The strength of the Pre-Qin soldiers was indeed very strong. Even in death, they could still burst out such a terrifying fighting power.

Li Taihang was also surprised.

"It's just one. The power it burst out can kill even a saint with one blow." Li Taihang had a preliminary understanding of the strength of the Pre-Qin soldiers.

The next thing was much easier to deal with. Li Taihang led the Pre-Qin soldiers and walked in the oasis.

Those Jingzhe rushed over, and as many as came, as many died. Not even a Jingzhe could get close to Li Taihang within a hundred meters.

Those Jingzhe died under the spears of the Pre-Qin soldiers without even Li Taihang noticing.

This made Li Taihang have a deeper understanding of their strength.

"These guys are really powerful. When the time comes, let's get some of them to stay in the Nine Heavens Palace and the Flying Palace." Li Taihang thought.

The movement caused by the Pre-Qin soldiers also attracted more Jingzhe.

This also greatly reduced the pressure on Zhao Kuo and others.

However, Zhao Kuo frowned.

He always had a bad feeling.

At this time, Zhao Kuo, Luo Jie and Liu Lin were hiding in an ancient tree. Below them, a team of Jing Zhe passed by.


The sound suddenly came from a distance, attracting the attention of the Jing Zhe below.

"Hiss, ga ga ga!"

The leading Jing Zhe screamed strangely and led them to the sound.

And they were temporarily safe because of their departure.

However, they didn't know what happened.

Luo Jie looked at Zhao Kuo and said, "Master, should we go and see?"

At the beginning, there was a sound of explosion, and even the ground was shaking.

This sudden situation scared them.

However, Zhao Kuo shook his head.

"No need, let's take advantage of Jing Zhe being attracted by the sound and hurry up."

Zhao Kuo was a little uneasy at this time.

However, he had no choice.

If they return at this time, whether it is to find out the cause or encounter Jing Zhe, it will not be good for them.

On the contrary, because of this sudden situation, their pressure was reduced a lot.

"Yes." Seeing Zhao Kuo disagreed, Roger didn't say much.

Zhao Kuo looked at Liu Lin and asked, "Miss Liu, what do you think about this matter?"

Liu Lin thought for a while and said, "It shouldn't be your men."

"Impossible." Zhao Kuo rejected it directly.

If he had such powerful men, would he not know?

Besides, even if he didn't know, didn't he still have Roger?

"If not, then it is very likely that a new invader has appeared."

Hearing this, both of them were obviously stunned for a moment, and even had a bad premonition.

"If this is the case, then we are in trouble."

Based on the movement just now, we can guess the strength of the invader, I am afraid it is very strong.

Then, what basis do they have to fight the other party?

"Forget it, let's not worry about it, and take this opportunity to hurry on the road." Zhao Kuo didn't want to think about this thorny problem anymore.



Roger and Liu Lin both responded, and then followed Zhao Kuo and continued to walk forward together.

This time, they will still encounter those Jing Zhe on the road.

However, Jing Zhe was obviously not coming for them, but was attracted by the sounds that broke out from time to time in the oasis.

Not long after, Zhao Kuo also successfully crossed the oasis and came to a stone gate.

Liu Lin was very conscious and said to them: "You two help me protect the law, I'll go and see."

"Yes." Zhao Kuo nodded.

Then, they separated and helped Liu Lin look around.

Zhao Kuo took out a magic weapon and threw it out, covering the surroundings, so that the surrounding environment returned to its original state.

At this time, many guards also came over. When they saw the stone gate, they approached it.

Zhao Kuo saw them and took them all in.

After counting, it was found that one-third of the guards were missing.

"If those guards didn't come, it means they are dead." Roger sighed lightly.

This time, in order to cross the oasis, they lost a lot of guards.

These are all elites.

Liu Lin came over and said, "I think all this is thanks to those movements, otherwise, you wouldn't have so many people killed."

When Liu Lin came over, Zhao Kuo also saw her and asked, "How is your side?"

"No problem, I can crack it, but I need your help."

"Okay, as long as it can be cracked."

Zhao Kuo no longer paid attention to the lost guards.

When they came here, they were ready to sacrifice all of them here.

"Yeah." Liu Lin led them to the stone gate.

In the center of the stone gate in front of them, there was a square area.

There were many symbols on it, and no one except Liu Lin could understand these symbols.

"Miss Liu, what do these symbols mean?"

"This is a sealing rune. We need to return the rune to the correct position, and this door can be opened." Liu Lin said.

"In this case, it seems that we can't help much, right?" Roger looked at her with some doubts.

"Of course, I understand the meaning of the runes above. There may be a battle later. What you need to help is to resist the monsters that may appear when I remove the rune seal."

"I see." Roger suddenly realized.

Zhao Kuo urged: "Let's get started."


Then, Liu Lin began to move, and she began to adjust the position of the runes.

While she was adjusting, some strange phenomena began to appear around the stone gate.

On the ground, a circle of light appeared out of thin air, and a group of Jingzhe appeared from it and walked towards the stone gate.

Jingzhe can't see the people who are hiding, but they will attack violently and randomly. At this time, even if they hide, they will be hurt.

After all, hiding is hiding, just making your figure undetectable, but if you are attacked, you will also be hurt.

"Get ready for battle." Zhao Kuo knew that fighting was inevitable, so he gave orders to Roger.

"Yes, patriarch."

Roger called the remaining guards to form a defensive formation, and with the cover of the magic weapon, launched an attack on the Jingzhe outside.

One after another, the magic arts were fired, and the Jingzhe outside were hit and fell one by one.

Because there was no specific target, these Jingzhe attacked randomly.

Some attacks also fell into the area covered by the magic weapon, and the guards hurriedly resisted.

However, fortunately, the Jingzhe was not strong and was quickly cleared.

When they were all dead, the halo on the ground also disappeared, but it turned into a stream of light, flew towards the stone gate, and sank into the stone gate.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Lin saw a line of runes on the stone slab, which had already lit up.

At this time, Zhao Kuo saw this situation and roughly calculated that there were a total of ten lines of runes, which meant that they had to survive ten waves of attacks.

"Do we have to survive ten waves of attacks in total?" Zhao Kuo asked.

Liu Lin nodded and did not answer him.

Zhao Kuo knew what was going on and said to Roger, "Pay attention to saving your energy. I think the monsters in the back may be more powerful. Don't waste too much energy."

"Okay, Master."

Next, Roger made new arrangements based on the enemy situation and asked the guards to deal with these stings in batches.

And some other guards took a full rest.

Zhao Kuo also took out the elixir to restore the immortal power and distributed it to these guards.

Now, they are still needed to guard here, so they can't be killed.

With the blessing of the elixir, they can hold on longer.

At this time, the second round of monsters also appeared.

Another light circle appeared outside them.

Seeing that light circle, new stings kept emerging.

Zhao Kuo said, "Roger, see if you can destroy it directly."

"Okay, Master." Roger took out the bow and arrow and aimed at the light circle on the ground not far away.

He jumped up and gathered a powerful force on the arrow.



Instantly, the aperture was blasted into pieces by Roger.

However, soon another new aperture appeared, and the position was different.

Seeing this, he naturally did not give up and continued to shoot arrows.


Under Roger's archery attack, the apertures were destroyed one after another.

However, Roger soon found that this had no other benefits except wasting his immortal power.

"Master, do you think we should still fight?" Roger could only ask Zhao Kuo helplessly.

Zhao Kuo frowned when he saw this.

He looked at Liu Lin, and then at the aperture that appeared again, and said: "It seems that we can't take shortcuts. There is no need to attack. Let them come out, and then we will eliminate them."

"Yes, Master."

Roger also saw that there was no effect, and didn't want to waste his energy.

And those stings appeared again.

After they appeared, they began to search for their positions and attacked randomly.


"Prepare to attack."

Looking at the mess outside, Zhao Kuo had no choice but to let people continue to clean up.

After their cleanup, the second wave was quickly wiped out.

The third wave, the fourth wave...

As time went on, the strength of the Jingzhe became stronger and stronger, which made Zhao Kuo a little afraid.

Roger also saw this problem and could even predict how terrible it would be later.

So, Roger said: "Master, our situation is not optimistic. We must find a way. Otherwise, I estimate that we can only hold on until the seventh wave."

At this time, Jingzhe had already discovered their hiding.

"Ga ga."

Jingzhe rushed towards the stone gate in front.

"No, they really found us!"

"Prepare for battle, no one can be careless, otherwise they will die." Roger began to do a good job of ideological work for the guards.

After hearing this, they did not dare to be careless anymore.

At this time, those Jingzhe also rushed over and attacked the blank space in front frantically.

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