"You feel it too?" Li Taixing was a little surprised.

"Of course." Xiaobing said proudly, but it soon discovered something was wrong and said, "Hey, Master, have you noticed it too?"


Xiaobing was shocked for a moment, but that was all it found. After all, it was a monster, and the one who summoned them was also a monster.

Xiaobing even wondered, could the monster also summon humans?

Li Taixing looked at its confused look and said, "You don't have to be confused. In fact, I can find out the reason for my ability."

"Okay, Master."

"Collect it quickly and get out of here."

Li Taihang foresaw that the turmoil was about to begin, and they would only encounter trouble if they stayed here, so it would be great to leave here.

"Okay." Zhao Ruxue knew that Li Taihang would not make excuses out of thin air, so she naturally treated the matter very carefully and quickly followed Li Taihang's wishes.

Soon, they completed this mission, and even exceeded their limit, collecting enough Ice Spirit Grass for Zhao Ruxue and Xiao Bing to practice for a long time.

With these Ice Spirit Grass, their cultivation level can also be improved faster.

"Brother Li, I'm ready."

"Well, then get ready to leave here."

"Okay, Brother Li."

They were about to leave, but suddenly a large number of monsters appeared, and they were about to attack the ice grass in front of them. Without the breath of the frost dragon, these monsters would not let go of this treasure land. .

And it seems that the initiator also has the idea of ​​​​this treasure land. After all, there are too many Ice Spirit Grasses here.

"No, it's a monster." Zhao Ruxue looked at the monsters that appeared in front of them. There were all kinds of monsters, and their strengths were also uneven, but they all had a common goal, which was to occupy this place.

"It seems that too much time was wasted collecting Ice Spirit Grass, so that we encountered these monsters." Li Taixing shook his head.

When she said this, Zhao Ruxue felt a little embarrassed, because she originally thought that she could not waste this opportunity. She must collect as much as possible, and it would be best to ensure that the Ice Spirit Grass would not harm her and Xiaobing. When acting.

Unfortunately, it was precisely because she wanted more that she encountered these monsters.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry." Zhao Ruxue was a little embarrassed. Why did she feel embarrassed instead of ashamed when she said this?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that she was the one causing trouble every time, so that Li Taixing was in danger every time.

Thinking of this, she blamed herself more.

"Master, get out of here quickly, there's something wrong with these monsters."

Xiaobing discovered that the eyes of these monsters were glowing red, very evil, and not like normal monsters at all.

"How do we leave?" Seeing that the monsters were already outflanking them, Zhao Ruxue had no idea at all.

"Escape." Xiaobing shouted.

In fact, it is okay not to escape, but Li Taixing needs to take action to destroy these monsters.

However, Li Taihang obviously doesn't want to take action all the time.


They quickly turned around and ran away, thinking about how to get rid of these monsters as they ran.

But no matter what, those monsters were obviously much faster than them, and there was a flying monster in the air, rushing toward them.

After Xiaobing saw it, he shouted: "Be careful."

At the same time, Xiaobing released a frost tornado towards the flying monster beast and swept towards it. The flying monster beast crashed into the frost tornado and was slowly frozen. Ice sculpture.

However, even its obstruction caused other monsters to fly over.

These monster beasts launched an attack on the two people together. No matter who they were, they were faced with simultaneous attacks from several monster beasts. When Li Taixing saw this, he fell behind them and at the same time, he used Flame Breaking Moon. With his palm, he directly killed a dozen monster beasts that were charging towards him instantly.

At the same time, Li Taixing said: "You go first, I will hold them back, remember, run eastward, I will catch up with you."


Zhao Ruxue did not hesitate at all. She knew that staying would only cause trouble to Li Taihang, so she naturally listened to Li Taihang's words.

"Master, please be careful."

Although Xiaobing knew how powerful Li Taihang was, the number of monsters this time was huge, and the types of these monsters were different. It could be said that the air and the ground were advancing hand in hand.

This powerful lineup made Xiaobing faintly worried.

Li Taihang disagreed. After they left, he stopped in front of these monsters. At the same time, he kept using Shunbu, and used the skills from the Xuanwu Sect, combined with the infinite amplification ability, to kill these monsters that rushed up. Kill all the monsters.

"It should be almost there." Li Taixing estimated the time and knew that they had reached a safe place, so he was about to turn around and leave.

However, the battle here is not over yet.

Seeing that Li Taihang was about to run away, those monster beasts hurriedly swooped over. Each monster beast, even though they knew how terrifying Li Taihang was, still chose to fly into the flames.

"They really don't know how to live or die." Li Taixing saw that these monster beasts were not finished yet, so he no longer concealed too much. With a wave of his hand, another large thunderstorm fell, killing all the monster beasts in an instant. . .

At this time, deep in the forest, an angry voice sounded.

"Damn it, who is it that is ruining this king's good deeds?"

"Pass on my order, kill, kill everything that enters the forest. Kill all those who disobey me."


Under the command of this voice, a large number of monsters began to surge around.

At this time, the mercenary group that had just escaped from the wind wolf, when they saw the monsters rioting, they immediately cursed.

"What happened in this forest?"

"Captain, the situation is not good for us, let's withdraw from here first."


The people of the Night Wolf Mercenary Group were almost crazy. They regretted it now. If they had known earlier, they would not come to do this mission of the Wind Wolf King. Now they are going to be wiped out.

At this time, Zhao Ruxue and Xiaobing also met them.

"Master, don't get close to them, let them help us attract those monsters." Xiaobing was also very confused at this time. The monsters in the whole forest were all crazy. They saw aliens and killed them directly.

If they hadn't had Li Taihang's guidance, I'm afraid they would also be trapped somewhere.

"Okay." Zhao Ruxue also recognized the Night Wolf Mercenaries in front of them and knew that they were not good people, so the two of them bypassed their battle area and continued to flee eastward.

After solving most of the troubles, Li Taihang used instant steps to chase them all the way down and soon caught up with Zhao Ruxue and Xiaobing. After seeing Li Taihang, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Li!"


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