Qiao Bai was beaten up and then thrown out of Xuantian Sect. He was completely humiliated.

This made Qiao Bai hate the Xuantian Sect.

He thought angrily: "Damn Xuantian Sect, after I go back, I must ask the sect leader to send someone to deal with them."

He hated going to Xuantian Sect.

Then, he returned to Baiyun Sect.

Luo Zhutian looked at his leaving figure, stroked his chin, and said to himself: "Why does this scene seem so familiar?"

On Xuantian Peak.

"Meet the sect leader." Liu Dahai, Zhu Ling, Yue'er and other six demon clans saluted Li Taixing in unison.

Li Taixing landed on the ground, looked at them, and said, "You two did a good job. Although you only have the strength to enter the Yuanying Realm, you are more powerful than Qiao Bai, who is at the ninth level of the Yuanying Realm."

"However, your coping ability is still a bit poor. Let's do this. The Tower of Trial has also been opened, so you can enter it and practice."

"Yes, as ordered, Master."

"Okay, let's go."

"Yes, Sect Master."

Liu Dahai and Zhu Ling flew to the Tower of Trial and entered to practice.

After Li Taixing watched them leave, he looked at the six monsters in front of him and said, "You have also received the opportunity accordingly. However, although you have the opportunity, you have no way to practice it."

Li Taixing stretched out his hand and began to help them condense their skills, and a pink heart-shaped mark soon appeared in Li Taixing's hand.

Li Taixing pointed his hand, and the heart-shaped mark was imprinted on Yue'er's eyebrows.

"Yue'er, this is your cultivation technique, it's called "The Jade Girl's Heart Sutra", practice it well."

Yue'er, who received the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra", was filled with surprise after feeling the content of the technique.

"Thank you, Master."

The "Jade Girl Heart Sutra" directly appeared in her mind. In this way, the efficiency of her cultivation was doubled with half the effort.

Li Taixing nodded, looked at the pig demon Daidai, and said, "You have the "Hundred Battles Marksmanship", but you lack the killing spear."

Li Taixing raised his right hand, and in full view of everyone, he gathered the power of heaven and earth to form a killing spear - the Unparalleled Overlord Spear.

"This is the unparalleled Overlord Spear. Combined with your "Hundred Battles Marksmanship", it can also quickly increase your combat power."

After Li Taixing finished speaking, he threw it to the pig demon Xiaodai.

After he took it, he felt a heavy weight, but it felt very gripping and touching, giving him a feeling of spiritual connection.

"Okay, not bad."

"Thank you, Master."

Li Taihang looked at the dog demon Xiaodan again. At this time, he was also looking at Li Taihang expectantly.

Li Taixing condensed a bottle of elixir for him and said: "This elixir is a pregnancy elixir. Although you have magic weapons, heaven and earth, and your cultivation techniques are among them, your qualifications are still insufficient. ”

"This bottle of pregnancy elixir will improve your qualifications. By then, it will be much easier for you to practice the Taoist methods in the heaven, phase and earth."

"Thank you, Master." The dog demon Xiaodan looked at Li Taihang with admiration.

Li Taihang finally looked at the three Xiong Yao brothers, and they also looked at Li Taihang expectantly.

They were full of awe for this magical lord.

Especially the methods revealed by Li Taihang, the miraculous method of creating exercises, weapons, and elixirs out of thin air, made them feel that Li Taihang was a god-like existence.

"Sect Master, what about us?" Daxiong couldn't wait.

"The training of you three brothers mainly focuses on strength, body, and assistance. Corresponding to offense, defense, and assistance. So..."

Three more bottles of elixir appeared in Li Taixing's hand. With a wave of his hand, they fell into the hands of three bear demons respectively.

"These are Dragon Tiger Pill, Tiangang Pill and Qi Movement Pill respectively. They correspond to strengthening the strength, strengthening the physical body and strengthening the casting effect respectively."

"Okay, after you go back, you can practice separately."

"In three days, I will come to check on your cultivation results. If you have any questions, you can ask your senior brother or senior sister."

"Yes! Master!"

Li Taihang disappeared where he was.

After Mrs. Li left, Yue'er and other demon clan were very moved.

"Sister Yue'er, our sect master is so kind. He not only gives us good fortune, but also gives us many good things."

"Yes! Sister Yue'er, I didn't expect that we would meet such a good sect leader."

"Sister Yue'er, if you hadn't asked us to come, we would have missed such a good sect leader."

Each of these monsters felt grateful and very moved.

They didn't know that it was precisely because they were simple-minded and had no intention of harming others that Li Taihang allowed them to enter his sect.

But those disciples who donated money to obtain building rights may not necessarily be able to correct their evil ways.

It is good for those who can change their evil ways and return to the right path, but for those who cannot, for them, there is only a dead end in the end.

Li Taihang will not tolerate evildoers.

Yue'er was also very moved.

"Well, everyone must remember the kindness of the sect master. From now on, our lives belong to the sect master and this sect, do you understand?"

"Sister Yue'er, please rest assured, we understand."

"Okay, then I'll tell you the ugly story first. If anyone is disloyal to the sect master or the sect in the future, I, Yue'er, will be the first to kill him."

"Yes, Sister Yue'er."

In the next few days, they all began to practice based on what they had obtained.

In order to achieve the best effect of their cultivation, during these three days, they were all called into the cultivation tower by Liu Dahai and Zhu Ling.

In the Tower of Cultivation.

With the support of time acceleration, their cultivation effect is also outstanding. They can combine their own skills or magic weapons to cultivate their own magic skills.

Baiyun Sect.

Qiao Bai, who escaped back to the sect, immediately cried to Bai Mao.

"Master, the Xuantian Sect is arrogant and beat me. You see, they are too bullying."

"Who beat you?"

"This..." Qiao Bai suddenly couldn't speak.

You can't say that he was beaten like this by two juniors, right?


However, facing Bai Mao's unfriendly eyes, he still honestly told Bai Mao everything.

Bai Mao was very surprised after listening.

"You mean, you let them defeat you in a one-on-one situation?"

"That, Sect Master, I was careless."

"Hmph, I think your position as an elder is very watered-down, it's time to change someone."

"No, Sect Master, I, I was careless, I will definitely not lose to them next time."

"Sect Master, we all know the strength of Elder Qiao, so he just needs to be careful. But there is a problem."

At this time, an elder stood up and said.

"What's the problem?" Bai Mao looked at the elder.

"I think what we should pay attention to is how two powerful young men suddenly appeared in Xuantian Sect? This must be a problem."

"Yes, Sect Master." Qiao Bai quickly agreed, as long as they don't get entangled in his affairs.


At this time, their attention also shifted to Liu Dahai and Zhu Ling.

"What's the matter with these two teenagers?"

"Master, to be exact, it's a teenager and a girl." Qiao Bai said: "And, according to my investigation, they are Liu Dahai and Zhu Ling. In less than half a month, they have reached the amazing Nascent Soul Realm."

"And before that, they were trash with no spiritual roots or low spiritual roots."


"What kind of means does this Xuantian Sect have? It can actually turn trash into a being more powerful than the proud son of heaven."

"Yes, it's incredible."

They all came to Qiao Bai, wanting to verify something with him.

And Bai Mao obviously attached great importance to this issue, so he asked: "Since you have entered the Xuantian Sect, have you found anything unusual?"


"Tell me quickly."

Everyone in the hall listened attentively.

Qiao Bai was shocked by this scene and said quickly: "In fact, it is just abundant spiritual energy, which is simply unimaginable. Even in the fairyland, it is probably no more than this, right?"

"Abundant spiritual energy?"

"Yes, at least hundreds or thousands of times more than the outside world."

"Is this so exaggerated?"

"Oh my God, then this Xuantian Peak, isn't it a blessed land?"

Everyone was a little amazed.

"Master, you see..." Qiao Bai said: "They beat me, didn't give us Baiyun Sect face, and insulted our master. We can't just let it go."

"Yes, we can't just let it go."

When the others thought of the benefits of taking over Xuantian Peak, they all became envious.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Bai Mao frowned and asked.

Although he also knew what to do, the enemy's strength was not weak in the current situation. It was impossible for them to get benefits.

"I think we can unite all the forces that can be united, so that we can deal with them."

After all, the Sword God of Heaven is there, and he is still a gatekeeper. How dare they be careless?

"No, then, we won't be able to possess everything in Xuantian Peak alone."

"That's true."

They all had a headache. On one hand, they wanted to seize Xuantian Peak, and on the other hand, they were overwhelmed by the power of Xuantian Peak.


When Qiao Bai saw that the atmosphere was a bit dull and everyone didn't know what to do, he suddenly thought of an idea.

"Master, since the hard way doesn't work, we can be soft, and then..." Qiao Bai said what he had in mind.

It turned out that he planned to send people to pretend to be disciples of Xuantian Peak as an insider, and send genius disciples to obtain high-level identities to secretly obtain news from Xuantian Peak.

On the other hand, they were secretly preparing and waiting for the right opportunity, such as the departure of Zhutian Sword God, and then they would take down Xuantian Sect in one fell swoop.

"Well, this is good, it is a safe way."

"But who should we send?"

In the end, they decided to select some secret death warriors to sneak into Xuantian Sect, and all this was prepared in secret.

But they didn't know that whether now or in the future, their plans were doomed to fail.

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