Tieshan was unaware of his decision, which ultimately hastened his death.

"Space cutting!"


"Huh, sure enough."

Tieshan discovered that the power of the surrounding space avenue was already slashing towards him, and he knew that this was a space cutting.

He was confident that his own defense was more than enough to withstand this space cutting.



Tieshan's face was full of horror. He was shocked to find that the layer of golden armor on his body was actually cut off. His eyes widened and he was a little unbelievable.

"This is impossible!"

In a hurry, he was about to condense the golden armor again to resist the space cutting.

However, Wang Xuanwu would not give him a chance.

"Space is torn apart!"


Suddenly, the space in the area where Tieshan was located began to crack, and everything inside it began to be torn apart as the space was torn apart.


"I, I can't die!"


However, he still let out a desperate scream, was torn apart by the space, turned into countless fragments, and died completely.

After Tieshan died, Wang Xuanwu looked at Yang Tian and the two remaining disciples and said, "I have already killed three of you, why don't you come together?"

Yang Tian and the other two disciples looked particularly gloomy.

They didn't expect that even Tieshan would be killed by Wang Xuanwu.

"Wang Xuanwu, you are very good. I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for hundreds of thousands of years, but you are stronger than before."

"Fortunately, I'm just a little better than you trash." Wang Xuanwu said calmly.

"You!" Yang Tian's mouth twitched, a little angry.

"Okay, if you want the three of us to come together, we will make it happen for you." Yang Tian shouted: "Come together!"


They knew that even the first three were dead. If they went up one by one, they might all die here.

Looking at the crazy eyes of those followers, he probably wished they would die.

He didn't want to follow those three guys, so he chose to take the rest with him and kill Wang Xuanwu.

"Come on, it's your turn next."

Then, Wang Xuanwu also flew towards them and slashed out with his sword.

"Space is torn apart."

The expressions of the three people all changed and they did not face him directly. They did not know the horror of Wang Xuanwu's attack.

When they faced it directly, they felt a crisis of death enveloped them.

They knew that if they were slow, they would surely die.

"Defense." Yang Tian exclaimed loudly.

Afterwards, they did not care about attacking Wang Xuanwu, and hurriedly used their respective powers to form a layer of protection, firmly protecting themselves within it.

However, the space tear now used by Wang Xuanwu is very powerful with the blessing of Qingyuan Sword.



All three of them screamed.

"Okay, so strong, I, I can't resist it anymore."

"Me too!"

The three of them did not expect that Wang Xuanwu's attack power would be so terrifying. Suddenly, they understood why Ye Jianqiu, Sun Hao and Tieshan were no match for Wang Xuanwu.

There is simply no comparison.

"too strong!"

"It's over."

Such a thought flashed through Yang Tian's mind, and then his entire body was submerged by the power of the space avenue and turned into ashes.

In the end, all three of them were instantly killed by Wang Xuanwu.

This scene also stunned many followers of Tiansheng Sect.


"The great road is supreme. Are they all dead like this?"

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that what they saw was real.

However, the reality is right in front of them, and they cannot help but disbelieve it.

Next, Wang Xuanwu looked towards the highest peak of the entire Tiansheng Sect, which was the direction of the Zhengyue Palace.

At this time, Dao Wushuang, who had been paying attention to the battle, suddenly opened his eyes.

"She, how can she be so powerful?"

Speaking of which, even he couldn't kill the three Yang Tian Dao realms in a short time with one move. After all, their own strength was also very strong.

However, there are only eight disciples in Tiansheng Sect, and six of them have been killed in the battle.

"Damn it."

Dao Wushuang stood up with a very gloomy expression and sent a message to Qian Songben and Cai Zeshan.

"Bring Jiang Yuning to this sect master."

He could only make this decision now. He must restrain Wang Xuanwu, otherwise, his prestige would be completely destroyed.


The two people guarding outside Jiang Yuning's room opened the restriction and wanted to bring Jiang Yuning out.

However, when they entered, they were startled when they saw that it was empty.

"Is this an illusion?"

"I guess so?"

They discovered that Jiang Yuning was missing.

"Quick, look carefully."

They panicked for a moment and knew very well that if Jiang Yuning disappeared, they would be dead.

So, they looked for Jiang Yuning everywhere.

As a result, they searched the whole room but couldn't find Jiang Yuning, and they couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

"No, we have been guarding this place. No one else has entered except the sect master."

"Yes, but why did the people there disappear?"

"Then...what should we do?"

Both of them were a little panicked.

If Jiang Yuning cannot be found, they will have no way to explain to Dao Wushuang.

In the end, they decided to honestly report the situation here.

After Wang Xuanwu eliminated the six disciples, he also started to fight against the Tiansheng Sect.

Facing Wang Xuanwu, those followers were helpless and were killed along the way, suffering heavy casualties.


"Run quickly, the female devil is coming. We are no match for her at all, we will die."


The followers were so killed by Wang Xuanwu that they cried for their fathers and mothers, and began to move closer to the Zhengyue Palace, which was their last hope.


While Wang Xuanwu was chasing them, he suddenly triggered a formation.

At this time, she thought of what Li Taihang said, "When encountering a formation, use the Qingyuan Sword to break it."

So, she swung the Qingyuan Sword and slashed towards the trapped formation with all her strength.


The entire trapped formation, unable to withstand such terrifying power, collapsed on the spot.

When the followers saw Wang Xuanwu escaping from the trap, they were frightened and continued to run away.

They spread out and led Wang Xuanwu to other formations.

Soon, Wang Xuanwu encountered another killing formation.

The moment the formation was triggered, countless sword lights were about to drown Wang Xuanwu in an instant.

"Space barrier!"

Wang Xuanwu resisted these sword lights, then swung the Qingyuan Sword and slashed out, saying: "Tear the space apart."



As a result, the formation was broken and the sword light dissipated.

In this way, Wang Xuanwu relied on absolute force to break through the formations along the way and kill towards the Zhengyue Palace.

Those followers, seeing how ferocious Wang Xuanwu was, were frightened and fled faster, fearing that if they were one step slower, they would be left behind.

Dao Wushuang was also shocked when he saw Wang Xuanwu's devastating attack speed.

"These trapping formations and killing formations are all carefully arranged, and the defenses are amazing. Why can she always break out of the formations?"

Dao Wushuang didn't expect that there were so many trapping and killing formations that couldn't even stop her.

Wang Xuanwu was like an angry lioness, roaring all the way, chasing the followers who were howling like ghosts and wolves.

Slowly, he approached the Zhengyue Palace.

"Activate the main formation."

Dao Wushuang sighed helplessly.

Before Wang Xuanwu came to kill him, he activated a main formation to protect the Zhengyue Palace.

Not long after, Wang Xuanwu arrived at the Zhengyue Palace. She flew up in the sky, looking down at the entire Zhengyue Palace.

"Dao Wushuang, get out of here."

Dao Wushuang walked out of the Zhengyue Palace and flew into the air. He looked at Wang Xuanwu with cold eyes and said, "Wang Xuanwu, you shouldn't have come here. You are throwing yourself into a trap."

"You talk a lot of nonsense. If you have the guts to challenge me, don't hide in there." Wang Xuanwu pointed at Dao Wushuang and said disdainfully.

"Haha." Dao Wushuang was not anxious at all, although Wang Xuanwu's strength exceeded her expectations.

However, he still has many methods.

"Now, it's time to show your trump card."

Dao Wushuang had already pinned Wang Xuanwu's weakness.

However, I don’t know why, why didn’t Qian Songben and Cai Zeshan, the two men he sent to guard Jiang Yuning, bring them over?

He felt a little displeased and thought to himself: "What are these two idiots doing? They have already come to kill them, why don't they come?"

"Chaotic space!"

Wang Xuanwu saw that Dao Wushuang refused to come out, so she was not in a hurry to break the formation.

Although with the power of Qingyuan Sword, it is not difficult to break through the main formation.

However, she did not want to kill Dao Wushuang immediately.

She wanted Dao Wushuang to despair and die in fear and fear, otherwise, it would be too easy for him.

And as Wang Xuanwu opened the domain, it began to wrap around the entire First Moon Palace and its surroundings, causing chaos outside the main formation of the First Moon Palace, and the line of sight became blurred and the sun disappeared.

If the Zhengyue Palace had not activated its protection, I am afraid that the current Zhengyue Palace would also be in the chaotic space. Then it would be impossible to see even the five fingers. Those in the Great Dao Realm can only use the power of the Dao to sense everything around them, those small paths. In this situation, he is directly blind.

What's more, there are constant attacks in the chaos, lightning and thunder, which consume their power at any time. Once the consumption is too high, they will be unable to fight, or their combat effectiveness will be weakened, and they will become lambs to be slaughtered.

However, although it failed to cover the entire Zhengyue Palace, it at least trapped this place.

As long as they dare to escape, they will be directly swallowed by the power of the chaotic space.

Dao Wushuang looked at the sky outside. Because of the existence of chaotic space, he could no longer see the original sky. He could only see everything wrapped in chaos, and he could only see lightning and thunder.

Dao Wushuang immediately understood that Wang Xuanwu planned to kill them all, and couldn't help but smile disdainfully.

"Wang Xuanwu, when I show my trump card, I want to see how arrogant you can be?"


At this moment, the two disciples guarding Jiang Yuning finally arrived.

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