Li Taihang came to the barracks of the combat team. At this time, Yang Laizhi was communicating with Li Hong.

Li Hong said: "Captain, now we all know how to use it. The power of this sniper cannon is really terrifying. If the military advisor can really provide 100,000 sniper cannons, the Kaitian giant beast will definitely die."

"Yes, but I don't know if the military advisor can equip the 100,000 sniper cannons." Yang Laizhi sighed and said.

"This, I think it's a bit difficult, right?" Li Hong thought that this is not a few hundred, but a hundred thousand.

"Maybe not." Yang Laizhi always felt that Li Taihang was too amazing, and there must be a way to solve the problem of the 100,000 sniper cannons.

At this time, a team member came to report.

"Captain, deputy captain, the military advisor is here."

Hearing the team member's report, the two big men of the God Clan also stood up quickly.

"Quick, let's go to greet him." Yang Laizhi said happily.


Li Hong hurriedly followed, and the two came to the outside of the barracks to greet Li Taihang.

Li Taihang was watching the training of the combat team members at this time!

"Bang, bang, bang."

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The targets in the distance were all irregularly moving targets, simulating the irregular attack of the demons.

In this case, each member of the combat team must have extremely high shooting accuracy, otherwise, it is difficult to hit these targets that are constantly moving irregularly.

Obviously, the members of the combat team are very good. Under their accurate shooting, those targets were blown up one by one.

After Li Taihang's inspection, the defense of those targets was very amazing. Even the strong men in the middle god realm might not be able to smash them in a short time.

But now, the sniper gun has penetrated it.

"It seems that the combat team did not disappoint me."

"Next, there will be a good show to watch." Li Taihang smiled slightly.

At this time, Yang Laizhi and Li Hong came in front of Li Taihang.

"Meet the military advisor."

"Yes, no need to be polite."

After they finished the etiquette, Yang Laizhi said to Li Taihang: "Military advisor, how do you think our team members performed?"

"Not bad, very good."

"Hehe." After getting Li Taihang's affirmation, the two of them felt as sweet as eating honey.

"I wonder what the military advisor is here for this time?" Yang Laizhi asked with some expectation.

Li Taihang looked around and said, "Just follow me."


Perhaps Li Taihang felt that this place was not suitable for chatting, so they followed Li Taihang and came to the barracks.

In the barracks, Li Taihang told Long Aotian's order.

"The general has ordered you to be responsible for training 100,000 soldiers immediately. Now, all soldiers are replaced with sniper guns."


Yang Laizhi's eyes lit up. He knew that Li Taihang's words proved that he had prepared 100,000 sniper guns.


Li Taihang gave them 100,000 sniper guns and asked them to be responsible for distribution and combat training.

In the next few days, all the 100,000 soldiers in the Poyun Fortress changed their uniforms and equipped themselves with sniper guns.

At the same time, the Poyun Fortress was full of soldiers training. Bai San frowned after seeing the situation in the Poyun Fortress.

"This Li Taihang is simply too powerful."

"Besides, he has the ability to predict the future. It seems that I don't need to expose myself this time."

"Buyari, that idiot, will definitely lose this time."

"Forget it, I will continue to endure."

When Bai San saw the whole army training sniper guns, he knew that the Centaurs would lose again this time.

After seeing the results of the army's training, Li Taihang approached Long Aotian and said, "General."

"Taihang, you are here, what's the matter?"

Now, Li Taihang's existence has brought too many surprises to Long Aotian.

Although the whole army has only been training sniper guns for a few days, the terrifying power is so terrifying that even they feel scared when they see it.

He even understood that in this battle, they would make the Centaurs pay a heavy price if they broke through the Cloud Fortress.

"General, I have an idea."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

"I hope that the next battle will be fought by the combat team, and the other soldiers will not use sniper guns."

"Why is that?"

"If we expose our strength too early, the enemy will be prepared and dare not attack us again."

"So, it is better to play a long game."

Long Aotian suddenly felt that this was a good idea.

"Okay, let's follow your plan."


Then, they made new arrangements for the next battle. Except for the combat team, other soldiers will not use sniper guns for the time being.

At this time, the protective armor of the Kaitian giant beast was also built. With this protective armor, they believed that this time the Kaitian giant beast would be able to blow up the opponent's formation.

Bu Yali looked at the eye armor of the Kaitian giant beast and was very satisfied.

"Very good, you did a good job." Buyari looked at the nine descendants of Osef and praised them generously.

However, he didn't know that they paid a heavy price to collect enough materials.

"Yes, thank you for the compliment, Lord Buyari."

"Lord Buyari is too kind, this is all because of Lord Buyari's good leadership."

Although these descendants of Osef were dissatisfied, they still greeted them with a smile and a face full of flattery.

Buyari was very satisfied with their performance.

He nodded, looked at the Kaitian Giant Beast in front of him, and said: "Kaitian Giant Beast, do you want revenge?"

Although the Kaitian Giant Beast was wearing eye protection armor to block its vision, it could still sense the location of the Poyun Fortress by perception.

At this time, hearing Buyari's words, the Kaitian Giant Beast roared to vent his thoughts.

"Okay, I know." Buyari smiled strangely, turned to face the nine descendants of Osef, and said: "Listen, the whole army is ready, today, we are going to break the Poyun Fortress."

Buyari knew very well that he didn't have much time left.

He must solve the problem of the Poyun Fortress as soon as possible, otherwise, once the reinforcements of the Protoss arrive, the Poyun Fortress will become a hard bone to chew.

"Yes, Lord Buyari."

The nine descendants of Osef responded in unison.

Bu Yali waved his hand.

They immediately went to call the whole army.

After a while, the whole army of the Centaurs was reassembled.

Bu Yali flew into the air, and a magnificent flying chariot appeared under him. He sat on it, like a king examining his own country.

He was obviously very lazy, pointed his hand forward, and said: "All troops attack!"



The giant beast of the sky roared, and the sound resounded through the sky.

At this time, all the Protoss soldiers far away in the Poyun Fortress were also alert.


At this time, a soldier came to Long Aotian's residence.


"General, the enemy has begun to attack."

"Is it finally coming?" Long Aotian was very expectant and said: "Call all the soldiers and prepare to fight."


Then, the entire Poyun Fortress was also surging, and all the Protoss soldiers returned to their positions.

Long Aotian also flew to the tower and personally commanded the battle of the entire army.

Li Taihang and Bai San also came to the tower at this time and joined Long Aotian.

"Greetings, General."

"Okay, you are here, no need to be polite, follow me to command the army to fight."

"Yes, General."

Li Taihang and Bai San said in unison.

The two stood on the left and right beside Long Aotian, looking at the distant horizon.


I saw a group of black things appearing on the distant horizon.

That was the one million Centaurs. Although they only had less than 900,000 troops left, they were still very powerful and came towards the Poyun Fortress.

At the forefront of the Centaurs was a giant beast several hundred meters high. It was the Kaitian giant beast that was attacked by the soldiers of the Poyun Fortress a week ago.

But this time, the Kaitian giant beast is not afraid of being focused again. Its eye armor not only has amazing defense, but also has a lot of array protection attached to it, which makes its weaknesses impossible to attack.

The Kaitian giant beast's body is even more powerful, with amazing defense. Even the strong men in the Great God Realm may not be able to break it.

Unless the Super God Realm takes action, otherwise, don't think about breaking its own armor.

"It's the Kaitian giant beast. Look, this guy is really prepared."

The gods have already discovered the Kaitian giant beast. There is no way. It is too big. In addition, the eyesight of the gods is also good. They can quickly see the appearance of the Kaitian giant beast a few kilometers away.

"Yes, the eye armor is very eye-catching. I wonder if we can break this armor with our concentrated fire attack?"

"It shouldn't be possible, unless we use sniper guns!"

However, unfortunately, this time the superior's order, except for the combat team, other soldiers are not allowed to use sniper guns.

So, they can only look at the combat team with envy.

At this time, Yang Laizhi saw the giant beast coming, and his eyes lit up. He looked at Li Hong beside him and said, "Our military exploits are here."

"Yes, this time thanks to the military advisor, otherwise, this benefit will not fall on us."

"Yes, but we can't be too careless."

"Well, please rest assured, Captain, we will definitely take it seriously."


All those who can become members of the combat team are elites. At this time, it is more appropriate to let them fight.

"Captain Yang."


"The general ordered you to make preparations before the battle."

"Please rest assured, it has been done."

"Okay, then when the giant beast arrives at the designated location, please snipe the giant beast."

"Don't worry, we know."


Then, the soldier went back to report.

"Brothers, it's time to work, let's go!"


The members of the combat team were all excited, and their opportunity to make achievements appeared in front of them.

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