master, you are welcome." Zhao Lin smiled and introduced Li Taihang, saying, "This time he will do it. I don't have enough materials for what I want to make, so I won't do it for the time being."

Afterwards, Zhao Lin introduced Li Taihang and the master, and the two got to know each other.

Li Taihang also learned that the master's name was Sun Hongwu. He was not only a master in the town, but also one of the four most famous tailors in the country, known as the God of Hands.

When Li Taihang heard this title, he immediately sighed and said, "What a domineering title."

"Haha, this is also because others think too highly of me." Sun Hongwu smiled bitterly.

Obviously, he himself was in awe of this title.

"Okay, Master, you can help him make those diapers."


Sun Hongwu was obviously hearing this for the first time, so his eyes were very puzzled.

Li Taihang knew that there was no such thing in the world, so he described its function and its approximate shape.

Sun Hongwu was surprised.

"Mr. Li, you are really creative." When Sun Hongwu figured out the purpose, he was very surprised.

However, after thinking about it carefully, this thing is really good.

In fact, they also have such pants, but they are all strange and not practical. Most people just put a layer of cloth on it and wrap it up at most.

However, designs like Li Taihang's are really rare.

"The design of this buckle is also good. We used to tie the rope directly. In this way, it is much more convenient to tie it."


However, because it was the first time, Sun Hongwu said: "Mr. Li, because it is the first time, we will not use Tiancan silk for the time being, but ordinary cloth first?"


Li Taihang also agreed with this idea.

Then, the two began to design. Li Taihang told Sun Hongwu about the shape of diapers in his impression based on his experience in his previous life.

After Sun Hongwu followed Li Taihang's design, he successfully designed the diapers.

He even murmured: "In fact, this thing can be modified and suitable for us to wear."

Sun Hongwu told Li Taihang about his idea.

"Isn't this just underwear?"

Li Taihang was stunned.

Li Taihang himself wore underwear, but it was not popular in this world.

Li Taihang understood it because many people felt that designing such things was shameful and easy to be laughed at.

And women were even less likely to design such things, so men and women either didn't wear them or wrapped them in a piece of cloth.

Li Taihang was not used to this thing, and didn't like not wearing it, so he designed his own underwear.

However, it was only used by his family and he didn't dare to let outsiders see it, just for fear of being laughed at.

Li Taihang actually felt speechless about these concepts in this world.


Liu Hongwu nodded and said, "It's a good name. It's indeed underwear. This term is quite appropriate."

In fact, they already had the concept of underwear, but their underwear was either thin trousers or soft trousers, and they were basically made of solid fabric or silk.

"But I didn't expect that Mr. Li was still immersed in this."

Li Taihang was a little embarrassed by their weird eyes. To be honest, although he was different from the feudal concept of this world, he was too different and embarrassed.

"Well, let's continue with the design of diapers." Li Taihang quickly changed the subject.

And Zhao Lin was also very curious about the finished product.

Not long after, according to Li Taihang's requirements, it was finally designed.

"This thing is good. It's soft in the middle, absorbent and dirt-resistant." The woman next to Liu Hongwu sighed after seeing it.

"Yeah, who would design this kind of thing?"

At this time, even Zhao Lin's eyes looking at Li Taihang became weird.

Li Taihang directly ignored their gazes.

"Master, let's start making it according to this model."

"Well, because it is Tiancan silk, it will take some time." Sun Hongwu said that he still needed another day to make the diapers that Li Taihang wanted. This is because Tiancan silk is too tough and it takes more effort to cut it.

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