During the day, hundreds of monsters appeared in the direction of Chenjia Village, which was just a confusing act for Chenjia Village.

They deliberately delayed the time of attack until night, just to cover the tens of thousands of monsters and finally attack Chenjia Village together.

Li Taihang sensed it and notified Zhou Tong in time, otherwise, under their surprise attack, they wanted to open the formation, I am afraid it would be too late.

At this time, Zhou Tong and a group of Xuanwu Sect disciples were relieved.

However, it felt like surviving a disaster.

"Taihang, thank you so much, if you hadn't reminded us in time, I am afraid we would have suffered heavy losses." Zhou Tong understood the consequences very well, and felt a palpitation when he thought about it.

At the same time, he also blamed himself.

The sect master gave him such an important matter, but he despised it so much.

"Elder, this is what I should do. We have to quickly eliminate these monsters now, otherwise there will be more monsters behind." Li Taihang sensed that a large number of monsters had moved towards this side.

"Okay, I got it."

"By the way, give priority to killing those powerful monsters."


"Our formation has low defense against high-level monsters, so we need some low-level monsters to get close to us and block those high-level monsters so that they cannot directly attack the formation to reduce the pressure on our formation."

Zhou Tong's eyes lit up and said, "Taihang, your idea is very good. I will notify them now."

Afterwards, under Zhou Tong's notification, all the disciples of Xuanwu Sect let go of the ordinary monsters that attacked. They first attacked those high-level monsters. Unless they couldn't hit them, they would hit the monsters of inferior strength, and so on.

Li Taihang looked at the current situation, sensed the situation in the distance, and thought to himself: "No, I still have to take action."

Although this method can delay for a while, it can't last long. The defense of this formation is limited after all, and it will take a few days for the backup to arrive here.

"Then go and kill those high-level monsters first and stop their steps."

Li Taihang then transformed into a clone and quietly went to the defense line of Chicheng.

It has become the base camp of the monsters.

In order to expand outward, the monsters are divided into five groups and go out in five directions.

The leader of the monsters heading towards Chenjia Village is a fantasy beast called Yuehua Beast. Its form is somewhat similar to that of humans. It can walk upright like humans and has branches and leaves covering its body.

The monsters it controls are basically plant-based. Under its control, the plant-based monsters have stronger explosive power.

"Now, those monsters have already raided Chenjia Village." The monsters sent by Yuehua Beast are all non-plant-based.

In its view, these monsters will only affect its combat effectiveness.

So, sending them to be cannon fodder is the best.

"The remaining plant-based monsters, you will become more powerful under the leadership of this king. The mere Xuanwu Sect is just a defeated general under our hands."

Yuehua Beast seems very confident.

And the leaders of the plant-based monsters in front of it are also full of confidence.

Because they also felt that under the leadership of the Yuehua beast, not only were they strong in battle, but their speed in cultivation was also greatly improved.

And the all-plant-type monsters also had great benefits for the Yuehua beast's own cultivation.

It was originally a rare monster. Now that it has surrendered to the monster master, it has also gained great benefits. Naturally, it will cherish it and do what it should do.

After Li Taihang's clone came here, he also saw the plant-type monsters gathered together, and felt a huge demonic power emanating from them.

"Hey, all plant-type."

"That monster is not simple either. It is not one of those traditional monsters, but a fantasy beast."

"It seems that my decision is right. Once they come to Chenjia Village, I'm afraid Chenjia Village will not be able to defend it."

The plant-type monsters can break the ground and fundamentally damage the formation. At that time, the entire formation will collapse.

What's more terrifying is that this Yuehua beast is also good at illusions, and can even let the disciples of Xuanwu Sect kill each other across the formation.

The clone no longer hesitated. He controlled his strength and released a ball of light towards the demon beast leaders and Yuehua Beast who were gathered in front.

The ball of light flew very slowly and was noticed by Yuehua Beast and a group of leaders.

"What is that?"

The demon beast leaders were a little surprised when they saw this strange ball of light.

When Yuehua Beast found it, it was also very puzzled. It frowned and could not feel the harm of the light ball, as if it was just a natural phenomenon. ..

They have seen such things before.

"Maybe it is an abnormal weather behavior." Yuehua Beast looked up at the dark sky.

A waning moon was looming under the cover of dark clouds.

"King, should we deal with it?" The King of Flower Demons asked.

"Deal with it? How to deal with it?"

"This is simple." The King of Flower Demons looked at the old tree demon and said, "Old tree demon, how about leaving this matter to you?"

The corner of the old tree demon's mouth twitched.

This King of Flower Demons is really insidious.

However, handling this kind of thing is what the tree demons are best at.

"I am willing to serve my king!" said the old tree demon.

Then, he winked at a tree demon next to him.

The tree demon walked forward, stretched out its branches, and touched the light ball.

Originally, they thought that at most one tree demon would die.

But they never thought that when the tree demon's branches touched it, the light ball suddenly exploded, bursting with a dazzling light, instantly sweeping over most of the Chicheng defense line.


A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, turning into a wave of air, and rushed towards the surroundings with overwhelming force, turning everything around into ashes.

When the Yuehua beast felt the crisis, it was about to escape, but it was too late.


The Yuehua beast and a group of demon beast leaders were instantly vaporized and disappeared.

Within a radius of dozens of kilometers, all the demon beasts and plants were gone, and the area of ​​several kilometers with the Yuehua beast as the center turned into a huge deep pit.

"Tsk, I used too much force... This world is so weak that I dare not use too much force, for fear that a little force will destroy this world."

The clone killed the monsters here, and even the monsters within dozens of kilometers were killed by it.

This also caused the number of monsters attacking Chenjia Village to drop sharply, and some monsters were out of control and were about to flee.

After all, what happened just now was too horrifying.

The people in Chenjia Village also felt a breath of destruction, and they were all stunned.

"What happened there?"

Everyone was curious, but more eyes were looking at Zhou Tong, perhaps only he knew what happened.

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