After a few days, the trial land was opened.

Early in the morning, Li Taihang was called up by Wang Xuanwu.

Li Taihang was very curious and asked, "Master, why did you get up so early today?"

"Nonsense, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Remember, after going to the trial land, you must collect more good things, as many as you can, don't waste, even for the ranking."

"Master, why is this?"

"Bullshit, don't worry about it, just do it."

"Okay." Li Taihang had no choice but to obey the master's order.

After dinner, they went to Wanhua Mountain together again.

Together with the Seventh Elder Zhu Qing and her direct disciple Lu Xueruo, they went to the trial site.

What surprised Li Taihang was that Zhu Qing did not let other disciples participate except Lu Xueruo.

"Sister Lu, don't you have many disciples? Why are you the only one participating?" Li Taihang was curious and quietly inquired.

Lu Xueruo smiled slightly and said, "Actually, if it weren't for the sect's request, I wouldn't want to go either."

The disciples of Wanhua Mountain need to improve their alchemy skills rather than fighting.

But in order to complete the sect's tasks, they would send Lu Xueruo to participate every time.

First, Lu Xueruo understands the situation inside;

Second, Lu Xueruo's strength is the strongest, and her identity can just represent the entire Wanhua Mountain;

Third, it is to collect some spiritual herbs.

After understanding, Li Taihang didn't say anything more and went to the trial site with them.

At this time, in the trial site, except for the sect master and the elders on a high platform, all the other disciples who participated in the trial were standing in the square below.

Li Taihang took a look and saw that there were thousands of people.

"There are really a lot of people."

However, Li Taihang felt that the eyes staring at him were somewhat unfriendly.

Li Taihang didn't understand at first.

He looked at Wang Xuanwu.

Wang Xuanwu greeted him with a smile.

Looking at the unfriendly eyes of the other elders, Li Taihang understood something in an instant.

"It seems that this trial will not be peaceful." Li Taihang sighed lightly.

Li Taihang knew without thinking that

the disciples of these big guys would definitely take this opportunity to deal with him severely.

And Lu Xueruo also noticed the eyes around her, but she knew that their eyes were all on Li Taihang.

So, Lu Xueruo whispered: "Junior Brother Li, after entering the trial ground, follow me, I can help you solve most of the troubles."

However, Lu Xueruo was alone, so the amount she could help Li Taihang was very limited.

However, Li Taihang didn't care and smiled: "Thank you, Senior Sister Lu."

Afterwards, after everyone arrived, Zhao Wentian looked at the great elder Lin Feiyi.

Lin Feiyi walked to the edge of the temple and said to the disciples below: "Everyone, welcome to the trial ground to participate in this trial."

"The rules of this trial are the same as in previous years, winning by points."

"You can get corresponding points by killing fierce beasts."

"The higher the realm of the fierce beasts killed, the more points you get."

"The rules for points are as follows: Killing a fierce beast in the body refining realm will get 10 points, killing a fierce beast in the Qi gathering realm will get 20 points, killing a fierce beast in the foundation building realm will get 200 points, killing a fierce beast in the golden elixir realm will get 1000 points, killing a fierce beast in the Nascent Soul realm will get 5000 points..."

"In this trial ground, killing each other is prohibited. Violators will be expelled from the sect at the least, and will be punished with life for life at the worst, and will also implicate their master."

"..." After Lin Feiyi explained the rules of this time to everyone, he also talked about some precautions in it and the rewards for getting a ranking after this competition.

What Li Taihang cares about most is the reward for this mission.

According to Wang Xuanwu, he should get as much as he can.

So, Li Taihang naturally set his sights on the top rankings.

But this would also mean exposing his own strength.

However, Li Taihang thought to himself that he should hide as much as possible, or let Lu Xueruo take advantage.

After all, she also said that she would protect him, so it was reasonable to give her some hard work money.

"In addition, the top three in this ranking will be qualified for the sect competition, and in addition, they will also receive generous rewards.

Sect rewards. "

"As for the specific rewards..." Lin Feiyi looked at Wang Xuanwu, coughed lightly, and said: "We'll talk about the rewards when the time comes. Anyway, it's not bad."

According to past experience, Wang Xuanwu would have his eyes on these rewards.

So, this time Lin Feiyi learned to be smart.

However, Wang Xuanwu looked at him with disdain, thinking: "Who are you guarding against? Do you think I will be interested in your little reward?"

She has a super rich disciple, and now she doesn't have to take advantage of the sect.

She even dislikes the treatment given by the sect, looking like a nouveau riche.

After listening to it, Li Taihang was a little depressed, thinking: "Why don't you tell me the reward?"

Li Taihang was still thinking about looking at the rankings, but you told me to wait until I get it?

"Damn, you are kidding me." Li Taihang was speechless.

Then, he heard Lin Feiyi say: "Next, the sect master will give a speech. "

Zhao Wentian stood up and said, "The elder has already explained the specific matters. What I want to tell you now is that I wish you all a successful start and a triumphant return."

Zhao Wentian looked at Lin Feiyi.

Lin Feiyi continued, "Okay, let's thank the master for his speech."

"Now, all contestants, please open the trial tokens in your hands and teleport into the trial ground."

"It should be noted that this trial token is also a standard for testing your strength. Please don't lose it."

"In an emergency, you can also use it to save your life and withdraw from the trial, but it is equivalent to giving up the competition."

"Let's go, the trial starts, I wish you all the best!"

For a moment, white light flashed frequently on the square. Every time a white light appeared, it meant that a disciple disappeared on the square.

At this time, Lu Xueruo said, "Junior Brother Li, stretch out your hand. "

Li Taihang was a little confused.

But he still stretched out his hand obediently.

But he saw Lu Xueruo also stretched out her hand, holding Li Taihang's hand, and said: "When I say press the trial token, you press it."

"Okay, Senior Sister Lu."

"One, two, three, press."

Then, Li Taihang and Lu Xueruo pressed the trial token in their hands together, and then turned into a white light and disappeared on the spot.

After seeing Lu Xueruo bring Li Taihang in, Zhu Qing said to Wang Xuanwu beside him with some worry: "Fifth Elder, don't you worry about your disciple? I feel that many people will attack him this time."

"It's okay." Wang Xuanwu chewed melon seeds disapprovingly.

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