Luofeng City.

The army of the barbarian camp began to mobilize.

200,000 barbarian troops, 500,000 fierce beast troops, and hundreds of immortal cultivators were ready to go, and they were very aggressive.

"An Ke, let your mountain-pushing beast attack as well." The barbarian leader Bumaha said.

"Understood, leader."

After about ten days of recuperation, An Ke's mountain-pushing beast had completely recovered.

At this time, it once again regained its strength and roared to the sky.

"Okay, order the fierce beast army to charge. Today, we must take down Luofeng City."


"Kill." Bumaha drew his sword and swung it forward.

"Kill!" The barbarian soldiers also shouted loudly.

At Bumaha's order, the barbarian army began to charge.

However, they suddenly stopped while charging.

Because the city in front was dead silent.

As usual, the top of the city was already full of people, and they would attack them non-stop.

But today it was exceptionally quiet, making people feel extremely strange.

I don’t understand what happened.

So, the pace of the barbarian soldiers slowed down.

“What’s going on? Why is there no movement?”

“Strange, where are the defenders of Luofeng City today? Why can’t I see a single person?”


The barbarian soldiers felt very strange, but the beasts didn’t. After receiving the order, they only knew to rush forward.

“Boom boom.”

With the sound of their galloping footsteps, the beast army arrived under the city wall before the barbarian army.

Their fearlessness and fearlessness of death won the favor of the barbarian leader.

However, when they rushed to the bottom of the city wall, they did not suffer any attack, which also confused some of the beasts.

They looked up at the high city wall, but did not see a single person.



Suddenly, they became excited.

They didn’t care so much and started to rush up.

The same thing happened to the mountain-pushing beast. After it came to the city wall, it used it as a ladder for the fierce beasts and the barbarian soldiers, allowing them to rush to the city wall through its body.



At this time, as the first fierce beast landed, no border soldiers were seen resisting.

The barbarian soldiers also rushed to the city wall and saw that the city wall was empty. There was nothing except them.

"Strange, where are the border soldiers?"

"Will they hide?"

They have not encountered any resistance since the attack until now, even rushing to the city wall.

This made them very uncomfortable. They had been gathering their strength these days and were preparing for a big battle.

In the end, you told me that this is an empty city?

"Quick, take the opportunity to occupy the city."

At this time, the barbarian general who led the army to rush to the city wall didn't care so much.

He quickly called all the soldiers to rush into the city with the fierce beasts.


A gust of wind blew on the street, rolling up a cloud of dust.

The barbarians finally found that there was no one in the city.

"Where are the people? Where have they gone?"

"This is an empty city!"

No wonder they climbed the city wall without any hindrance, rushed down the tower, entered the city, and broke into all the streets, but did not see a single person.

"Go and report to the leader."


The situation in Luofeng City was immediately reported to Bumah by the soldiers.

After hearing the news, Bumah was incredulous.

"Before, he was ready to die and wanted to die with us. Now he ran away without even a shadow of a person?"

Bumah was waiting for the battle report from the front, but did not hear the sound of fighting in the front.

But he received that everyone in Luofeng City had run away, and now there was only an empty city left.

"What's going on?" Bumah was a little confused.

The other barbarian generals were also at a loss.

According to their understanding of the border army, they did not believe that the border army would escape.

But the facts were in front of them.

"Are you sure our people have entered the city?" Bumah confirmed with the soldier who reported the news again.


"This...the border troops really don't defend?" Bumah was stunned.

He had originally thought that the border troops would definitely die in Luofeng City.

Because they had no way to retreat.

But... the facts were unexpected.

"Leader, it seems that the border troops really fled, and they took the people with them."

"Humph! Liu Guangjing, it seems that I overestimated you." Bumah was very unhappy.

This feeling was like a full-strength punch hitting cotton.

Seeing this, he waved his hand and said, "The whole army enters the city."


Then, the army marched into Luofeng City.

Several gates of Luofeng City were also opened for their troops to enter.

At the same time, in order to prevent the border troops from cheating, all the gates were heavily guarded.

After Bumah entered the city, he found that there were only barbarian soldiers and their ferocious beasts.

In addition, there were no other figures.

Not even a small animal was seen.

"It looks like an empty city now. But when did they escape?"

Bumaha couldn't figure out why hundreds of thousands of people in Luofeng City disappeared out of thin air?

"Chief, although they have escaped, there are so many of them that they must not be able to escape far. Why don't you send someone to conduct reconnaissance?"

"Yes, send someone right away."

"Chief, I have a suggestion."


"Why don't we send immortal cultivators there? They can fly, and their ability to find people is much better than ours."

"Okay." Bu Maha thought this was a good idea and agreed.

Afterwards, he sent immortal cultivators to search for the fleeing people.

In Bumaha's view, because of the large number of people, there will definitely be clues left along the way.

But unfortunately, those cultivators still found nothing after searching.

Especially on the way to Guangheng City, they found nothing at all.

After they came back, they told Bumaha the news.

Bumaha was resting in the city lord's palace at this time. After hearing the report, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"Is it possible that they really disappeared out of thin air?"

After hearing the news, Bumaha had such a thought in his mind.

Otherwise, they are hiding.

But where could hundreds of thousands of people be hidden?

Just when they were puzzled, a soldier came to report.

"Report! Chief, everything is safe in the city, there are no traps."

"Moreover, we searched all the houses and found that all the valuables inside were missing."

"Obviously, they were all taken away by their owners."

Bu Maha was even more surprised when he listened to the soldier's report.

"They were dragging their families and hundreds of thousands of people, and yet there was no trace at all. Is it possible that they really flew away from the sky?"

Although Bu Maha didn't want to believe it, he didn't have any better ideas.

He could only summon all the immortal cultivators and want to hear their opinions.

The immortal cultivators originally only wanted to fight, but now, there is no need to fight for the time being.

After hearing Bumaha's question, they thought for a while, and a cultivator stood up and said: "Chief, there is a prop in the world of cultivating immortals called flying boats."

"Judging from the current situation, only a flying boat can possibly carry everyone here away."

"However, this would require an extremely large number of flying boats, and no one in the entire continent has enough flying boats to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people."

"For many sect forces, there are only dozens of ships at most, which is already a large scale."

After listening to the immortal cultivator's words, Bumaha asked: "Is there really no other way besides Feizhou?"

The immortal cultivator thought for a moment and said, "Yes."

"any solution?"

"Establish a teleportation array." The immortal cultivator continued: "But this kind of thing is almost impossible."


"First of all, the layout of things like teleportation arrays has long been lost. So far, except for the battle for the holy domain or a few immortal ruins where there are teleportation arrays, there have never been teleportation arrays in other places."

"Secondly, the materials used to build the teleportation array are very precious. They can even be said to be priceless treasures. There is a price but no market."

"So, it is impossible to build a teleportation array."

"Finally, we did not find the teleportation array in the city, and for the stability of the teleportation array, it is extremely difficult to destroy it."

"So, once the teleportation array is established, there will definitely be traces left on the ground."

"However, we found no trace at all, which shows that there is no teleportation array built here."

Moreover, the amount of spiritual energy consumed by the teleportation array is very huge. "

"Especially when transporting hundreds of thousands of people, including a large amount of supplies, the amount of energy consumed by transporting them all is astonishing."

"The last point is the cost. The cost of transporting hundreds of thousands of people and countless materials is very staggering. Rather than doing this, it is better to use the Ark."

After listening to the immortal cultivator's story, Bumaha also nodded.

He murmured in his heart and said: "Flying boat, teleportation array."

"So, the other party is most likely transferred by flying boat."

"Yes, and it may be at night, so that we won't find out when they move."

"Okay, let's leave this matter as it is. Since the border army and the people of Luofeng City have escaped. Then, our next target is Guangheng City."

Although they didn't understand that something like this would happen, they still had to do what they should do.

"Yes, chief."

"Here comes someone." Bumaha shouted towards the door.

"Chief!" A soldier walked in and saluted.

"Calling everyone to gather at the city lord's mansion to discuss how to deal with Guangheng City." Bumaha began to issue orders.


At his command, the soldier went down and conveyed his order.

Soon, dozens of messengers ran out of the city lord's palace and headed in different directions in the city.

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