In the second half of the night, the bandits finally appeared. They quietly came to the outskirts of the caravan, hid in the forest, and observed the situation of the caravan.

But they found that the people in the caravan were gone, and the caravan's carriages were surrounded in a circle, posing a defensive posture.

After seeing this, the bandits couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Boss, do they know we are coming?" The second leader of the bandits asked in a puzzled manner.

The first leader of the bandits frowned, thought for a while, shook his head, and said: "It shouldn't be possible. We were so far away at the time, and we were observing them in secret. They couldn't find us."

"In addition, if they found us, do you think they would stay here?"

The second leader of the bandits heard it and immediately felt that it made sense.

"Then boss, why are they like this now?" The second leader of the bandits asked again.

"It is estimated that they are highly vigilant. They do this to prevent others from attacking."

"Boss, then are we still going?" The third leader of the bandits asked.

"Of course, since we are here, we can't return empty-handed, right?" The bandit leader said, and began to give orders to attack.

"Second brother, you lead the people to attack from the front, and third brother, you lead the people to attack them from the back! I will wait for the opportunity to act."

"Yes, boss."

Then, the second and third leaders of the bandits stood up, led their bandits, and began to act, and at the same time launched an attack on the caravan.

"Sir, if the situation is not right later, please take action." The bandit leader said respectfully.

"Yes." Behind the bandit leader, there was a man in black, and the man in black nodded.


The bandit leader was also relieved. Looking at the second bandit leader rushing forward, he waved the ring-headed broadsword in his hand, and quickly approached the caravan with more than a hundred bandits behind him.

"They are coming."

After sensing the situation outside, Li Taihang reminded.

At this time, the people in the caravan began to get nervous. They all hid to prevent the bandits outside from finding them, and they held their weapons tightly in their hands.

Li Taihang found that they were divided into two groups, one in front and one in the back, so he said: "You guard the back, and let me deal with the bandits in front. After I kill them, I will come to help you."

Hearing Li Taihang's words, they all nodded.

The captain of the guards did not dare to be careless at this time. He made a gesture to the guards. When the bandits approached, they suddenly appeared and shot at the bandits who were approaching.


"Swish, swish, swish."

The arrows shot and hit the bandits who rushed over. After they were shot, they screamed.


The three bandit leaders shot away the flying arrows and commanded the bandits to rush forward.

In front, Li Taihang suddenly appeared on a carriage, watching more than a hundred bandits in front of him rushing up.

He raised his hand, and more than a hundred flying swords were suspended around him.

Now, he has spiritual power like the ocean, and it is easy to control these flying swords.

"Not good, there is an immortal on the other side." The second leader of the bandits exclaimed and turned to flee.

"Go." Li Taihang pointed forward, and a number of Qingyue swords of the top-grade spiritual weapon level flew towards the bandits in front.




Suddenly, the bandits were unable to dodge and were pierced by the flying swords. Those flying swords attacked them like a violent storm.

The more than one hundred bandits, including the second leader of the bandits, were desperately resisting.

However, after a while, more than half of them were killed or injured. The remaining bandits were also scared and wanted to escape.

When the leader of the bandits saw Li Taihang, he was also very shocked. He didn't expect that there was such a powerful cultivator in this caravan.

The leader of the bandits quickly looked at the man in black behind him. If he didn't take action, I'm afraid that the second leader and his men would be finished.

"Don't worry, I'll go meet him."

The man in black still felt guilty when he saw Li Taihang take action, but when he saw that Li Taihang had such a hard time killing these bandits, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He felt that Li Taihang's strength should not be as strong as he imagined.

Afterwards, he flew on his sword and came to Li Taihang's side, staring at Li Taihang, intending to test Li Taihang's true cultivation.

"Strange, I can't see through this old guy in front of me. Could it be that his strength is above mine?"

However, he still asked calmly: "Who are you?"

Li Taihang saw the man in black flying on his sword, but he ignored him, and continued to control the flying sword to attack the bandits.

"You are looking for death."

The man in black was furious when he saw Li Taihang ignore him, and he stretched out a long sword in his hand and stabbed Li Taihang.

He was so fast that Li Taihang almost didn't react, and it was also thanks to Li Taihang who had been staring at him for a long time that he reacted in time.


The other party could see that Li Taihang was not that strong, and he could not help but feel relieved.

However, Li Taihang was able to control the sword, which surprised the other party. After all, even he could not do such a profound method.

"This old guy is a bit weird. Take him down and then test his bottom."

Obviously, the man in black was interested in Li Taihang's strength.

But Li Taihang looked at him and smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" The man in black suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Then, he found something wrong. He didn't know when, and there were all Qingyue swords around him.

"Top-grade spiritual weapons, so many? Did you do it on purpose?"

At this time, the man in black finally understood that Li Taihang was not unable to kill the robbers immediately, but deliberately lured him out.

But Li Taihang smiled and said nothing.


Suddenly, Qingyue swords stabbed at the man in black, and the robbers all widened their eyes, a little unbelievable.

"My God, is this old guy a sword fairy? He actually controls so many flying swords?"


The man in black was besieged by thousands of Qingyue swords. He kept blasting out fist shadows to knock down these Qingyue swords, but there were too many of them and they could penetrate everywhere.


Finally, he was hit by a sword.

Then, the second sword, the third sword, and the fourth sword! In the blink of an eye, the man in black had been stabbed into a hedgehog by the Qingyue sword.

"Quickly retreat."

The leader of the bandits was so frightened when he saw Li Taihang was so horrified that he quickly called out.

The second leader of the bandits also came to his senses and quickly fled, and at the end he shouted: "Old Three, quickly flee! Don't fight."

The third leader of the bandits who was attacking the caravan was shocked. After learning that the other side had a cultivator and had killed their leader, he also panicked.

"Quickly, retreat!"

All of a sudden, they all fled.

However, Li Taihang did not chase them. It was not that he did not want to chase them, but that he was willing but unable.

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