After Baka finished eating, Li Taihang took him to one side and asked, "Baka, do you want to have enough food every day?"

After receiving Carl's memory, Li Taihang also knew that these demons lived in a barren world.

Because demons do not engage in production and do not know how to plant, the only means they know is to keep hunting.

The strong prey on the weak, and slowly, food became scarce. After those weak demons had no food source of their own, they could only turn to those powerful demons.

And the powerful demons, in order to keep their own food, would often take these demons to other demons to grab food.

Until there were more powerful demons who integrated them together and restrained them, they stopped killing each other for food.

And the Demon King was the most powerful among all the demons, and he was responsible for leading everyone to fight everywhere and grab food.

So that it became what it is now.

After learning about the history of demons, Li Taihang still had some sympathy for these demons.

Originally, his idea was to destroy these demons.

But now think about it, these lower-level demons are basically for food, and they have no choice but to do it.

As for the fact that humans are delicious, it is not difficult to understand, because in their eyes, the weak can only be food for the strong.

If you don't want to be food for the strong, you must become a strong person.

Otherwise, you will become someone else's food sooner or later.

After hearing Li Taihang's words, Baka nodded woodenly and said, "I want to, but what's the use of thinking, what we want to eat must be distributed to us by the leaders."

Indeed, just like the thin liquid that Baka eats, it is actually cooked by other demons.

These can serve as their survival energy for a day, but they cannot guarantee their life forever.

"If we have a battle, these thin liquids are not enough to fill our stomachs."

"I heard that there seems to be a human cultivator sneaking in.".

"I hope we don't meet him." Baka was a little worried.

"Why? Are you afraid?"

"Baka just wants to live well. Baka doesn't like killing, but for food, we have to kill." Baka used to have several brothers.

But now, he is the only one left.

Every time he thought of this, Baka's expression would become lonely.

Li Taihang knew what Carl was thinking because he read Carl's memory.

He reached out his hand, patted the tall and strong Baka, and said, "There will be a way."

"Okay, Carl, are you thinking too much? Why not save some energy and have a good rest." Baka knew that Carl had not eaten, and there was some worry in his eyes.

However, demons like them would not die after being hungry for a few days. After all, their bodies are still very resistant to hunger.

It's just that the feeling of being hungry is really bad, so he doesn't like to be hungry.

"Baka, you say, if I can lead everyone to find a lot of food, will they still fight with humans?"

"This, it shouldn't be." Baka's voice represents the bottom of the entire demon.

After all, there will be casualties in war.

If there are conditions for survival, who is willing to risk their lives?

"But, Carl, don't say such nonsense in the future."

Baka stretched out his thick fingers and made a gesture of silence.

At the same time, he looked around furtively and saw that no other demons were paying attention to them.

He breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the big rock next to Li Taihang.

"I'm serious."

"This..." Baka was a little panicked, because he felt that what Carl said was just a fantasy.

But if the leaders knew about this, they would be in trouble.

Baka could only say helplessly: "Okay, okay, everything you said is true."

"Baka, do you know what the human world is like?"

"I don't know." Baka shook his head and said: "After I came to the human world, the only thing I saw was the amazingly high wall."

"I don't think I can climb up."

"Only those demons who can fly will have a chance. However, humans have set up a formation to trap us in it, so even if we can fly, we can't leave here."

"Well, let me tell you, do you want to know?"

"Hey, Carl, you are a little different today."

Baka was very surprised.

Li Taihang pretended to be cautious and said: "Tell you, Baka, I just had a human memory in my mind."

"Ah?" Baka suddenly looked at Li Taihang with an idiotic look.

Li Taihang rolled his eyes and said: "I knew you didn't believe it. Anyway, you are my good friend, and I believe you won't tell others, so I plan to tell you this secret quietly."

Baka immediately became interested.

However, he still looked around cautiously.

"Karl, are you serious?"

"Of course it's true."

"That's great, tell me, in fact, I am also curious about the human world."

You know, their demon king painted a lot of cakes for them, saying that there is endless food in the human world.

As long as they take over the human world, they will never have to worry about hunger, and their brothers and sisters will starve to death.

However, Baka has never seen what it really is like.

"Well, let me tell you..."

Then, Li Taihang told Baka everything about the human world vividly.

When he heard that there were many delicious things in the human world, his mouth was watering.

"In addition to eating meat, there are many fruits, vegetables and other things that can also be eaten."

"Similarly, we demons can also eat these things."

"And these things can also be planted in our world."

"In fact, there are also many similar things that can be planted in our world, but we have always only destroyed and not produced."

When Baka heard what Carl said, he was shocked.

"Is it true?"

"Of course."

"But we won't."

Since ancient times, demons have only followed one rule, the law of the jungle.

Moreover, many demons may not be able to stay in one place from birth to the end of their lives.

Unless they are blessed by the strong and ordered to stay, otherwise, they will keep migrating as the situation changes.

"In fact, we have a kind of demon family, and there is also a kind of human-like demon. They have always been regarded as the lowest existence by us, and even become our food."

"Oh, I see, Carl, you should be talking about demons, right?"

"Not only demons, but also other human-like creatures, such as succubi, evil spirits, and sub-humans. They can all engage in production and labor."

"It's just that we have always regarded them as accessories, or food, or cannon fodder."

Baka sighed after listening.

He understood this, but he couldn't change anything.

"It's just that, Carl, you know these things, but you may not be able to change anything." Baka hoped that what Carl said was true.

But thinking of the current situation, he could only sigh dejectedly.

"Baka, Carl, come here, what are you doing over there?"

A demon elite waved to them in the distance.

He was the captain of Baka and Carl.

"The captain called us, let's go." Baka looked at the sky and said, "It's time for us to rest."


Li Taihang followed Baka and went to the elite demon.

The captain was quite good to them, the demons, because he also came up from the bottom.

At this time, more than a dozen demons had gathered around him.

These demons looked different, tall, short, fat, thin, and strange, and it was almost difficult to find similar ones.

He glanced at everyone and said, "Everyone, I recently got news that those human cultivators have invaded our territory. You also know this, right?"

"Yes, captain."

"So, the higher-ups asked us to send a team to investigate and find the whereabouts of those human cultivators."

"But, captain, is this really okay?"

Because they also heard that human cultivators were powerful, and at least thousands of demons died at their hands (actually exaggerated).

However, they didn't even see the appearance of their opponents, they only knew that they were human cultivators.

"No problem." The demon elite said, "Our team is honored to have received this mission."

"So, everyone follow me to find the whereabouts of those human cultivators."

In fact, the honor that the demon elite said was actually the honor of being bait.

In addition, because Li Taihang and others had not appeared for a long time, the demons were also a little anxious.

They wanted to find out whether those human cultivators were still there and how strong they were.

After all, if they could kill demons invisibly, I'm afraid the opponent's strength was not low.

The demon king would come soon, and the demon prince didn't want any mistakes.

So, the demon team was specially mobilized for reconnaissance.

At the same time, they left a hidden hand in the rear, and if the human cultivators dared to appear, they would strike with thunder.

As for the safety of the team, that was not within his consideration, he just needed to get the intelligence.

In this way, this demon team set off.

Li Taihang also followed them.

At the same time, he sent a message to the third elder and others, asking them not to show up to avoid being exposed.

Liu Jian and others were anxiously waiting for news from Li Taihang.

Suddenly, Liu Jian was a little surprised when he received a message from Li Taihang.

But when he heard that Li Taihang was now disguised as a demon, mixed in with the demons, and the demons were luring them out, he quickly told the others.

Then, they evacuated far away and retreated to the city wall.

Moreover, they would not attack even if they encountered a demon team.

As a result, the demon teams searched for a long time but could not find them.

Instead, the soldiers guarding the city wall were startled, thinking that the demons were about to attack.

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