The white fox passed the third level and awakened the immortal body.


After seeing Li Taihang, he was very grateful.

If it weren't for Li Taihang's existence, he would never have awakened this immortal body in his life.

The main thing is who can die hundreds of times and still come back to life?

Any death is dead, unlike him who has Li Taihang's protection, so even if he dies, he can be resurrected.

"Well, although you have awakened the immortal body, the next level will not be easy to pass, you should be mentally prepared." Li Taihang has foreseen how badly the white fox will be tortured in the fourth level.

However, without going through this, how can he quickly reach the demon king realm?

If he wants to quickly ascend to the demon king realm, unless Li Taihang supports him, otherwise, he can only take this painful road.

"Please rest assured, master, I have died hundreds of times, I can do it."

Pain, he has experienced a lot, and he has become indifferent to life and death.

And this is also where Li Taihang feels relieved.

Because the white fox was braver and stronger than he thought.

He didn't know that the white fox had already ignored all difficulties in order not to disappoint Li Taihang.

"Well, do you see the vortex ahead?" Li Taihang stretched out his hand and pointed to the vortex on the sea.

"I see it."

He had noticed this vortex a long time ago, but he was fighting with the octopus king before, so he didn't pay attention to it, and he didn't have time to pay attention to it.

"Okay, swim over and enter the vortex."

"Yes, master."

The white fox jumped into the deep sea, and a "plop" sound of falling into the water sounded, splashing a large area of ​​water.

Li Taihang stood on the shore and watched the white fox swim towards the vortex.

He also disappeared on the spot.

The white fox found that in the process of swimming, the closer it got to the vortex, the stronger the resistance.

However, the white fox was also very tenacious and rushed straight through.

Finally, he swam to the edge of the whirlpool. Seeing that the whirlpool was trying to repel him, he simply jumped out of the water, jumped into the hollow of the whirlpool, and fell into the center of the whirlpool.


The white fox dived into the seabed, and in the blink of an eye, he was teleported to the bottom of the sea.

The pressure around him also began to increase, causing some impact on the white fox.

The white fox looked at the environment of the fourth level and found that an underwater palace appeared in front of him. The whole palace was protected by a transparent shield, as if it was a pearl in the deep sea, very dazzling.

"Is that the fourth level?"

The white fox swam towards the underwater palace. There were many shrimp soldiers and crab generals stationed or patrolling in the sea palace.

At this time, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were guarding the door of the palace started chatting.

Shrimp Soldier: "Have you heard?"

Crab General: "What?"

Shrimp Soldier: "The Octopus King has been killed. He's dead."

Crab General was shocked: "Impossible, he's the demon king, how could he die?"

Shrimp Soldier: "Hey, I knew you didn't believe it. I hope that disaster star doesn't come to our fourth level, otherwise, we will be in big trouble."

Crab General: "Hmph, don't worry, although the Octopus King is strong, it's still far behind our Sea Palace."

At this time, the shrimp soldier found a white figure in front of them and swam towards them.

"What is that?" The shrimp soldier seemed to have seen the white fox for the first time, and he didn't recognize it for a while.

"What is that?" The crab general squinted and looked carefully, "White fish? Is there such a sea fish? But, does the fish have five tails?"

The shrimp soldier was also a little puzzled. Suddenly, a bad thought flashed through his mind.

"No, it can't be a challenger?"


During their communication, the white fox also saw the two shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Li Taihang's voice also sounded in Li Taihang's mind.

"Level 4, defeat the Sea Dragon King."

"Okay, Master."

The white fox came to the Sea Palace and stopped. The shrimp soldiers and crab generals also looked at him carefully at this time.

"It's him." The shrimp soldier exclaimed, pointed at the white fox, and said in a trembling voice: "Yes, it's him, he killed the Octopus King, he is the challenger."

"He, he is coming to kill you now?"

Both of them were a little scared. After all, compared to the Octopus King, they were even weaker.

The white fox did not kill them without authorization, but said with a cold look: "I want to challenge your Sea Dragon King, let him come out."

"Hiss, this guy wants to challenge our king."

"So brave, I don't know who gave him the courage."

The white fox saw that the two of them were still chatting, and his face became gloomy. His eyes were full of murderous intent, staring at them, and said: "Do you want to die?"


This scared them.

"Hurry up and call your Sea Dragon King out, otherwise, I will attack you."

"Wait, wait." The shrimp soldiers finally reacted and held the crab general who was about to get angry.

"Calm down, we are no match for him, let's go report to the king first."


So, they asked the white fox to wait outside, and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals swam into the sea palace.

After a long time, there was still no movement.

The white fox frowned, thinking that they were trying to trick him.

Suddenly, he didn't look happy.

He raised his hand, condensed a water gun, and threw it towards the sea palace.


Suddenly, the entire sea palace was shaken by this sudden attack.

"Ah, damn it, who dares to disturb my sea palace? They are simply seeking death!"

At this time, a turtle and a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals swam out of the sea palace.

And this naturally includes the two shrimp soldiers and crab generals just now.

"Didn't I tell you to look for your Sea Dragon King? Why, you didn't look for him?" The white fox's cold eyes stared at him so hard that the shrimp soldiers and crab generals were frightened.

They looked at the turtle phase with some trembling.

It's not that they didn't say it, but that their turtle faces didn't take Bai Hu seriously and ignored him.

And they were afraid of being beaten to death, so they didn't dare to come out. No, they wouldn't have come out if Gu Xiang hadn't mobilized them.

"You don't have to blame them. My king is practicing in seclusion and has no time to pay attention to you, a monster." Guixiang stroked his white beard and looked at the white fox with disdain.

Bai Hu frowned and said, "In that case, I have no choice but to break through."

"Hmph, how brave!" Turtle Prime was furious and said, "Arrogant fellow, if you don't leave quickly, don't blame me for being rude."

The white fox ignored it, but instead gathered a large number of water guns and shot them towards the sea palace in front, hitting the shield of the sea palace.

"Ah, how brave, kill him." Turtle Xiang was furious.


Suddenly, a large number of shrimp soldiers and crabs shouted towards the white fox and killed them.

"Come on." Bai Hu stared at these soldiers and generals with cold eyes.

"Golden Sword."

He began to cast spells. This time, there were no water guns, but an almost substantial golden sword.


The white fox pointed forward, and those golden swords shot at the swimming shrimp soldiers and crab generals.




Suddenly, a large area of ​​shrimp soldiers and crab generals sprinkled their blood into the sea. They died immediately and sank to the bottom of the sea. Their blood also spread in the sea.

Among them, there are two clever shrimp soldiers and crab generals, but they are lagging behind the team.

Then, seeing how sharp the white fox's attack was, the two of them blinked and pretended to be hit too, sinking toward the bottom of the sea.

After falling to the bottom of the sea, they quietly surveyed the battle above.

I saw that the white fox kept casting spells, using each spell to kill their shrimp soldiers and crab generals until they were defeated.

"Fortunately, I'm smart." Xiabing whispered.

The crab general also laughed secretly. If the shrimp soldier hadn't told him to fake his death, he might have died in the battle above.

"But what if we are discovered when we do this?"

"It's okay. This challenger is not easy to deal with. If they want to deal with him, they won't have a chance to pay attention to us."

"All right."

They lay quietly, but secretly observed the battle above.

At this time, the white fox killed all the shrimp soldiers and crab generals that rushed up. The remaining shrimp soldiers and crab generals knew that he was difficult to deal with, so they had no intention of rushing out of the sea palace.

"Trash, it's all trash." Gui Xiang was very angry.

Then, he looked at the robber shark general next to him and said to him: "Ghost-headed Shark, go and deal with him."

"Yes, turtle phase." The ghost-headed shark responded, holding up the trident and swimming upwards.

The white fox looked at the ghost-headed shark swimming out and saw that his strength was close to the demon king level and he was a formidable opponent.

What's more, this is in the sea, and this is their home field.

Although the white fox killed the Octopus King before, he also consumed the Octopus King alive.

But the ghost-headed shark in front of him gave him a sense of danger.

"bring it on."

"Poseidon roars."

Without saying a word, the ghost-headed shark directly launched his ultimate move. A shadow of Poseidon appeared behind him and roared towards the white fox in front.

Suddenly, a wave of sound hit the white fox, making him dizzy.

"Bloodthirsty attack."

The ghost-headed shark disappeared from the spot and quickly appeared in front of the white fox. With the trident in its hand, it stabbed the white fox.


Suddenly, a bright red appeared in front of the white fox.

"Hey, with your strength, you dare to challenge my king? You are really vulnerable."

The ghost-headed shark withdrew the trident with disdain, thinking that the white fox was dead.

However, the white fox showed a strange smile.

"Ghost-headed shark, be careful!" Turtle Xiang reminded.

But he saw that the white fox had already swung the golden sword and stabbed the ghost-headed shark in the back.


"It's a good move, but you shouldn't underestimate me."

The white fox mocked: "The power of the five elements * Tiansha."


The ghost-headed shark's body was instantly covered with golden light, and was torn into countless pieces under the dazzling golden light.



When the shrimp soldiers and crab generals saw this scene, they all swallowed secretly, closed their eyes again, and continued to pretend to be dead. On the other hand, looking back at the turtle appearance, they were also stunned when they saw this scene.

"Here, you actually killed the Ghost-headed Shark!"

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