Poyun Fortress.

The soldiers cheered, and they were all very happy.

The terrible beast was actually repelled by them.

"It's a pity that we couldn't kill it." Although Li Taihang could repel it, it was difficult to kill this guy.

Unless he did it himself.

Seeing that his mission was not completed, he could only think of another way.

Long Aotian didn't think so much. He was very happy now. He patted Li Taihang's shoulder and said, "Taihang, you are really great!"

"General, you are too kind." Li Taihang said lightly: "But the next time it comes, I'm afraid that the weakness will be protected by it."


"Will it come again?"

"Well, but not so soon. It takes a lot of effort to prepare protective things for that big guy."

"Then we..."

"For us, it's a good thing!" Li Taihang smiled and said, "Isn't it?"

Long Aotian's eyes lit up and he understood it immediately.

Bai San also smiled and said, "Yes, it's a good thing."

In fact, they wished that the preparation time was as long as possible, so that they could hold on until the arrival of reinforcements.

"How long will it take for our reinforcements to arrive?" Li Taihang asked.

"According to the intelligence, it will take another seven days."

"However, some reinforcements will arrive first."

"Those who arrive first, don't let them in."

"Why is that?"

"I'm afraid there are spies of the enemy mixed in!"

"Yes, you're right."

This is entirely possible.

After all, there are so many Protoss, and it's normal to have more scum.

"Then settle them behind the Poyun Fortress."


"If they don't rush to come, just camp behind and wait for the opportunity."


The three of them quickly discussed and arranged the next reinforcements.

Centaurs camp.

The soldiers are heavily guarded.

Although the Centaurs are not doing well now and have lost 100,000 troops. But they are still powerful.

In the main camp of the barracks.

The tent was magnificent and filled with many luxurious items, which decorated the entire tent very luxuriously.

Buyari, who was dressed in luxurious and golden clothes, was accompanied by several beautiful women from the demon clan, who fed him various divine fruits and divine wine.

Nine descendants of Osef came to Buyari's tent together.

They were the commanders of the Centaurs who went to war this time.

At this time, Buyari summoned them.

"Greetings, Lord Buyari."

The nine descendants of Osef did not know why Buyari asked them to come.

"Well." Buyari raised his hand and signaled the beauties around him to retreat.

After they retreated, Buyari sat up and stared at the descendants of Osef in front of him.

"Now, I have a difficult task for you."

The nine descendants of Osef panicked, thinking in their hearts that Buyari might want them to die.

After all, the attack of the Creator Beast was blocked. If they sent the Centaurs up, they would really be sending themselves to die.

Not to mention the 100,000 people who died before, even if all the remaining ones went up, they would only have one way to die.

Suddenly, some of the descendants of Osef among them were full of panic on their faces.

When Buyari saw their appearance, he knew what they were thinking.

"Hmph, useless things, don't worry, I'm not sending you to die." Although Buyari looked down on these Centaurs.

But now, they are still needed to contain the Protoss.

"Listen, I need you to help me build a set of armor for the Creator Beast."


When they heard it, they were a little confused.

Building armor for the Creator Beast? This guy is hundreds of meters high, it's not easy to build!

"Don't worry, there is no need to build armor for its entire body."

When they heard this, they also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I don't know how Lord Buyari wants us to build it?" An Osef descendant asked cautiously.

"It's very simple. We mainly target its eyes. As long as we protect its eyes, the gods won't be able to do anything to the giant beast!"

Hearing this, the nine descendants of Osef breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking that it was just to build armor for the eyes, it was indeed not difficult.

"Remember, this is definitely not an ordinary armor, but an armor that can withstand the attacks of the gods."

"But we don't have enough materials."

"Won't you go find it?" Buyari said with some displeasure.

"Yes, I understand."

"How long will it take you to build them?"

The nine descendants of Osef looked at each other.

Finally, one of them gritted his teeth and said, "Lord Buyari, it will take at least half a month."

"What? Half a month? Are you idiots?"

"Lord Buyari, listen to me, you want us to find the materials and make them ourselves, this is already our fastest speed."

"Yes, Lord Buyari, it's not easy to make these things."

"I will give you seven days at most. If you can't finish it within seven days, you nine descendants of Osef, prepare to change people."

Buyari cut off most of the time in one go, and suddenly, Osef's nine descendants were shocked.

"Lord Buyari, no!"

"Lord Buyari, we may not be able to do this."

"Yes. Lord Buyari."

"Hmph, if you are not afraid of losing your position, you don't have to come according to the time." After Buyari finished speaking, he waved his hand to signal them all to get out.

These nine sons of Osef were driven out.

After going out, they all looked sad.

"Brother, what should I do?"

"Now we can only listen to Lord Buyari. Don't forget, we still have three brothers."

"If we compromise, we will lose our position, and we may even lose our lives."

After being reminded by their eldest brother, the other Osef descendants also trembled.

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"Brother is right, but what should we do to complete the task within seven days?"

The elder brother thought for a while and said: "We will arrange it immediately and use all our strength to help us find it."

"After you find it, send it here no matter the cost."


"It's up to you, brother."

The nine sons of Osef quickly made up their minds and started taking action.

They don't dare to delay at all now.

Although Buyari was in the camp, he had a clear view of their performance.

He picked up a glass of wine on the table, sneered and said, "It's just a bunch of trash. If you weren't needed this time, I would have killed you all."

The Centaurs have the lowest status among the demons, but their numbers are extremely large.

Many times, centaurs are even food for other demons.

"However, they alone are not enough. These damn gods don't know how they know that we are coming."

"I have to make some more preparations."

So, Buyari said to the darkness: "Notify the secret line and prepare for action. I want them to use all possible methods to sneak into Poyun Fortress."


In the darkness, a voice responded to him.

Poyun Fortress.

Li Taihang began to deduce the secrets. After knowing the next trend, he didn't take it to heart.

"These are just minor obstacles."

Because they had already taken precautions.

"Judging from the current situation, we can just hold on until reinforcements arrive."

"It's just that the war won't end so easily."

Li Taixing knew very well that judging from the current situation, unless he personally took action, a quick victory would be achieved.

Otherwise, this war will last longer and longer.

"But a quick fix won't do me any good."

After all, Li Taihang still had to rely on war to improve his strength.

If he doesn't do this, it will be difficult for Li Taixing to become stronger.

Li Taihang made a decision in his mind, and still focused on improving his own strength.

If he wanted to do this, he couldn't do it himself, but he could come up with ideas.

"But with these gods in the fortress, it is difficult to make achievements."

"That's all, let's help them some more." Li Taihang decided to make some more powerful weapons and equipment.

At that time, it can be used to deal with the demon army.

So, he left where he lived and began to design new weapons and equipment.

At this time, Long Aotian and Bai San were also discussing the war.

"General, according to Taihang, the enemy will not attack us again in the short term."

"I think, taking this opportunity, why don't we do something else?"

"What are you doing?" Long Aotian looked at him with some confusion.

"The Centaur tribe's camp is directly west of us, and we have investigated their defenses. It is obvious that they have not set up a defensive line yet."

"If we attack them secretly, we may get unexpected results."

"Do you want to take advantage of their unstable footing to sneak attack them?"


Long Aotian shook his head.

If it was before, he still had this idea. However, there is not only the Kaitian Behemoth on the opposite side, but also a powerful Demon Clan expert.

In this way, even if they succeed in the sneak attack this time, their own side will suffer heavy losses.

Seeing this, Bai San could only give up.

However, Long Aotian was a little confused and didn't understand why Bai San suddenly made such a request.

However, he didn't think much about it.

"By the way, where is Taihang?"

"Not sure."

"Forget it, I'll go see that guy and see what he decides."

"Okay." Bai San's eyes flashed slightly, nodded, and said: "General, let me go too."


Long Aotian didn't refuse, and took Bai San with him to find Li Taihang.

As a result, I went to where Li Taixing lived but could not find him.

"Strange, this kid is not at home?" Long Aotian was a little confused.

Originally, Bai San also wanted to come here to inquire about some information. When he saw that Li Taixing was not there, he said to Long Aotian: "General, let's go back first."


Without seeing Li Taihang, they had no choice but to leave first.

At this time, Li Taixing was here with Huang Feilin.

He wants to work with Huang Feilin to create some new types of killer weapons.

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