

The sound of water droplets falling to the ground sounded.

Let the already silent scene ignite, and everyone looks at Wang Shuang's crotch!


There are drops of yellow liquid dripping there!


He was actually scared to pee?

Even if you can't change your face before the collapse, at least you should have calmness!

This moment!

Everyone doubted whether Wang Shuang's education was real!

"Catch it!"

Chu He said coldly.


Zhao Yuan and Lu Feng quickly swept towards Wang Shuang, and the two of them lifted each other, who was already paralyzed, on the spot and walked towards the Chu River.

"Chu... My lord, Ben: According to

the Great Qian Law, you can't kill me for no reason..."

"If you really kill me, you are violating the Great Qian Law and provoking the Confucian Palace, and the above will definitely be held accountable."

Wang Shuang looked at the nearby Chu River and hurriedly roared.


Quickly move out of the Great Qian Law and Confucianism as a backer!


He is not saying nonsense: According to the Great Dry Law, no official force can innocently kill people!

This is an order issued by the imperial court to protect Confucianism, and at the same time, it is also a kind of respect for the Confucian Palace!

After all:

the strength of the Confucian Palace of the Great Qian Empire is extraordinary, and it is even one of the most important hubs for stability today!

To move on people for no reason is to provoke the Confucian Palace, and this crime is unaffordable for ordinary people!

Even Wang Long and the others just now never moved their minds to kill Chu Nan head-on, but they just planned to secretly kill each other behind their backs, for fear of provoking the Confucian Palace.



Many guests nodded when they heard Wang Shuang's words.

Worthy of lifting people!

Although he was a little out of shape just now, he was able to quickly analyze the situation at a critical moment and find a situation favorable to himself!

They all whispered:

"Wang Shuang is also smart enough, he moved out of the Great Qian Law and Confucianism on the spot, presumably Chu He did not dare to kill again."

"Indeed, originally Confucianism and Zhen Mosi did not deal with it, and once Chu He killed Wang Shuang, he would definitely face accountability."

"Raise people, how can the son of this sect not pass the exam, it seems that it is time to practice a few more trumpets."


Chushan downstairs!

Wang Shuang felt the praise expressions of everyone around him, and a hint of pride appeared on his face.

If you want to talk about knowledge, maybe he is the bottom of the existence in lifting people, but he can recite the benefits that lifting people can bring!

Right now!

He firmly believed:

the other party would never dare to do anything to him!

Think of this!

Wang Shuang's face actually showed a hint of arrogance!


When Chu He heard Wang Shuang's words, his face did not fluctuate at all.

Coldly said: "Body search!"


Zhao Yuan and Lu Feng nodded and answered.


Start an ultimate body search for Wang Shuang!

The brutal force made Wang Shuang's face extremely painful, and even his pants were ripped off by Lu Feng in public!


Everyone looked at Wang Shuang in unison!



A young girl trembled, her face was pale, her eyes were rolling her eyes, and she was soothed by the person next to her for a few times before she eased up.

"Beauty, what's wrong with you?"

"I... I get dizzy! "

Halo... Gee... It's like a needle indeed.

"I don't know what he is, just this... His daughter-in-law is not much different from a widow. "

For a while!

Everyone looked at Wang Shuang with a sarcastic expression.

That's it....

It's really half an hour.


"Ahhh... Don't even look..."

Wang Shuangqi roared madly, wanting to break free and escape, but without cultivation, how could he break free from the shackles of the two Zhen Demon Guards.


Let the eyes around him constantly scan him and despise him!

This moment!

Wang Shuang even has the heart to commit suicide!


He silently swore in his heart!

As long as he can survive this time, he must find an opportunity to take revenge back, and he wants to make the brothers Chu He and Chu Nan live better than die.


Next moment!

He saw Zhao Yuan take out a dagger from his arms and said, "

Sir, there is a situation!"


Zhao Yuan pointed to the pattern on the dagger and said, "This is white. The unique blood pattern of the Lotus Sect is used by higher believers. "

Wang Shuang this son actually carried Bai with him. The dagger of the Lotus Sect must be a remnant, I hope the adults will check it. He


Zhao Yuan handed the dagger to Chu He.

"Sure enough, it's white. The dagger of the Lotus Sect!

Chu He looked at the dagger and nodded, and looked at Wang Shuang and said, "According to the Great Dry Law, anyone who dares to be with Bai. Lotus Sect collusion, no matter what status, Zhen Mosi has the right to audit, if necessary: can be killed on the spot, you should understand. "

No... No!

"This dagger is not mine at all, it really is not mine."

Wang Shuang shook his head in horror, and when he saw Chu He's cold expression, he seemed to think of something: "Yes, you framed me, the dagger is yours, not mine."

"Chu He, if you turn black and white upside down in public and frame a new imperial examination person, you will inevitably be held accountable by the Confucian Academy."

Wang Shuang struggled madly, he felt that the opposite Chu River was going to strike and kill him at any time!


Zhao Yuan and Lu Feng looked at each other!


They all silently loosened their restraints on Wang Shuang!


Wang Shuang broke free on the spot, and his face was stunned at first, how could he break free from the shackles of the two Zhen Demon Guards.


Feel the killing intent of the Chu River in the rear!

He couldn't think too much about it, and immediately ran towards his father Wang Long's direction!

"Father... Save... Yes! A

scream rang out.


Wang Shuang, who had just run less than five meters, suddenly stopped in place, looking down at his heart with a look of disbelief.


A round hole appeared cutting off all his life!

Myself this is... He's dead?


Wang Shuang's figure fell to the ground, his eyes widened and dead!


Until death!

He didn't believe that he would fall today, his own banquet, the most beautiful time!


"This killed Wang Shuang, how can he also be a lifter, he will be killed on the spot."

"Chu He is also too domineering, is it true that he is not afraid that this matter will be held accountable by the Confucian Academy."

Many guests looked at the dead Wang Shuang with a shocked expression.


When they looked at Chu River, they turned into fear, fear, and couldn't stop trembling!

In their hearts: the current Chu He is completely a madman, and he does things recklessly!

Such an existence, coupled with its talent, strength, and status, is simply a demon that absolutely cannot be provoked.

At this time!

Chu He looked at Wang Shuang's dead corpse, and said coldly: "Wang Shuang

, a new scholar, colluded with the cult and fled privately

when he was arrested, and was killed on the spot by Chu He, the Demon Guard Baihu."

"Whether the Qinghai Gang, the gang behind it, is involved in this matter, this hundred households continue to investigate, and from this: report to the Yunzhou headquarters."

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