Yuexuan City.

The two landed near Yuexuan City and walked into Yuexuan City.

On the main road of Yuexuan City, people came and went, and there was an endless stream of cars and horses. The voices of vendors on both sides were endless.

"It's so lively!" Liu Yin couldn't help but say.

"Isn't it usually so lively?"

"Well, today is the Zhongyuan Festival, and many people come to the city to play, so Yuexuan City is very lively."


As the two walked, they came to the Zongmen League.

Zongmen League.

A man walked out from inside, his face full of dejection.


"We're here, let's go in." Liu Yin said, and took the lead to walk to the gate of the Zongmen League, and Li Taihang followed.

The two entered and saw that it was also quite lively inside.

"The Sect Alliance is where we create, register, and disband our sects."

"Our Qingtian Sect is declining and has insufficient numbers, so we are going to be disbanded." Liu Yin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Li Taihang and said, "Fortunately, you are here, otherwise, we really don't know what to do."

"Is it so difficult for Qingtian Sect to recruit people?"

"Yes, it is." Liu Yin was a little embarrassed because their Qingtian Sect was too poor.

Not only did they not have the resources for cultivation, but they could not even guarantee three meals a day.

Slowly, almost all the people ran away, and by the way, their Qingtian Sect's reputation was also stinking.

Then, someone else ran to the Sect Alliance to complain.

The Sect Alliance also learned about their Qingtian Sect's situation and ordered them to make corrections.

And today is the last day of their deadline.

She hurriedly took Li Taixing to the counter in front.

At this time, several figures suddenly appeared in front of them.

When Liu Yin looked up and saw the people coming, his face suddenly became gloomy.

"It's you!"

The people coming were Du Fei, the great elder of Baiyue Sect.

Du Fei brought several disciples here just to keep an eye on Qingtian Sect.

As long as Qingtian Sect disbanded, they would take the opportunity to occupy the entire Qingtian Sect.

So, when Du Fei saw Liu Yin, he was quite happy and came over.

"Haha, Sect Master Liu, how are you? I didn't expect you to come after all."

Originally, according to the rules of the sect alliance, if they didn't come within the limited time, then the sect would be deemed to be dissolved.

At that time, without the constraints of the sect regulations, it would be much easier for them to take down Qingtian Sect.

In fact, it is not difficult to take down Qingtian Sect now, but if they can easily take down Qingtian Sect, they don't mind watching Qingtian Sect go to extinction.

However, Liu Yin actually came, which surprised him a little.

And the young man who followed Liu Yin, he saw at a glance that he was an elder of Qingtian Sect.

"I didn't expect that Liu Yin actually found an elder, but even if she found an elder, what would it matter? It is probably just to make up the numbers."

Du Fei stared at Li Taihang, but he couldn't recognize Li Taihang, and didn't know what his realm was.

However, in his opinion, such an unknown person must not be a master.

Because, if he is a master, he will not join this declining sect and go against their Baiyue Sect.

However, Du Fei still intends to find out about Li Taihang's background.

"I wonder what your name is?"

Liu Yin didn't want Li Taihang to talk to Du Fei, so she snorted coldly and said, "Elder, let's go."

She didn't even bother to say a word to Du Fei.

Du Fei saw this, but he was not annoyed, just looking at her back with a sinister smile on his face.

"Even if you save Qingtian Sect, what does it matter? The current Qingtian Sect will eventually die."

At that time, their Baiyue Sect will use force to directly conquer Qingtian Sect.

But once force is used, it will offend the Sect Alliance.

But in order to get the territory of Qingtian Sect, this investment is still worth it.

At that time, as long as the people of the Sect Alliance are bribed, this matter will not be resolved, right?

"I feel the hostility from those people. Are they the enemies of Qingtian Sect?" Li Taihang followed Liu Yin and asked quietly.

"Yes." Liu Yin nodded expressionlessly.

In fact, the threat of Baiyue Sect has existed for a long time.

When the previous sect master was there, they had conflicts with Baiyue Sect many times.

At the beginning, they had wins and losses, but later, Qingtian Sect was completely suppressed and even the sect master was injured. After passing her the position of sect master, he disappeared.

She naturally remembered every single thing very clearly.

But she was not strong enough, let alone revenge, even self-protection was difficult.

But now, with Li Taihang here, if they are given more time, they believe they can definitely avenge the sect.

And now, the most important thing for her is to keep her position in the sect.

When she came to the counter, she handed a signature form to the staff of the sect alliance who was handling the business.

"Hello, I'm here to do the sect filing."

"Okay." The female staff member took it and glanced at the information on it.

Then, he stamped a seal and said, "Congratulations, the Qingtian Sect is saved. However, your sect cannot have less than 6 people, otherwise, the sect will be disbanded again."

"Yes, I understand."

Then, the other party handed the Qingtian Sect's sect order to Liu Yin.

The moment he received the sect order, Liu Yin also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Our sect has been saved and does not need to be forcibly disbanded."

At this time, Du Fei, who had been watching not far away, snorted in his heart.

"Even if you have saved the sect, the current Qingtian Sect is just a grasshopper after autumn, and it will not jump for a few days."

At this time, Du Fei stared at Liu Yin and had a vicious plan in his heart.

Since he decided to take action, he should not show mercy.

So, he left with his men.

Liu Yin, who saved the sect, was in a very good mood at this time.

"Senior, now our Qingtian Sect is finally saved."

"Yes, it is saved."

However, in order to maintain the normal operation of the sect, they still need a lot of supplies.

"But, what should the Qingtian Sect do next?"

Liu Yin thought for a while and said, "Go back and discuss with them to see if they have any opinions or good suggestions."

Obviously, she did not think so far ahead.


Li Taihang did not say anything more, followed her and left the sect alliance.

"The target has left the sect alliance."

In the dark, someone was spreading what happened here.

Liu Yin, who knew nothing about all this, hurriedly left Yuexuan City with Li Taihang.

"Are you in such a hurry to go back?"

"Yes, I plan to tell them the news as soon as possible so that they can feel at ease."


Li Taihang followed Liu Yin, who was full of joy, and left the city together.

At the same time, he also noticed that they were being watched.

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