Several ghosts also wanted to help clean up at this time to repay Li Taihang's kindness.

Li Taihang glanced at them, then looked at Qingshui, and agreed after thinking about it.

"Qingshui, you will be responsible for taking them to clean up!"

Qingshui was shocked and a little scared.

"Sir, I, I..." Qingshui's lips trembled. Is this a joke?

You know, this is a ghost.

Let her command a few ghosts to clean up. Does she think her life is too long?

What if the other party accidentally cuts herself, then she will be finished?

And these ghosts also saw her fear, think about it. Except for Li Taihang, or some people with Taoism, who is not afraid of ghosts?

"Sister, don't be afraid, we won't hurt you."

At this time, the little girl ghost came in front of Qingshui and showed a smiling face, but that look was even more creepy.

"My mother."

Suddenly, Qingshui was scared to tears and sat on the ground, sobbing.


The little boy ghost immediately went up and gave the little girl ghost a slap, saying, "Look at you, you scared your sister to tears, sister, don't cry."

As a result, Qingshui fainted when she saw another scary little ghost.

This time, the four ghosts were embarrassed.

They had no choice. They would be the same as they were before they died.

Li Taihang also stroked his forehead. He didn't expect Qingshui to be so afraid of ghosts.

"Oh, forget it. You can help clean all the places."

"Sir, don't worry, I will do this." The female ghost made a promise. Because Qingshui fainted, the female ghost was a little embarrassed. She quickly pulled her own ghost to work.

Although they have become ghosts now, they are all good at using ghost power. It is really easy to use ghost power to remove dust and so on, even cleaner than washing with water.

It's just that there is a cold breath on it. It will probably take some time before it returns to normal.

Li Taihang watched them help clean up, then looked at Qingshui who was frightened unconscious, squatted down, and prepared to wake her up.

After a long while.

Qingshui found something licking her face, numb, and itchy.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw that it was a donkey.

"Donkey, why are you licking me?"

Qingshui got up quickly. This time she finally woke up. Seeing Li Taihang sitting not far away, she felt a little resentful. She looked around and didn't see the ghosts, so she quietly came to Li Taihang's side.

"Sir, where are the ghosts?" Qingshui whispered, as if she was afraid of being heard.

Li Taihang placed some tea sets on the stone table and motioned her to sit down.

"They are working in the room."

"Sir, are they really working?" Qingshui became a lot braver because she didn't see the ghosts.

After she sat down, Li Taihang poured her a cup of tea. After drinking the tea, she immediately felt that all her fears were swept away.

Instead, she felt an extremely ethereal state of mind, as if she was not affected by anything.

"Drink more tea. You still need to hone your courage." Li Taihang shook his head. She was actually frightened by the ghost.

Li Taihang couldn't understand it.

So, he specially prepared ethereal tea for her to stabilize her state and not be so nervous.

After a while, they had cleaned all the rooms.

"Sir, we have cleaned all the rooms. You can go and have a look." The female ghost floated in front of Li Taihang and reported to him.

At the same time, she showed a creepy smile to Qingshui.

Suddenly, Qingshui shuddered.

But because of the influence of the ethereal tea, although she was afraid now, she was not as scared as before.

Instead, she knew that the attitude of these ghosts towards her was actually well-intentioned.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."


Then, Li Taihang took Qingshui and followed the female ghost to check the sanitation they had cleaned.

When they entered, they were almost blinded by the cleanliness and tidiness inside.

"So clean."

This is even cleaner than the sanitation done by humans.

Moreover, because they are ghosts, they are not restricted by space and distance. They can even go up and down and clean every corner.

And this time, in order to avoid scaring Qingshui, several ghosts consciously stayed away from Qingshui and stood farther away.

"Well, not bad." After checking, Li Taihang nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you for the compliment, sir!" Several ghosts were very happy to hear Li Taihang's compliment.

At this time, the female ghost noticed something.

"Sir, someone is stealing."

The female ghost said and rushed out.

At this time, the one who was peeping was the guy who came out of Yongfa Pawnshop.

When he came to the outside of the yard, he looked at the high wall and the closed gate, and he couldn't see the situation inside at all.

And he didn't dare to knock on the door rashly, and planned to see the situation first.

At this time, he saw a cart not far away and immediately paid attention.

He pushed the cart to the wall and took a look.

This look frightened him so much that he fell down on the spot.


When he fell down, he was caught by the female ghost and taken into the yard.


The female ghost threw him to the ground.

Li Taihang looked at the guy in front of him and recognized him.

"Why are you here?" Li Taihang asked.

The guy looked at the ghosts around him and turned pale with fear. Then he looked at Li Taihang and Qingshui and found that they didn't seem to be afraid of these ghosts.

"I, I wanted to remind you..."

"Remind you what?"

"Remind you that you can't live here. It's dangerous." After saying that, the guy looked at the ghosts with some fear.

It's broad daylight, it's really a ghost.

"Haha, you are kind." Qingshui looked at the young guy, who looked like he was about fourteen or fifteen years old.

"Why did you do this?"

"I, I know these...but..." He was a little scared to speak now, and didn't dare to say it out loud.

He suddenly regretted it.

I originally thought that Li Taihang and Qingshui were ordinary people, so I thought of reminding them to pay attention to safety.

But I didn't expect that they actually mixed with ghosts. Looking at the postures of those ghosts, I knew that these ghosts probably wouldn't hurt them.

"Well... I, I have something else to do, can I leave?" The guy even got a little scared after knowing that he was overthinking.

He was wondering if these ghosts were in the same group as Li Taihang and Qingshui.

If so, he would be finished this time.

After all, he was walking into a trap.

Li Taihang saw his panic, checked his memory slightly, and knew the cause and effect.

"Hehe, you get up, thank you for your kindness, but don't worry, we are not what you think."

"Well, sir, I don't know what you are talking about." The guy just wanted to escape from here now.

It's too scary here.

"Well, then you go, no matter what, thank you for your kindness."

Li Taihang knew from his memory that he was really doing it for their good, so he told them with good intentions.

At the same time, he also knew from the guy's memory that someone was keeping these ghosts in captivity, intending to train them into ghost spirits, and then realize the other party's secret.

However, with him around, that person's calculations might have failed.

"Well, then I'll go."


Seeing that Li Taihang agreed, the clerk stood up with fear, then turned around and ran towards the gate of the courtyard with some stumbling.

"My God, help me!"

After leaving the courtyard, the clerk ran away in fear.

The female ghost looked at the clerk fleeing and looked at Li Taihang, somewhat puzzled.

"Sir, did you just let him run away like this?"

"Yes, he is just a kind-hearted person. He is probably also scared by our lineup."

Li Taihang laughed.

Qingshui rolled her eyes at him. She was scared to death, okay? Which normal person is not afraid of ghosts? Unlike you, you let them work.

To be honest, although the whole house was clean with their help, she always had a weird feeling. After all, she felt that everything here had been touched by ghosts. Is it really okay for them to use everything here?

However, Qingshui did not dare to say it directly.

Fortunately, with the help of the ethereal tea, she is now getting more and more used to their existence.

"Sir, I'm going to cook." Qingshui glanced at the sky and felt that it was almost time for dinner.


Then, Qingshui went to cook.

At this time, several ghosts also wanted to help, but were stopped by Li Taihang.

"Don't leave yet."

"Sir, what do you want?"

Several ghosts bowed their heads respectfully, waiting for Li Taihang's order.

Li Taihang nodded and said, "You are going to take revenge tonight, right?"

"Yes, sir." The male ghost said.

"Your death was actually deliberately done by someone." Li Taihang decided to tell them some more secrets.

Otherwise, they didn't know that they were being set up.

"Sir, wasn't our death caused by that bastard Wang Jie? Is there another hidden story?"

They were bullied at the time, and then an accident happened.

"Yes, it was indeed Wang Jie who did it, but, in the final analysis, he was instructed by his master."


Both the male and female ghosts looked at Li Taihang in confusion.

"I believe you also know that you are constrained by some kind of power and cannot leave here, right?"


"In fact, you are now being refined by the other party. In just a few days, you will become spirit ghosts and be enslaved by them."

"Why did they choose our family?"

"Because of your date of birth and your location."


Li Taihang knew that they didn't know much about these things, so he simply gave them some popularization so that they could see the truth clearly.

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