"There are many people, at least close to a hundred people." After a while, nearly a hundred people had gathered here.

After Liu Tiancheng saw this amount, his scalp felt numb.

And precisely because of the large number of people on the other side, these people became bolder. They searched everywhere. Although they didn't find anything, they came to their hiding place several times.

However, they couldn't see the three of them at all.

"Okay, that should be these people."

"Saintess, what are you going to do next?" Liu Tiancheng was a little nervous and looked at Li Xinxin.

To be honest, they have never experienced such an exciting scene, surrounded by enemies, and they are all very powerful.

If it were the two of them, they would probably be so scared that they would hide and not dare to show up.

Otherwise, I am afraid of being torn into pieces by them.

But Li Xinxin seemed a little excited and said, "You stay here and leave the rest to me."


"Saint, do you want to fight them alone? Isn't it too risky?"

If they had known that the signal flares would attract so many people, they would not have agreed to this matter.

But it's too late now.

Therefore, Liu Tiancheng's idea is to wait for these people to leave before they leave here.

However, Li Xinxin obviously didn't think so.

"No, don't you know my strength?" Li Xinxin said, somewhat speechless.

Although the number of people here is as high as more than a hundred, her strength prevents her from taking these people to heart.


"It's nothing to worry about. You just have to look at the situation." Li Xinxin said, "Besides, I also have orbs to protect me, so don't worry."

The two of them heard what Li Xinxin said and had seen her combat power, so they didn't say anything more.

"Saint Girl, no matter what, you still have to be careful." Liu Tiancheng said.

"Okay, I know."

However, they have already thought about it. When necessary, they must fully support Li Xinxin, and even sacrifice their lives for her, and they must not let her lose.

After Li Xinxin calmed the two of them, he left the stealth formation.

Her appearance immediately startled everyone around her.


Before the man could say another word, Li Xinxin's long sword had already penetrated his body.


He fell down unwillingly.

At this time, people in the air noticed something strange on the ground.

"There's a situation there."

They flew over quickly and were shocked when they saw a body lying on the ground.

"There are enemies."

Suddenly, a stone stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone became vigilant.

Some are even heading this way.

Li Xinxin was not afraid and began to take the initiative to attack.


Under Li Xinxin's attack, those people were already dead before they could react.

Li Xinxin used his body skills to move around quickly, like a ghost, constantly harvesting the lives of these people.

These people include men in black and people from other sects.

"Li Xinxin, how dare you kill our people?" Someone said, furious.

"If you dare to come and kill us, you must be prepared to be killed." Li Xinxin responded.

"Ah, I'm going to kill you."

"bring it on."

Li Xinxin snorted coldly, as if he was in the middle of no one, killing here and there, being killed one after another.

This scene immediately dumbfounded Liu Tiancheng and Sun Yueyue.

"I thought the Saint was already very powerful, but now it seems that I still underestimated the Saint."

"Me too." Liu Tiancheng and Sun Yueyue both had wry smiles on their faces.

However, Li Xinxin is so powerful, it is nothing short of gospel to their Holy Mountain Sect.

They get excited too.

"I really want to rush out and kill everyone." Liu Tiancheng was eager to give it a try.

"No, with the strength of both of us, facing a few or a dozen is fine, but facing dozens would be causing trouble for the Saint." Sun Yueyue quickly stopped him.

This made Liu Tiancheng a little depressed.

"I said Yueyue, don't you believe me?"

"This is not a question of whether you believe it or not, but the fact that there are indeed too many people on the other side. If we don't go out, it will be the greatest support for the Saint."

"It's just that I didn't expect that the saint would kill without any burden at all."

Seeing so many people fall under Li Xinxin's sword, they were all horrified.

But only Li Xinxin's state of mind did not waver at all.

"Damn, why is she so strong?"

At this time, those who surrounded Li Xingxin were already panicking.

They never expected that Li Xinxin would be so powerful.

"There are so many of us, but we still can't take her down?"

"Wait a minute, have you noticed that she can't fly?" Someone discovered that the people Li Xinxin killed were all on the ground, but she did not attack the targets in the air.

Suddenly, I thought that Li Xinxin's realm was just the foundation building realm.

"Yes, she is only in the Foundation Establishment realm, how can she fly?"

Suddenly, they thought of a plan and quickly let everyone fly into the air to attack Li Xinxin below.

"Quick, don't go down, attack her from the air."


Then, they all flew into the air, and then launched various attacks in the air at Li Xinxin below.



Li Xinling kept dodging, and the trees on the ground were knocked down one by one by them, and the ground was also blown into pits.

Seeing this situation, Liu Tiancheng and Sun Yueyue, who were hiding in the invisibility formation, suddenly became a little worried.

"Brother, shall we go out to help?" Sun Yueyue was a little anxious.

However, Liu Tiancheng looked at Li Xinling and found that her expression was not panic, but with a smile, so he shook his head and said, "It's okay, we don't have to go out."

"Ah, but what if the saint is attacked?"

"Don't worry, the saint has killed people in the air before, have you forgotten?"

"I don't know." Sun Yueyue was a little confused.

At this time, Liu Tiancheng remembered that Sun Yueyue was in a coma at the time, so he told her.

After listening, Sun Yueyue's eyes lit up.

"Look at those people in the air."

Sun Yueyue looked in the direction of Liu Tiancheng's finger.

"Those people are gathering together."


"Haha, our saint is preparing to wipe them out."

"Is this impossible?"

"Anyway, you will know when you see it."

At this time, Li Xinling was indeed thinking of this idea. When she saw these people flying into the air and attacking her in the air, she deliberately guided them to gather together.

In this way, on the surface, their attack range is much denser, which improves their hit rate.

However, they also stepped into the trap carefully prepared by Li Xinling.

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