In the forest, the strongest leader of the demons, Iga Ichirei, and the second leader, Tieshanjun, each led a part of the demons and met quietly.

Iga Ichirei is a demon belonging to the Shadow Demon Clan.

He is nearly two meters tall, but skinny, like a bamboo pole, with a rectangular donkey face, but a pair of gloomy and terrifying eyes.

Tieshanjun, who is opposite him, is the leader of the Demon Turtle Clan. He is more than five meters tall, but can walk upright like a human, and carries a huge turtle shell weighing more than a thousand pounds on his back.

These two demons were originally ordered to help the prince.

They are different from other demons. They are not mixed with synthetic demon armies, but orthodox inner tribe armies.

In other words, Iga Ichirei's men are all Shadow Demon Clan, and Tieshanjun's men are all Demon Turtle Clan.

Therefore, their morale is high and their strength is even stronger.

Their secret meeting at this time is to discuss the next things of the two tribes and about Li Taihang.

"Tieshanjun, what do you think of this Karl?" Iga Irei stood on the giant tree to look at Karl at eye level. Xiu Shulu

"Humph, he's just a clown." Tieshanjun sneered.


"What are you laughing at?" Tieshanjun was a little unhappy and said, "You should also know that Kankaming, that idiot, a leader of a ragtag group, how can he compare with us orthodox leaders?"

"As for that Karl, he is also a leader of a ragtag group. Leaders like him have loose subordinates and no organization at all."

"Besides, although you and I are leaders, our subordinates are all elites, and the number is not less than 5,000."

"That Karl, at best, if he is given a few more days of development, there will be less than 2,000."

Tieshanjun is not stupid either. His analysis, at least in his opinion, is also correct.

They, the orthodox leaders, have always looked down on the leaders of the ragtag groups.

Moreover, in terms of resources and treatment, their orthodox ones are far better than those of the ragtag groups.

"You are right." Yiga Yili thought it made sense.

At least from the current situation, in their eyes, Li Taihang can't threaten their status at all.

But Yiga Yili always has a bad premonition, feeling that this low-level demon named Carl may affect their status.

It may even affect the future war situation.

"Okay, let's not talk about his business, let's talk about the survival of the two armies." Tieshanjun was too lazy to pay attention to Li Taihang.

It seemed that in his eyes, Li Taihang was nothing.

"Well." Yiga Yili also thought of the importance of this matter.

Now, because of the scarcity of food resources, the upper level originally planned to wait and see, but the food consumption was too great, so that the upper level had to

Even, some demon leaders secretly plotted against their own demons and used them as food.

But the two of them are different, because of their orthodox status, they can't eat their own people.

But do they want to eat other demons?

Although they think it's nothing, it is very unfavorable for the future situation. .Ь.

If the demon king does not come again, if they do not break the formation that trapped them, they will die in internal friction if they do not die in battle.

"Alas, we thought that when we came to the human world, we could march straight in and have no worries about food and drink."

"However, the current situation seems impossible."

Tieshanjun sighed and looked at Iga Ichi: "What do you say?"

Iga Ichi said: "In this case, let's go to see His Royal Highness the Prince together."

"Yes, I think so too. He must provide us with more food, otherwise, our people will starve to death here."

Although Tieshanjun and Iga Ichi are orthodox and very proud, because of this, they dare not calculate their own demons like those miscellaneous leaders.

So, they only have two ways left, either let the prince add food, or they attack other leaders.

Otherwise, their two troops will not survive at all.

"Let's go to see His Royal Highness the Prince first. If he can't do it, we will bring it up then. Then, he can't blame us." Iga Ichi expressed his thoughts.

"Yeah, I think so too." Tieshan Jun nodded and agreed.

"In that case, let's go."


The two of them took their respective men and walked towards the abyss.

At this time, Li Taihang, looking at the growing demon army, coupled with the death of Moss, he wanted to pull the third elder Liu Jian into the group even more.

So, on this day, Li Taihang let Kalina take charge of the entire camp and left quietly.

Kalina didn't know where Li Taihang was going, but she still obeyed Li Taihang's orders.

Because she believed that Li Taihang would never give up on them.

Especially in dealing with the death of Moss, Li Taihang's approach has captured their loyalty to Li Taihang.

So, now Kalina also trusts Li Taihang unconditionally.

After Li Taihang left, he disappeared in a place where no one noticed.

He sensed their location and flew in the direction of Liu Jian and others.

"Third Elder, how long will we stay here?"

In a hidden underground cave, Liu Jian and his companions have been here for half a month.

Although they often saw demons, they did not take action or show up according to Li Taihang's instructions.

But this bored them to death.

"It's okay, anyway, our sect has been upgraded to a high-level sect."

The third elder Liu Jian was happy to relax.

During this period, although they were all in the enemy-occupied area, they were happy to be free.

They ate, drank, practiced, and exchanged ideas.

Occasionally, they would go out for a walk.

"Well, although it is so, it is also quite boring. I just don't know how the Holy Son is now?"

"Is it true that the Holy Son turned into a demon?"

"That's for sure."

"But why did he do this?"

"Who knows? However, I am more curious about how the Holy Son did it."


Several disciples were silent for a while, and they all looked at Liu Jian.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either." Liu Jian rolled his eyes and said.

In fact, Li Taihang gave too many surprises to their elders and the sect master.

He only knew from the sect master that Li Taihang was the reincarnation of a great man.

So, it doesn't seem to be difficult to understand what Li Taihang will become.

These disciples were very curious, but Liu Jian was too calm, and didn't take it seriously at all, let alone doubt anything.

If it were the normal reaction of other people, they would subconsciously think that Li Taihang might be a demon.

After all, his strength was so strong that it was hard to explain.

Of course, they just thought about it and didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"Are you so curious? Let me help you." Li Taihang's voice suddenly sounded, scaring Liu Jian and others.

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