
Li Taihang saw a villager suddenly running in front of him. The villager's face was very panicked. He ran towards them, looking back as he ran.

At this time, two gangsters on horseback ran out of the village. As they chased them, they waved their machetes and shouted loudly: "Run, if you don't run faster, you will be dead. Hahaha." "


When Tang Caidi saw the villager, she exclaimed, stretched out her hand and pursed her lips and said, "Brother Li, it's a dog. He is in danger."

When Li Taixing saw that the machete was about to slash at the villager named Gouzi, he immediately used his teleportation ability and came to his side in an instant and took him away.

Then, Li Taixing put him aside, looked at the gravel on the road, and activated his telekinesis.

Suddenly, a piece of gravel on the ground flew up.

【Ding! Triggers a multi-billion increase, and items of the same type can be controlled within a certain range of the increase. 】

Suddenly, all the surrounding stones of similar size were suspended.

Li Taihang waved his hand and said, "Go."

Immediately, the gravel hit the two villains who were charging towards them. The two villains had no time to react and were suddenly hit by the gravel.

"Puff puff."


The two men fell off their horses and screamed in pain.

Li Taixing rushed over and activated his telekinesis at the same time. The sword on the ground flew towards Li Taixing. Li Taixing grabbed it in his hand and slashed at the villain who stood up in pain in front of him.



The villain screamed and fell down.

"Damn it, I forgot to ask Master to give me a sword." Li Taixing beheaded the villain who stood up, and then Li Taixing remembered that he didn't have a weapon.

The other person had just stood up, but Li Taixing slashed him down with his sword and the other person also fell down.


Li Taixing dealt with the two villains smoothly, but Gouzi was still frightened, and Tang Caidi also had a pale look on his face, obviously he was also frightened.

Li Taixing glanced at the two of them, then looked at Gouzi, and asked, "What happened in the village?"

"Woo, brother, help the villagers quickly. Those villains are robbing us. Anyone who disobeys will be killed. Erniang Wang, Sister-in-law Sun, and my black dog are all dead. Yes, there are others..."

When Li Taixing heard this, he said, "You guys find a safe place to hide outside."


"Brother Li, you have to be careful."

"I see."

Li Taihang threw the Zhanma Dao into the dimensional bag.

【Ding! The increase of tens of billions was successful, and the company obtained the beheading knife*10 billion. 】

Then, Li Taihang used his ability to fly in the air and quickly came to the village. He stood on the roof of a house and looked at the villagers in the square in front of him.

Finding the villagers trapped in the central square of the village, he hid to avoid being seen by the villains.

"Damn, it's not easy, we're all trapped."

Li Taixing first counted their number. There were twenty people in total, and they were all in the square. After analyzing the situation at the scene, he understood that if he did not want the villagers to be harmed, he could only let the villains and the villagers separate.

After all, these villains can do anything, so in this battle, we can only be smart and not reckless.

So, Li Taihang took a look at his dimensional bag.

"The only way to kill them is to get something."

Li Taihang's heart moved and he had an idea. He left the roof and walked out into the square.

The villains in the square heard the noise and turned around to look over.

"Who is it? Stop?"

Li Taixing quickly raised his hand and said: "Hello, brothers, my name is Qian Too much, and my father Qian is the richest man."

"This time I passed through Xianghua Village and encountered some dangers. Fortunately, Xiao Tang, a villager in Xianghua Village, helped me. Therefore, these villagers are kind to me. Look, let these villagers go and I will give you money. How about it?"

Upon hearing Li Taihang's words, these villains were immediately stunned.

"Too much money? My father is the richest man? He has such a name?" The gangsters were all very confused.

They haven't seen anyone with this name in these ten miles and eight villages?

"Ahem, you don't believe me, but I can prove my financial strength."

As he spoke, Li Taixing waved his hand, and piles of copper coins appeared in front of them, at least hundreds of thousands of copper coins.

When they saw these copper coins, they all straightened their eyes and swallowed secretly.

"Good, lots of copper coins."


"I've never seen so many copper coins."

These villains were swallowing their saliva crazily, with greed in their eyes.

Then, I heard Li Taixing politely raise his hands and ask: "Fellow gentlemen, is this copper coin enough for me to buy the lives of the villagers?"

"Boss, there are a lot of copper coins here, why don't we also..."

Li Taixing also heard what they said and said loudly: "I advise you not to have any wrong ideas. I have asked my servant to wait outside. If he doesn't see me within half an hour, he will go back to report the news. At that time, I will In order to save me, my father will definitely invite immortal cultivators to deal with you, so don’t doubt my father’s ability.”

"You have also seen that I can give out hundreds of thousands of copper coins, and my father's wealth is only a lot more."

"To show that I mean what I say, I can show you something more."

As he said that, another pile of spirit stones appeared on the ground in front of Li Taihang. Although there were not many, there were only a few hundred.

"This is the spiritual stone, have you seen it?"

With the appearance of these spiritual stones, these villains' eyes widened and they could hardly believe their own eyes.

You know, the value of spirit stones is many times more valuable than copper coins. Even the copper coins on the ground are not as valuable as one spirit stone.

"Spirit, spirit stone."

"Oh my god, there are so many, at least hundreds of them. Who is this guy?"

"We are so rich. With all this money, why should we be bad gangsters? We have already gone to enjoy the blessings?"


"Brother, there's no point in killing these untouchables. Why don't we trade with him? Besides, this guy is so rich, we can invite him to the mountain. What do you think?"

This guy said "please" with an accent. They, the villains, all understand.

Compared with these poor villagers, they felt that arresting Li Taihang would be many times better than arresting a hundred or a thousand villagers.

Seeing their excited expressions, Li Taixing waved his hand, and all the copper coins and spiritual stones on the ground disappeared.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing that the copper coins and spiritual stones were gone, these villains suddenly became anxious.

But I heard Li Taixing say: "I see that you have been chatting for a long time, but there is no point in it. Anyway, Xiao Tang is not here. If you don't want to talk, I will not talk to you."

"Hey, wait, we can talk, we can talk." Seeing that Li Taihang was leaving, these villains suddenly became anxious.

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