the next day.

Li Taixing was lying on the donkey. Qingshui was already preparing breakfast for Li Taixing. She went to hunt a rabbit and cooked roasted rabbit to eat.

Li Taixing took a look and said, "You got up so early."

"Well, sir, I'm going to make some breakfast for you, but in these deep mountains and forests, there are only a lot of prey."

Then, Li Taihang saw her, took some seasonings that he gave her, and was spreading them on the rabbit meat.

Immediately, a burst of meaty aroma wafted out.

Li Taixing is no longer particular about food, but he doesn't mind eating something, but not much.

Qingshui finished the rest.

After eating breakfast, they continued on their way until they arrived at the capital of Yan State, where Li Taihang decided to stay temporarily.

Qing Shui was a little surprised.

"Sir, do we really want to live here?"


"But, wouldn't this be bad?"

This is the capital of the Yan Kingdom, and she is a rebel. Of course, her appearance has completely changed now. She used to look very old-fashioned, but now she is like a little fairy.

When others see her, it is difficult to associate her with a traitor.

Li Taihang smiled and said, "I just want to live in this environment so that you can know the stories here."


Qing Shui was very puzzled, but Li Taixing didn't explain much.

"Okay, everything depends on the master."

"Well, let's buy a place to live first."


Then, Qing Shui led the donkey, while Li Taihang lay on it, and continued walking towards the capital.

To be honest, the closer she got, the more nervous she became.

However, thinking of the power of Li Taixing and the donkey, she was no longer afraid, and bravely walked towards the city gate in front.

At this time, at the city gate, there were people coming and going from time to time, as well as officers and soldiers guarding the city. They were collecting entry tax, exit tax, commercial tax, etc. from passers-by.

Each of these officers and soldiers was full of energy and in the mood to talk and laugh.

On the other hand, some ordinary people passing by were also sallow and thin, but not as exaggerated as they had seen on the road before.

"Do even the people in the capital have such a hard life?" Qing Shui felt a little incredible.

There are indeed many wealthy people and nobles here. They are all shiny, well-dressed, and in good spirits. Compared with the lifelessness of ordinary people, it is obvious at a glance.

When they came to the city gate, officers and soldiers stopped them.

"Hey, passerby? What are you doing in the capital?" An officer and soldier came forward. He saw that Qing Shui's appearance was extremely beautiful, and he also saw that Li Taixing was also very handsome and the clothes on his body were not simple. Therefore, it was not Dare to offend rashly.

"How much will it cost?" Li Taixing asked.

"Go to town, 50 cents."

"50 yuan?" Qingshui was shocked when he heard this and said, "So expensive?"

"Tch, if you want to go in, go in, if you don't, you will be pulled down. This is not decided by me, but by the higher-ups."

"Haha." Li Taihang saw that the officer and soldier were watching someone collect money.

However, Li Taihang didn't mind, took out 50 coins and gave them to the officers and soldiers, and entered the city smoothly.

"Sir, they are so shady. They charge so much money to enter the city?" Qing Shui said while leading the donkey.

"Yeah, but do you think it's a flat price?"

"Isn't it?" Qing Shui looked at Li Taixing sitting on the donkey.

"Of course not. They charge money based on people. Rich people charge more, and poor people charge less."

"Oh, so they think of us as rich people?"


Li Taixing didn't care, because the money he gave was not simple.

Then, they came to the pawn shop, where there were many houses for sale. These houses were pledged here by previous borrowers.

But because there was no money to return, the house was seized by the pawn shop.

Therefore, Li Taihang thought of buying a house with a yard here.

When the shopkeeper saw Li Taihang and Qing Shui coming in, his eyes lit up and he quickly walked out to receive them.

"Sir, Miss, welcome to our Yongfa Pawn Shop. How can I help you?"

"Shopkeeper, I want to buy a house."

"Yes, yes, you two, come here, please!" The shopkeeper enthusiastically welcomed the two of them to the side room next to them, and asked the waiter to keep an eye on the outside.

They sat on the chairs in the side room. The shopkeeper poured tea for them skillfully and asked enthusiastically: "Sir, Miss, hello. I am the shopkeeper of Yongfa Pawn Shop. My surname is Wang. You can call me Shopkeeper Wang, I don’t know what you call them?”

Shopkeeper Wang had a smile on his face.

"My name is Li Xuan, and she is my little sister, her name is Li Qing." Li Taixing introduced himself.

"Oh, Mr. Li, you are so handsome and handsome, and you are so talented. Miss Li is also as beautiful as a flower. I'm afraid there are few people in the world who can match you. I am so lucky to have met you!"

"I wonder what kind of house Mr. Li plans to buy?" After shopkeeper Wang finished boasting, he switched to the topic.

Because he found that Li Taixing's compliments to him didn't seem to be very cold, but Qing Shui's face was flushed with embarrassment.

"One room with a courtyard, one owner and one side at a time is enough." Li Taixing picked up the tea and drank it.

"Yes, yes, we have another house of this kind." The shopkeeper's eyes lit up, and he quickly introduced it, saying: "If you want, Mr. Li, I can ask someone to take you to see it."

"Where is it?"

"It's in the east of the capital, where there are more people. If you want to see it, you can go and see it now."

"Well, then ask someone to take us there to see it."

"Okay, okay."

Shopkeeper Wang quickly stood up and said, "Please follow me."


Shopkeeper Wang took them out and saw the waiter outside, saying: "Ask Lao Huang to come over, there are guests who want to see the house."

"Okay, shopkeeper."

The waiter hurriedly trotted out.

"Wait a moment, Lao Huang will be here soon."


After a while, the waiter walked in with an old man in his forties or fifties.

The old man glanced at the two and his eyes lit up.

"Old Huang, you are here. Take Mr. Li and Miss Li to see the houses in the east of the city."

"Okay, Shopkeeper Wang, which one are you looking at?"

"The nearest one."

"Okay." Old Huang's eyes lit up, and he immediately knew which one it was. He quickly came to Li Taihang and Qingshui and greeted them warmly.

"Mr. Li, Miss Li, I have heard of you for a long time. I am Old Huang who is responsible for leading the way. You follow me."


The two of them took the donkey and went to the east of the city together.

After they left, the clerk whispered: "Shopkeeper, is this not good?"

"What's wrong with it?"

At this time, Shopkeeper Wang, who was originally smiling, had lost his smile on his face. He was seriously counting the recent accounts on the counter with an abacus.

"Then, there..."

Shopkeeper Wang raised his head, glared at him, and said, "Don't meddle in other people's business."

"This... okay."

"You guy, I usually ask you to learn more, but you just don't study hard." Shopkeeper Wang was a little angry.

This guy has some relationship with him.

So, he usually takes good care of this guy.

"Those two people are unfamiliar. Although they look very good in their clothes, they are not the style of our Yan State."

"And, look at them, they came on donkeys."

"Just now, he introduced himself and said his name was Li Xuan, and the girl was his sister Li Qing, but I saw that the girl was leading the donkey, and he was sitting on the donkey. They didn't look like brother and sister at all, but more like a young master and a maid."

"In short, as long as these people are not from the capital of our Yan State, it's nothing."

"Besides, they look so young and dare to live independently, which means they have some ability or concerns."

"In short, you're relieved."

Shopkeeper Wang said a lot to the shopkeeper at once, and the shopkeeper said "Oh" after listening.

However, he looked in the direction where Li Taihang and the others left, sighed softly, and said, "I hope they are okay."

"Shut up." Shopkeeper Wang was speechless, it was really a rotten wood that could not be carved.

Old Huang was very enthusiastic. He approached Li Taihang and Qingshui along the way and inquired about Li Taihang's identity.

Li Taihang's answer was so perfect that it was difficult for Old Huang to get more information.

However, Old Huang also knew that what Li Taihang said was definitely not true.

After all, he was also an old man. He had been selling houses for many years and had learned a lot of skills to judge people.

Seeing that Li Taihang was unwilling to reveal too much, he did not dare to ask more.

However, he was already thinking about how to make this deal and how to cheat Li Taihang's money.

However, he did not know that all his thoughts were heard clearly by Li Taihang.

After Li Taihang glanced at him, he ignored him.

Not long after, they finally arrived in the east of the city.

Li Taihang found that this was actually a slum area, where ordinary people lived, and there were also many homeless people.

On the streets, beggars and homeless people were everywhere.

When Qingshui saw these people, she felt pity in her heart.

Although she no longer worried about food, drink and expenses after following Li Taihang, when she saw these ordinary people, she couldn't help thinking of her past life, and felt a little sad and sympathetic.

"Lao Huang, where is this place?" Li Taihang asked.

In fact, he already knew it, but sometimes, you still have to pretend.

When Lao Huang heard Li Taihang's question, he hurriedly said: "There are more people in this area, and it is more lively. We call this area a residential area."

In fact, it is the residential area for the poor. Compared with the other three directions, this place can also be called a refugee camp.

Since they can't survive, many people will wander here, which also makes the situation here less optimistic day by day.

The stench that can be smelled everywhere, as well as the homeless, beggars, civilians, etc. that can be seen everywhere, and even some people stare at them with ill intentions. At a glance, you can tell that they are not good people.

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