When the two giant dragons pounced on Li Taihang, Li Taihang shouted "roll" and brought the power of the law to completely shatter them. In mid-air, they turned into gravel and disappeared.

Li Taihang looked at the tomb passage and walked in.

However, after he walked in, he showed doubts.

Because he found that many mechanisms had been destroyed.

Occasionally, he would encounter some mechanisms that were still intact, and Li Taihang would destroy them.

"It seems that there are other people in this tomb."

Li Taihang quickly walked to the end of the tomb passage.

When he saw the oasis in front of him, he was also stunned.

However, he quickly adjusted his state and found footprints on the ground.

"These footprints are new, they should be in front." Li Taihang thought to himself.

His figure also disappeared on the spot, but he did not teleport away from here, but became invisible.

Li Taihang, who entered the invisible state, walked into the oasis.

After a while, he found something strange in front of him.

When he walked over and took a look, he found that there were many corpses on the ground.

"These are the corpses of immortal beasts. They seem to have died not long ago. It seems that they are getting closer and closer to them."

At this time, Li Taihang found another corpse.

There was a word "Zhao" on the clothes of this corpse.


In front of Li Taihang, the information of this corpse appeared.

"Zhao family guard, fifth level of Golden Immortal Realm."

Li Taihang took a look at the corpse and wanted to search for useful things from him.

But unfortunately, this guard was a dead man himself and had no extra things on him.

Li Taihang could only be disappointed and continue to move forward.

Because of these traces of battle, Li Taihang then followed these traces and moved forward all the way.

Not long after, Li Taihang found a large number of immortal beast corpses and the corpse of a Zhao family guard.

The blood on this corpse was still fresh.

Li Taihang looked up and thought to himself: "It's getting closer."

He continued to move forward.

Not long after, Li Taihang heard a sound coming from the front.

"Quick, form a formation."

"Damn, how can there be so many Jingzhe."

It was Zhao Kuo and others.

After they killed several waves of Jingzhe, they moved forward. As a result, the further they moved forward, the more Jingzhe appeared in front of them.

This made Zhao Kuo depressed and happy.

The depression was because there were too many enemies, and the joy was that the direction they were going was not wrong.

As long as they went in this direction, they would eventually encounter the source of the God's Tomb. By then, with the opportunity of the God's Tomb, even if he did not become a god, he would definitely become a saint.

Thinking of this, he asked his guards to form a formation to protect them.

And under the blessing of the formation, rotating fireballs appeared around them.


"Boom boom."

The Jingzhe that rushed over were slapped to death and smashed to death one by one.

Where they passed, these ancient trees were not spared.

In this way, relying on this formation, they pushed forward all the way, unstoppable.

When Li Taihang arrived, he saw a straight road. This road was very special. It was burned out.

Therefore, the vision in the middle is very wide, and at a glance, it is a straight road.


Not long after, Li Taihang finally saw them.

However, they did not form a formation now, but fought separately.

Because the formation consumed a lot of immortal power, and the group of monsters was particularly large and numerous.

This made them unable to bear it at all, which led to the current situation.

"Master, our people are dying." Roger was a little nervous and said, "Let's find a place to rest first."

Zhao Kuo did not want to stop.

At this time, Liu Lin also said, "Wait a minute, we have attracted too many stings. If we attract more, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to reach our destination."

Zhao Kuo originally wanted to refuse, but after hearing Liu Lin's words, he said, "Okay, let's take a rest."

However, they couldn't rest here.

They had to find a hidden place, but this place was really hard to find. Finally, under Liu Lin's suggestion, everyone ran to the tree.

In this way, when they encountered some stings passing by, they didn't have to worry about killing it and attracting more stings.

"Everyone, take a rest." Roger shouted quickly.


Then, except for those who had to stay behind, all the other guards began to meditate and rest.

At this time, Li Taihang also came near them and saw them resting on the tree.

However, he also saw a lot of stingers, they seemed to be looking for Zhao Kuo and others who were hiding.

However, they didn't seem to know how to look up, so they didn't find Zhao Kuo and others.

After these stingers were gone, Liu Lin looked at Zhao Kuo and said, "Master Zhao, there are too many stingers here. Although you are very powerful, these stingers are obviously inexhaustible."

Zhao Kuo looked at Liu Lin and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"I think we should act separately, let your men lead these stingers away, and then we will take the opportunity to move forward, otherwise, we will all be trapped!"

"Do you want them to die?"

"Not necessarily, you can see that these stingers are stupid, as long as they are smart, they will not get into trouble."

"Why do we have to act alone?"

"In addition to being a small target, the speed of travel is fast, which can also avoid many accidents." Liu Lin patiently explained: "If we have more people, we will be targeted."

"These stings are very sensitive to living immortals. As long as they find us, it will be difficult for us to escape." Liu Lin didn't want to die here.

She already knew the characteristics of the stings in this oasis, so she suggested Zhao Kuo.

"In addition, the stings will only be attracted to places with many people. On the contrary, we have fewer people, so they will not prioritize chasing us!"

"Why should I believe you?"

"If you don't believe me, it's okay. If something happens, just don't remind me." Liu Lin looked indifferent.

She just wanted to complete this mission as soon as possible to avoid more trouble.

However, if Zhao Kuo didn't believe her, she could even foresee that they would be surrounded by a large number of stings.

No matter how powerful Zhao Kuo was, he couldn't protect everyone.

Although Zhao Kuo would focus on protecting her, and even other guards, the risk of acting together was too great.

Zhao Kuo stared at Liu Lin for a while, trying to see what she was thinking.

"Let's act together first, and then we'll observe the rest." Zhao Kuo did not agree directly with Liu Lin's words.

Obviously, he was a little cautious.

Seeing this, Liu Lin sighed in her heart, but on the surface, she shrugged her shoulders, showing that she didn't care.

She also understood that she couldn't easily convince Zhao Kuo.

For the rest, let the facts prove it all.

I hope it won't be too late by then.

So, after the stings below disappeared, they began to move forward.

They did not choose to walk on the tree, after all, this would expose their position.

When they wanted to hide in the tree again, these stings would probably look up.

"Let's go."

Zhao Kuo glanced at his guards, and then protected Liu Lin in the center, and then continued to move forward.

However, this time they changed their previous approach.

Zhao Kuo asked a guard to carry an invisible prop and explore the way ahead.

In this way, if there are stings ahead, they only need to find them early and respond in time, so as not to attract more stings.

Liu Lin could only sigh when he saw this.

Although someone explored the way, what was supposed to happen still happened.

As Liu Lin said, because they gathered together, the breath of the immortals was strong, which caused the stings to start looking for this side.

At this time, the guards who were exploring the way ahead had obviously noticed something was wrong.

He hurried back and reported the situation to Zhao Kuo.

"Master, it's not good. There are many stings ahead, looking for us, and it won't take long for them to find us here."

At this time, Liu Lin hurriedly said: "Go up the tree first and hide in a high place."

After saying that, she jumped up and reached the top of the tree.

Zhao Kuo saw this and jumped up, and the other guards did not dare to delay and flew up one after another.

After a while, the ground was empty.

"Woo woo."


After a while, they heard the sound of stings.

What surprised them was that the sounds of the stings actually came from all around.

That is to say, not only the front as the guards said, but also the stings in other directions, also gathered towards them at this time.

This discovery made Zhao Kuo's heart sink.

"These stings have been looking for us."

Because he understood that, as Liu Lin said, these stings searched for their breath and followed them all the way.

This means that the more people there are, the denser the breath is, and the easier it is to attract the attention of the stings.

However, when these stings came to the tree where they were hiding, they did not find them hiding in the tree, but searched around stupidly.

Obviously, these guys are not smart.

After searching for a while, they hurriedly dispersed again, because the immortal breath gathered on the ground had disappeared.

Naturally, they would not stay in the same place and go to other directions to search.

"They are gone, we are safe!"

After they left, Zhao Kuo looked at Liu Lin and planned to verify his guess.

So, he asked: "Why didn't these stingers find us in the tree?"

Liu Lin whispered: "The stingers find their targets by smell. We were walking on the ground before, so there was a lot of our smell left."

"They naturally followed the smell and tracked us all the way down."

"In addition, the stingers didn't find us, which can only be considered lucky for us. We are high up, and the smell is also high up. They are below, so naturally they can't find us."

After listening to Liu Lin's explanation, Zhao Kuo understood that he had to make a decision.

At this time, Roger next to him suddenly said: "Then why don't we shuttle through the trees? Isn't it safer this way?"

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