"Iga Yili, Lord Tieshan pays homage to His Highness the Prince." The two leaders knelt down and bowed.

This time, their attitude was obviously much better than before.

When I came to ask for food from him before, I almost cried, made trouble and hanged myself.

It's quite peaceful now.

The prince sat on the throne, glanced at them, stretched out his hand and said, "Get up."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Tell me, what is the purpose of your coming?" His Highness the Prince asked straight to the point without asking them any questions.

They both looked at each other.

Iga stood up and said, "Your Highness, do you know about the military exercises at Camp Karl?"


"Your Highness, this Karl is afraid of being disloyal." Iga said with a serious salute.

After hearing this, the prince narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the two of them, which immediately put great pressure on them both.

The cold sweat on their foreheads also began to flow out.

"Do you have any evidence?"

There was annoyance in the prince's voice. Obviously, he hates this happening.

"The items in their military exercises all have unknown origins," Iga continued.

Before coming, he had already talked with Tieshan Jun.

What happened in Karl's camp was too incredible.

Therefore, they have already made excuses.

"Then what else do you want to say?" His Highness the Prince's tone became calmer.

At this time, a succubus came to His Highness the Prince with a glass of bloody wine and handed it to the Prince.

The prince also tasted it carefully and wanted to hear what these two guys wanted to say?

"We feel that Karl's military configuration is a threat to His Highness the Prince. If he is really loyal to His Highness, I think he should hand over everything and tell the source of these supplies."

"Yes." Tieshan Jun also agreed.

If they could know, this would be a great good thing for them. By then, they would be able to create some armies as powerful as Karl.

At the same time, in order to demonstrate their orthodox status, these miscellaneous leaders are not allowed to continue to possess such weapons and equipment.

Otherwise, this is rebellion.

But they are orthodox, but they can obtain these weapons and equipment, even if not all, but some.

By then, their orthodox status will still be unrivaled.

After hearing this, His Highness the Prince felt a little moved. He felt that what Iga Yirei and Tieshan Jun said made sense.

"You're right."

Iga Yili and Tieshanjun were overjoyed after hearing this.

"But, who should handle this matter?" the prince said suddenly.

Iga Yili and Tieshanjun were slightly startled.

Isn't it enough that you just issue an order yourself?

As long as Karl is handed over to the army, at least hand over all the weapons and equipment, and then tell the source of the supply and that no equipment will be allowed in the future, it can prove that he has no disobedience.

But their idea was very good, but they didn't expect the prince to ask this.

"I wonder what His Highness the Prince means?" Iga asked cautiously.

"Let's do this. You guys can help me find out, and then I'll make a decision."

His Royal Highness just threw the ball to them.

In fact, His Highness the Prince is also a little worried. Since they mentioned it, it is up to them to implement it.

Suddenly, the faces of Iga Yirei and Tieshan Jun turned dark.

How did this happen to them?

Some of them didn't want to do it. After all, who didn't know the grudge between them and Karl.

What if they go and Karl kills them?

"Okay, you two, if you have no objections, go and deal with this matter quickly." His Highness the Prince said calmly: "If the matter is successful, I will naturally not forget your contribution."

Iga Yirei and Tieshan Jun immediately grimaced.

"Go on, I have to get busy."

Then, the prince found an excuse and left the hall.

After the prince left, Iga Yili and Tieshan Jun immediately looked at each other.

She originally planned to take advantage of the prince, but unexpectedly, the prince took advantage of her instead.

The prince is actually not stupid either.

Could he not know that these two guys didn't have any good intentions? Naturally, they will not be used as weapons.

So, in the end, the ball was kicked back to Iga Kazei and Tetsama-kun.

They left the castle with a grimace.

"Iga, what do you think we should do?" Tieshan Jun said depressedly.

Who doesn't know that the hatred between them and Karl is too dangerous.

Iga smiled bitterly and said, "His Royal Highness the Prince has given an order, can we not do it?"

"..." Mr. Tieshan hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

"Okay, when we get back, let's not go there in person, just send a representative." Iga Yili didn't dare to joke with his own life.

Therefore, he quickly came up with a countermeasure.

Tieshan Jun's eyes also lit up, and he suddenly felt that Iga Yirei's idea was a good one.

So, the two of them returned to their respective camps and made an appointment to send representatives to have a look after meeting for a few days.

The reason why I spent a few days was just to see what was going on at Carl’s camp.

As a result, there was no movement at Carr's camp for several days.

Now, apart from the demons guarding the city wall, everyone can see nothing else.

However, the prince became impatient and sent his steward to urge them.

At this time, Yijia had no choice but to call Tieshanjun, and then sent two demons to go.

The two demons were also unlucky. When they heard that they were going to convey the will of His Royal Highness the Prince, they were so scared that their legs and feet trembled.

"How can we be the messenger of His Royal Highness the Prince?" Shadow Demon Mountain said fearfully.

"I heard that the Karl camp is very cruel. Alas, last time we had 800 brothers, only two came back alive." The demon turtle Tieban said.

"But we can't not go."


Thinking of their leader's pitiful look, they felt that the grass on their graves had grown.

The two demons trembled and came to the outside of the Karl camp.

When they saw the huge wall in front of them, they all looked up, which was a little unimaginable.

"What a high wall."

"No matter how high it is, it's not as high as those humans."

At this time, the appearance of the two of them was also seen by the patrolling guards.

"Who is it? What are you doing?"

A group of crossbowmen pointed their crossbows at them, and they were so scared that they quickly raised their hands.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of your coming here."

Tiepan's mouth trembled, and he couldn't say it clearly: "I, I... I... That..."

Seeing this, Shanxia pushed him away and said: "Well, hello, we are here to see you on the order of the prince."


The demons looked at each other when they heard it.

Now, they are not interested in this so-called prince. It's just that they have to respect the prince because of their status.

"In this case, tell me, what is the prince's order?" The demon captain on the wall asked again.

"This... Can you let us go in and talk?" Shanxia said flatteringly.

They came here for another purpose, which is to see the internal situation of Karl's camp.


But at this moment, they heard a shouting from inside.

"One, two, one, two, one, two, three, four!"

It turned out that the heavy armored soldiers were training their physical strength, which would give them a better chance of winning in future battles.

"What's that sound?"

"I don't know!"

"Okay, say it if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to say." The demon captain said impatiently: "Otherwise, don't blame us for shooting you."

Li Taihang had already explained that if His Royal Highness the Prince did not send his men personally, they would ignore them, and even shoot them when necessary.

As for the reason, they suspected that they were pretending.

And if His Royal Highness the Prince's men came, they would receive them.

So, the demon captain obviously did not have a good face.

"Ah, this..."

"Hurry up and say it, otherwise, we will shoot." The demon captain raised his hand, and the crossbows were aimed at the two of them again.

"Ah, okay, I, I will say." Shanxia trembled all over, and forgot what their leader had told him.

They read out His Royal Highness the Prince's orders.

"First, all weapons and equipment in the Karl Camp must be handed over to His Royal Highness.

Second, the Karl Camp must provide a source of supply.

Third, the Karl Camp must not purchase similar weapons and equipment again.

Fourth, the Karl Camp must apologize to the orthodox Iron Turtle Clan and Shadow Demon Clan.

Fifth, the Karl Camp must compensate the Iron Turtle Clan and Shadow Demon Clan.

Sixth, the Karl Camp needs to hand over all weapons and equipment to the Iron Turtle Clan and Shadow Demon Clan, and these two clans will hand them over to His Royal Highness."

After hearing this, the demon captain above was furious.

"Damn it, is this bullying our ragtag army? They actually asked us to hand over all the things? You are dreaming!"

The demon captain had Li Taihang's order, so he refused without hesitation.

"Get out of here, if you don't get out, we will send you to death." The demon captain cursed.

Shanxia and Tieban didn't dare to say more, and ran away quickly.

Anyway, they had already said it.

This naturally includes the selfishness of the Iron Turtle Clan and the Shadow Demon Clan. If this thing succeeds, then it seems that it is not a problem for these two clans to take out some of these weapons and equipment.

If it fails, it doesn't matter, just report this matter.

They think that His Royal Highness will not blame them.

Looking at the two guys who fled in embarrassment, the demon captain cursed with disdain.

"Want to rob our things? No way!"

After Yamashita and Tieban brought the news back, Iga Ichiri and Tieshanjun looked at each other.

Although they knew the result of the matter, they were still a little shocked.

"This damn Carl didn't even give His Royal Highness the face." Tieshanjun cursed.

"Hehe. It's just right that he didn't give it. We will tell this matter to His Royal Highness and see what he says."

"Well, good idea."

Anyway, they have already said that it was the other party who didn't even let them enter the door.

This can't be blamed on them.

"Let's go meet His Royal Highness the Prince."


Iga Ichirei and Tieshanjun headed towards the castle again.

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