After more than two days of traveling, Li Taihang finally arrived at the foot of Xuantian Sect. He did not travel with others, so he was faster. "Fortunately, the journey was relatively safe, otherwise, it would be a bit troublesome." On the way here, he also heard that there were bandits robbing the road, but he did not encounter them. It is estimated that the single target is small, and he also dressed himself up in a more old-fashioned way, so no one targeted him. However, Li Taihang did not know that he had escaped a disaster unexpectedly. At this time, on a certain mountain road leading to Xuantian Sect, a group of bandits stopped several teenagers who were going to Xuantian Sect and said, "Hand over your belongings and I will spare your life."

"I, we have no money."

"Yes, brother, you see, we are all children from poor families, where can we have money?"

"Bah, you go out without money? No one will believe it. I don't believe you are like that bastard before, who didn't bring money and scattered paper money all the way, making us brothers feel unlucky. Anyway, if you can't pay, I will kill you."


These unlucky guys had to hand over all their money and were allowed to leave.

"Is this Xuantian Sect?"

At this time, at the foot of Xuantian Sect, Li Taihang looked up and felt that the mountain was so high, towering into the clouds, and he couldn't see the top at all. If he wanted to climb, with his physique, he would have to sacrifice half his life.

"Fortunately, I have enough supplies, and I can take a break if I am tired on the road." Li Taihang began to walk up the mountain.

At this time, he noticed several figures at the foot of the mountain. They seemed to have come from other towns. Li Taihang suddenly thought that this time, Xuantian Sect's recruitment of new disciples seemed to be much simpler than usual, and the number was much larger.

Even several nearby towns have recruited many boys and girls.

Li Taihang glanced at them, and they also glanced at Li Taihang. They only felt that Li Taihang was tall and handsome, and had a good temperament.

These boys and girls did not dare to provoke Li Taihang.

Li Taihang just smiled at them and then went up the mountain.

"Brother in front, please wait a moment."

At this time, Li Taihang heard someone behind him calling him.

He stopped and looked over.

It was the two men and two women just now. Their faces were red and swollen, and there was sweat on their foreheads. Obviously, they were also very tired along the way.

"What's up?"

"Hello, my name is Lu Tong, I'm from Qingshan Town, may I know what you call me, big brother?" Lu Tong looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, and was the oldest among the group.

"Li Taihang, Luoyue Town."

"Oh, Luoyue Town, it's our neighboring town." Lu Tong showed his delight, and said, "These people are like me, we are all from Qingshan Town, her name is Lu Qingyao, she is my sister, this is Sun Bohu, this is Li Yueniang."

Lu Tong introduced everyone, and they got to know each other.

Lu Qingyao looked at Li Taihang with some admiration, and felt that Li Taihang was so tall and mighty.

And Sun Bohu was also a strong young man, but compared to Li Taihang, he was a little bit inferior. In fact, Li Taihang's figure was just tall compared to them.

However, compared to his peers, Li Taihang was actually quite thin, but he was taller than the short ones, which made them think he was tall.

As for Li Yueniang, she looked a little shy when she saw Li Taihang. She lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Li Taihang.

"Brother Li, let's go together." Lu Tong suggested.

Li Taihang glanced at Lu Tong. Lu Tong gave him the feeling that he was a very smart guy and probably talked a lot. If Li Taihang guessed correctly, this guy probably saw that he was tall and strong. If Li Taihang was there, they would be relatively safer and would have better care on the way.

Li Taihang thought about it and said, "Okay."

Because he felt that although these guys had some ideas, their minds were not that complicated. It would not be so boring if more people followed them along the way.

So, the five of them continued to climb the mountain.

"Mountain climbing is the first test given to us by Xuantian Sect. If we cannot enter Xuantian Sect within the specified time, we will lose the qualification to enter Xuantian Sect."

"Now, we must rush to the mountain gate of Xuantian Sect before sunset."

"This place is more than a thousand feet away from the mountain gate, and it is still more than a thousand feet away from the sun.

There are still two hours left, which means that we have to walk at least three hundred feet every half an hour. "

"On the surface, the time is enough, but the higher the mountain is, the harder it is to climb." Lu Tong sighed.

Three hundred feet is more than a thousand meters in height, and half an hour is one hour, and the time required to climb more than a thousand meters is about 20 to 30 minutes, which depends on each person's physical fitness.

With Li Taihang's physical fitness, there is no problem, but the problem is that the higher you go up the mountain, the more oxygen you consume, and the easier it is to get tired.

"Now, we must speed up. "

However, there is a problem here, that is, people in this world can cultivate immortality, and the reason why they can cultivate immortality is because of the existence of spiritual energy.

This also means that these people with spiritual roots do not actually spend so much time when they are on the road. Some people can even walk 1,000 meters in less than 10 minutes.

Li Taihang's spiritual root is attributeless and a first-grade spiritual root. He estimates that his speed will take at least 20 minutes, and the higher he goes, the longer this time will be.

"It seems that just by climbing the mountain, you can also judge a person's aptitude to a certain extent. "Li Taihang took a deep breath and started climbing.

They didn't say anything else. Following Li Taihang, a group of people began to climb up.

They didn't rush along the way, after all, they still had enough time. And along the way, they also met people from other towns. Some of them were very fast and passed them, and some were also resting halfway and watching them pass them.

"There are five ways to climb the mountain, but all the roads eventually lead to the direction of the mountain gate. The one we took is the main road, and there are more people walking on it. Some roads are actually very dangerous. If you are not familiar with it, it is easy to get into trouble. "When they were resting, Lu Tong told everyone some things about climbing the mountain.

Li Taihang was a little surprised. He didn't know how this kid knew so many things.

However, he didn't ask more questions. After all, some things should not be said, and some things should not be asked.

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