Andreen believed Li Taihang's words without a doubt.

He followed Li Taihang silently.

They were walking towards Andreen's home.

At the same time, Andreen began to feel anxious.

Because he found more alien species, and the closer they were to their home, the more alien species there were.

If Li Taihang hadn't been fighting in the front, he wouldn't even be able to get out of the forest.

"My home is outside the forest. I wonder how my family is doing now?"

At this time, Andreen was extremely anxious.

He was very worried about the safety of his family.

He had an old partner and two grandchildren who were fostered at home. If something unexpected happened, how could he explain it to his children?

So, Andreen was also very afraid that something would happen to them.

Li Taihang saw Andreen's anxiety and said, "You don't have to worry. Your family is still alive."

"You, how did you know?"

"Because I am the president of the Light of Hope, I am very powerful and can predict future events."


If someone else said this, Andreen might think that the other person was crazy.

But when the target was Li Taihang, Andreen suddenly felt that this might be true.

"Well, that's good."

Andreen chose to believe Li Taihang, but the road was still a long way to go. For the first time, he regretted going to see the black-haired monster.

Now, if Li Taihang hadn't been there, he would have died long ago, and he couldn't follow Li Taihang and rush towards home.



Suddenly, a lot of alien species emerged from all around and rushed towards them.

Seeing this, Li Taihang also frowned.

"Strange, not only are these alien species abnormal, but the number seems to be a bit too much?"

"Moreover, these alien species seem to be targeting Andreen."

"Could it be that something has happened?"

Li Taihang killed these alien species again, and looked at the corpses of alien species everywhere on the ground, and suddenly felt a little confused.

So, he calculated slightly, and then he found a serious problem.

"The inner demon has discovered something, and it is actually starting to take action to eliminate the existence in this world that may affect his plan."

After Li Taihang calculated the actions of the inner demon, he also knew why Andreen was targeted.

At present, in addition to the people he took away to the villa on the top of the mountain, only Andreen is left, who can pose a threat to the inner demon.

So, after it discovered Andreen's existence, it began to attack Andreen.

"Because of me, the Heart Demon only figured out Andreen, and it didn't find the others."

"However, if they leave Songjing Mountain, they will still be discovered."

But the Heart Demon didn't find Li Taihang, because the swordsmanship Li Taihang used this time did not add any power, but was a pure display of power.

So, in the Heart Demon's view, Andreen was awakened, and then, with his brute force, he killed one alien species after another.

And the place where he may have awakened was the attack of the black-haired monster on Andreen, which made him awaken in despair and kill the black-haired monster.

The Heart Demon's idea was as above.

Li Taihang couldn't help but feel fortunate that he didn't use any divine power.

Otherwise, the other party would definitely find him.

"It seems that the Heart Demon has become stronger again. In the next battle, I can't let him find it, and I can't use my own power anymore."

"I can use some primitive attack methods to fight, so that it is the safest way."

Through this situation, Li Taihang also had an idea about his next move.

The inner demon, who was unaware of all this, finally reacted after seeing so many alien species being killed by Andrean.

It began to mobilize alien species to attack Andrean's home.

However, at this time, Li Taihang and Andrean had already arrived at Andrean's home.

"Old woman, grandson."

After Andrean entered the house, he immediately looked for the whereabouts of several people.


Andrean's wife, Ronnie, was folding clothes in the room upstairs.

Hearing his voice, she hurried out.

"Andrean, what's wrong with you?"

"Grandpa, we're in the room."

The voices of the two grandsons also came from the next room.

The two grandsons were playing with toys in their room.

Seeing that they were all safe and sound, Andrean was relieved.

"Oh, it's okay." Andrean was relieved.

Ronnie rolled her eyes at him and also noticed the existence of Li Taihang.

She looked at Li Taihang with some doubts, and said to Andreen: "Hey, Andreen, is this a guest?"


"Oh, guest, welcome to our home."

"His name is Li Taihang."

"Well, Mr. Li, please come in, let's go downstairs and sit down."


Originally, Li Taihang wanted Andreen to see the situation at home.

However, he was very surprised to find that all the members of their family were real humans.

However, when they were going downstairs, Li Taihang sensed the approach of aliens again.

"There are aliens coming."

They had just gone downstairs when Li Taihang found that aliens were approaching quickly.

Li Taihang said: "It's too late to rest now, Andreen, I will help you awaken now, and your family can also awaken, and I will help them awaken together."

"Ah, good!"

When Andreen heard that the aliens were coming, he was immediately numb.

He realized that the trouble had followed his home.

But after hearing what Li Taihang said, he suddenly realized new hope.

"Thank you."

"No need."

Li Taihang helped Andreen awaken, and didn't care about Roni who was full of doubts on the side.

Roni was a little surprised to see that the man of her family suddenly had a change in his body.

It seems that he has become much stronger?

"Oh, my God! What happened? Andreen, I found that you are stronger!"

"Haha, Roni, I also found that I am stronger, thanks to Mr. Li."

"Okay, Andreen, you go to deal with those aliens outside, I will help your family awaken first."

"Okay!" Andreen felt his own strength after Li Taihang helped him awaken.

At the same time, he winked at his wife and said, "Cooperate with Mr. Li with all your strength."

"Oh, okay." Ronnie seemed to realize that something bad was about to happen.

Seeing her wife's serious look, she also cooperated with Li Taihang's actions seriously.

And Andreen went to help them and buy time.

Li Taihang and Ronnie went upstairs together and went to the two children's room.

"Time is tight, I will explain it briefly, you just need to cooperate with me." Li Taihang said to the three people in the room.

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