As the news of the great victory of the two orthodox armies of Iga Irei and Tieshanjun in the Carl camp spread, all the demons were shocked.

"What? Is this true?"

"Of course it is true. Although the victory was not glorious, it was still a win, and it almost left both leaders Iga Irei and Tieshanjun alive."

"Wow, so strong?"


The news also spread to the castle quickly.

The prince was very surprised when he heard the news.

He sat on the throne, shaking his bloody red wine glass, licking his tongue, and said, "This is interesting."

"Your Majesty, how should we deal with this matter?" Below the prince, there was a human-like butler with long ears, who asked respectfully.

"Don't worry about them." The prince didn't want to care about these things.

The death of these demons, to some extent, also reduced his logistical pressure.

Especially the loss of Iga Irei and Tieshanjun's tribesmen, he wanted to laugh even more.

The reason is very simple. The quota of these two orthodox armies is five times that of other miscellaneous armies.

It saved him a lot of food at once.

How could he not be happy?

"Sure enough, killing is still the best." The prince licked his lips and drank the bloody wine.

At this time, Iga Ichirei and Tieshanjun returned in defeat, which immediately caused chaos within the two races.

"What, our dignified demon turtle clan was actually tricked, and 800 tribesmen were almost wiped out?"

"This damn Carl, are his demons so powerful?"

"I heard that he used despicable means to win us."

"Humph, I said, if we fight fair and square, will we lose?"

And the information chatted by these demon turtle clan members also fell into Tieshanjun's mind.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

"Yes, in a head-on battle, I don't know who is afraid of whom."

"This time, we just fell into his trick."

Tieshanjun quickly cheered up again, and at the same time, asked people to reward the tribesmen who said good things.

After the tribesman got it, he was also very surprised and grateful to Tieshanjun, which made other demons envious.

In contrast, Iga Ichirei of the Shadow Demon Clan had a gloomy face.

After he returned to his camp, he was silent.

And none of the Shadow Demon Clan members who followed him dared to speak.

For fear of angering the leader and suffering an unexpected disaster.

Then, Iga Ichirei locked himself up, as if he was in seclusion, and seemed to be doing something.

Anyway, Iga Ichirei's camp was obviously very quiet afterwards.

It was Tieshanjun who came to see Iga Ichirei again, intending to ask him to fight again.

But although Iga Ichirei also wanted to, he was now suffering a serious loss.

He only had 3,800 demons left.

"No, we can't let our demons charge this time." At this time, Iga Ichirei had a new countermeasure.

Only then was he willing to come out to see Tieshanjun.

Seeing that he didn't come out, Tieshanjun felt a little regretful. He was about to leave when he heard Iga Ire's voice again.

"Tieshanjun, you're here now, don't leave in a hurry."

After hearing this, Tieshanjun felt that things were going to work, and immediately smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll obey your orders."

Tieshanjun and Iga Ire entered the tent together.

"Tieshanjun, I heard from my subordinates that you came to see me several times."

"Yes." Tieshanjun said depressedly, "It's just that you are always in seclusion, which made me run several times in vain."

"Hehe, isn't it, I'm thinking about how to deal with Carl?"

"What method?" Tieshanjun was very curious and looked at Iga Ire.

"It's very simple, we can do this..."

"Hey, this is a good idea, and then, we will hold the line, hehe, this time, Carl and the others will be dead."

After the two guys reached a consensus, they both laughed sinisterly and became very scary.

"However, we can't just leave it like this. We have to make better preparations to avoid falling into their trap."

"Okay, you tell me." Tieshanjun was overjoyed when he saw that he had another idea.

"It's very simple. We can do this..."

"Hahaha, this time, they are completely finished." Tieshanjun admired Iga Ire's strategy even more.

"Okay, since you want to do this, let's make preparations first."

"Well, just tell me how you need me to cooperate."


Tieshanjun and Iga Ire are one body, and they will prosper together and suffer together.

Tieshanjun was eager to take revenge, but he didn't have as good a solution as Iga Ire. The only thing he could think of was how to prevent the charge from being cracked.

However, Iga Ire wanted to uproot Carl's camp directly without leaving any room.

Next, Iga Ire began to send shadow monsters to secretly contact the leaders of all parties.

And all this, naturally, could not be hidden from the prince and Li Taihang.

After hearing the news, the prince said, "See, I told you, we don't have to worry about it."

The prince even looked forward to it.

He expected that the two orthodox armies would suffer greater losses, and because they would attract more demons to join, he was afraid that more demons would die.

Suddenly, the prince was thinking, when the battle is over, should he intervene and take all the supplies?

But in the end, he gave up. Once he took these supplies, it meant that he allowed this situation to exist.

At that time, he couldn't explain it clearly.

So the prince pretended to be stupid again.

After Li Taihang learned the news, he also summoned all the senior leaders to discuss how to deal with the current dilemma.

"It seems that they are planning to unite with other leaders to deal with us."

An frowned and looked up at Li Taihang and Liu Jian.

"This is really disadvantageous to us." Gu Ji also sighed.

Unless they reveal their strength, it will be difficult to win.

"This matter is actually not complicated." Liu Jian said: "Unless those leaders are stupid and want to act as cannon fodder for these two orthodox ones."

"So, I think we can also lobby them."

"In addition, we should show our strength appropriately and let them know that once they act as running dogs of the orthodox, the end will be very dangerous."

Liu Jian said his idea.

After listening to this, the other senior leaders all nodded in agreement.

"But who should we send to persuade them this time?"

"I'll go?" Mei'er said.

With her strength, she can protect herself.

She wants to escape, and no leader can stop her.

"Okay." Li Taihang looked at Mei'er and said, "I'll leave this matter to you. In addition, I plan to invite them to visit our military exercise."

"Military exercise?"

Hearing the word "military exercise", they all looked at Li Taihang in confusion.

"It's just a show of muscle, just as the military advisor said, to deter them."

Li Taihang thought, this way, more time can be gained.

As long as there is enough time, even if they only have 2,000 people, they will still make the entire demon world feel terrified.

"I will draft a specific charter for how to do it, and then the military advisor and several captains will cooperate."

"Yes! Leader."

Soon, Li Taihang's operation was also completed.

And those leaders were a little resistant at first after being invited by Iga Ichire.

But when he saw the benefits he promised, he was immediately tempted.

However, just as Iga Ichirei's Shadow Demon Clan left, Mei'er also came.

Under her lobbying, those cautious leaders decided to give up cooperation with Iga Ichirei.

However, the most important thing now is to see the results of the military exercise.

Once the effect of the military exercise is shown, let alone these leaders not following, even Iga Ichirei and Tieshanjun will have to think about it.

However, in Li Taihang's plan, this battle must be fought.

Therefore, the strength he showed will not be too strong, so that they will not give up.

In addition, those greedy leaders will be cleared away.

In this way, their subsequent growth will become easier.

By then, who in the entire demon army will not act according to their faces?

"By then, it will be you, Prince." Li Taihang sneered in his heart.

The prince knew everything that happened, but he still acquiesced to it.

He was thinking, what will the prince's face look like when he becomes stronger?

In the next few days, both sides tried to win over and persuade each other.

And the target was naturally the leaders.

This made the leaders all worried.

They couldn't afford to offend the orthodox, and the newly born Karl Camp was also very powerful.

So, they could only remain neutral for now.

However, some leaders agreed.

In order to survive, they even wanted to take advantage of the Karl Camp and let them provide food, so they would not participate in the war.

But Li Taihang was not stupid, so he would never agree.

"Those guys are looking for death." Kalina was a little angry when she heard the news.

"It's normal for them to take advantage of the fire to rob." Li Taihang was open-minded.

"Then should we be robbed by them?"

"Didn't this fail?"

"Humph, in my opinion, after this battle, we must deal with these guys."

"No problem." Li Taihang also had this idea.

And because of Li Taihang's interference, Iga Ichiri's plan was not very smooth.

He was very depressed, not knowing how the news leaked out.

But it was useless to think about it now.

"Military exercise?" He sneered when he learned about another trump card of Li Taihang.

"We can do this, and even better than you."

In his opinion, they were the most professional.

However, they never expected that Li Taihang's military exercise was different from what they imagined.

"Tell Tieshan Jun that we will go and see it when the time comes." Iga Yili said to the shadow demon in front of him.

"Okay, leader." The shadow demon immediately retreated.

And all the demons were waiting for the military exercise to be held in five days.

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