In the evening, Li Taihang was already a little late. Majia and Silly Bird followed Li Taihang to Xiong Er's cave. Xiong Er was sleeping soundly when he suddenly found a strange breath. He looked up and saw a giant bird king. He was stunned. Then, he saw a giant crocodile king. Suddenly, his eyes widened. When he saw Li Taihang coming back lying on the giant crocodile king, he was so surprised that his jaw dropped. "Ah? Are we here?"

Li Taihang yawned, got off Majia, then looked at the bear spirit and said, "Xiong Er, Majia, Silly Bird, get ready to eat."

"By the way, Xiong Er, these are my two new pets, Majia and Silly Bird. They will be your bosses in the future, okay?"

Majia and Silly Bird nodded, but Silly Bird's eyes were filled with a hint of sadness.

When the bear spirit saw Li Taihang's behavior, he guessed that it was Li Taihang who subdued them.

He couldn't help but admire Li Taihang very much, and at the same time, he secretly felt lucky that he was the first to become Li Taihang's pet, and the other two were behind him.

This gave it a natural sense of superiority.

Then, Li Taihang calculated the appetite of the three big guys and said, "How much can you eat?"

"Oh, forget it, you can't talk, it's useless to ask."

After that, Li Taihang waved his hand, and a pile of roasted suckling pigs suddenly appeared on the ground.

The fragrance drifted far away.

Li Taihang didn't even look at it, and said, "You guys eat, I'll go in and rest for a while."

Seeing the roasted suckling pig like a mountain of meat, Xiong Er had already rushed up excitedly, picked up one, and ate it up.

The vest and the silly bird were stunned.

They seemed to have never seen such a domineering human, who actually provided them with such rich and delicious food?

"Woo woo." Crocodile tears.

"Woo woo." The tears of the giant bird monster king.

If I had known that the master was so awesome and treated so well, I wouldn't have complained to the master. After being beaten and threatened, my little heart almost stopped.

Especially the giant bird monster king, who wanted to die, actually got the name of a stupid bird.



Then, the two of them turned their grief and anger into appetite, and ate them in big mouthfuls, one by one, which made Xiong Er unable to eat.

It looked at itself, and it was holding a roasted suckling pig, biting and eating one by one.

These two are simply beasts.

The giant crocodile king bit a roasted suckling pig, swallowed it from head to tail, and swallowed it all.

Look at the giant bird monster king again, who is even more of a beast among beasts. Relying on his tall and strong body, he picked up a roasted suckling pig, threw it, opened it, and swallowed it. Well, the roasted suckling pig was gone.

This speed is simply too fast.

When Xiong Er came to his senses, he found that the roasted suckling pig like a hill had no hilltop.

"Ahhh." Xiong Er immediately started to bite quickly as if he had a motor in his mouth.

He thought to himself that he must not be slower than them, otherwise, how could he be their boss?

After a while, Li Taixing came out, and he was about to say something to them.

Suddenly, he saw that the three of them were lying on the ground with their stomachs facing up, burping one after another, looking very satisfied.

"It seems that the amount is a bit large, and we should reduce it appropriately next time."

Li Taixing didn't want them to be overfed.

Otherwise, it would be bad for their digestion, and if there was a sudden battle, these three idiots would become decorations, which would be useless.

Then, Li Taixing didn't forget to remind them: "No one can come in without me calling, and Xiong Er, keep an eye on those two idiots and don't let them cause trouble. In addition, you three should keep a close eye on the door for me tonight."

Xiong Er stretched out his hand and waved it, indicating that he had received it.

Li Taixing yawned and went back to the cave to sleep.

They didn't know that on a big tree, Wang Xuanwu was looking at the three pets who were full of food. She bit a chicken butt and tears were streaming down her face.

"No, I will make sure my disciple compensate me with a few hundred roasted chickens later."

The next morning, Li Taihang got up.

He came outside and saw a large open space a few dozen meters ahead.

Silly Bird was holding Vest, and Xiong Er rested his head on Vest's belly. He felt cold, so he reached out and pulled a feather of Silly Bird and covered himself with it. Silly Bird was very cold.

Shivered, but continued to sleep as if he didn't notice.

Seeing the appearance of these three pets, Li Taihang felt for the first time that the copied pets were more reliable. These three idiots only knew how to eat and sleep every day, and they didn't even know how they died.

Li Taihang's mind moved, and suddenly, dozens of giant bird monsters appeared, dozens of giant crocodile kings appeared, and dozens of bear spirits appeared.

"Go, beat them up."

Under Li Taihang's command, they surged and pounced on the three pets sleeping comfortably in the open space in front.

"Bang, bang, snap, bang!"


A series of screams rang out, and soon, the three pets were dragged in front of Li Taihang by their respective "twin brothers".

However, at this moment, their faces were bruised and swollen, and they could no longer see their original appearance. They were all fat like the roast suckling pigs before.

"Do you know why I want to beat you?" Li Taihang stared at them viciously.

Seeing Li Taihang angry, they all shuddered and stood up one by one. Even the giant crocodile king stood up quickly when he saw the other two companions standing. This was the first time he learned to stand on two feet.

"Damn it, I asked you to guard the door, but you all huddled together for warmth and slept together?"

"Are you sleeping comfortably?" Li Taihang smiled at Xiong Er.

Xiong Er nodded quickly when he saw Li Taihang smiling.

"Still comfortable?" Li Taihang suddenly roared, scaring them to shudder again.

"Now, I have to punish you!" Li Taihang's words made the three pets confused.

Isn't the beating just now considered a punishment?

"Silly bird, you crawl like Ma Jia." Li Taihang pointed at the silly bird.

The silly bird was shocked. How could this be possible? His face turned red and he looked ashamed.


"Woo woo."

Ma Jia and Xiong Er laughed immediately. However, Li Taihang's eyes fell on the two of them again.

"Ma Jia, you learn to walk straight like Xiong Er."

Ma Jia's face turned green. He had just laughed at others, but he didn't expect it would be his turn.

After hearing this, Xiong Er burst into laughter.

"Xiong Er, it's funny, isn't it?"

Xiong Er stopped laughing immediately, but he still held it back and couldn't help laughing again with a "puff".

"You, learn to fly like Silly Bird." Li Taihang pointed at Silly Bird and said.

Xiong Er was dumbfounded. Looking at his two bear paws, how could he fly?

"Who doesn't do it? I will ask their brothers to take care of it."

As soon as Li Taihang finished speaking, all the summoned replica pets began to show off their muscles and bodies.

"..." Xiong Er, Silly Bird, Ma Jia.

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